Israel is shuttering their embassies globally? Probably the only time I've ever considered using BREAKING! non-satirically. (
submitted 5.3 years ago by Nosfewratsjews
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Nosfewratsjews 5.3 years ago
Quick, someone tell the faggots at Voat's SRS embassy they can shut down (((SBBH)))!
NotHereForPizza 5.3 years ago
Give it a few days and you won't see upvotes for something like this any more.
They're currently priming new alts to use, guaranteed.
Rubbing their hands.. like hooknose Jews.
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Nosfewratsjews ago
Quick, someone tell the faggots at Voat's SRS embassy they can shut down (((SBBH)))!
NotHereForPizza ago
Give it a few days and you won't see upvotes for something like this any more.
They're currently priming new alts to use, guaranteed.
Nosfewratsjews ago
Rubbing their hands.. like hooknose Jews.