Israel-Did-9-11 ago

goyim know ;)

New-World-Ebola ago

It's an omen. Israel needs to be surrounded by missile shields to neutralise their samson option.

Shotinthedark ago

What do they know that we don't?

bitswitch ago

It’s a strike. Shekels before country. Reminds me of a certain NBA player.

shillaccount3344 ago

They get trillions from the US and yet don't pay their diplomats. Somethings fucky going on.

DerAngriff ago

Well they finally oy vey shut it down then. The tweet references the ministry of Finance. Did Mnuchin jew the jews out of their stipend?

Nosfewratsjews ago

It would be fucking hilarious if the Jews were cutting their lesser needed programs in some fairy land hypothetical where America cut off their fucking welfare at the American Citizens expense.

EyeOfHorus ago

You know they're lying when their excuse is that they got Jew'd by the Minister of Finance. Surreal they use that stereotype.

Due to the decision of the Ministry of Finance to breach understandings and to alter a protocol that has been in place for several decades, we are forced to close our Embassy.

No consular services will be provided and no one will be allowed to enter.

Israeli diplomats are committed at all times to strive to enhance Israel’s strength and resilience. Unfortunately, the decision of the MOF does not leave us any choice, since the vital interests of Israel have been harmed. We hope for prompt solving of this crisis.

Joel Lion

shillaccount3344 ago

They are flush with US cash. It's definitely deception of some sort.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Even Jews jew Jews.

AlphaOmega ago

The given reason is that Israel is refusing to pay their Embassy staff a reasonable wage and each location is shutting down as a result (like a strike). That’s how I interpreted it, anyway.

I could be wrong.

Wheatstone ago

Sounds like a cover story to me.

Nosfewratsjews ago

So.. you're saying.. the Jews are too jewey to pay their own Jew workers, so the Jew workers are rebelling against other Jews?

Holy shit this timeline just got real.

AlphaOmega ago

That appears to be the official story, yes. Who knows what the actual motive is?

Fancy451 ago

Bioweapons incoming.

he_found_wepon ago

Already plenty of those in the US, in the form of Dindu's.

shillaccount3344 ago

Well this is interesting. Is this for real?

The only way this makes sense is something big is about to happen.

Wheatstone ago

That was my thinking on the subject.

All embassies closed = big shit !

derram ago :

Joel Lion on Twitter: "All Israeli diplomatic representations all over the world are closing… "

This has been an automated message.

Wheatstone ago

The only time a nation does something like that is when they feel they are putting lives at risk by staying!

Is this meant to preempt a revelation of truth that will make this decision a necessity?

Is Israel about to get exposed as the world HQ of human trafficking, gangstalking, pharma killings and nation wrecking?

Is the white genocide going to be called off?!

jimibulgin ago

If Epstein got away scott-free, none of this stuff is going to happen.

NotHereForPizza ago

They were saved for last for a reason, fren.

Wheatstone ago

Poland has been in a bit of a spat with them lately.

What if the pols are about to release scientific evidence and records that dispute the holocaust?

What if Putin joins in and releases kremlin records?

What if others join in and the full story comes to light?!

The Israelis have done so much shit that it's becoming a liability. It's literally impossible to predict which scandal will eventually sink them.

Believableparadox123 ago

They want more money. The USA will cower and give it

shillaccount3344 ago

Maybe they are invading Iran and are worried about the backlash on their embassies.

Usually embassies close is during declarations of war. Although your idea is interesting as well.

crazy_eyes ago

but Israel will never invade Iran themselves, they will manipulate some other countries army to do it

shillaccount3344 ago

Good point. Probably a Bluff.

DeathToMing ago

hmm .. not an unreasonable idea .. you might be right

Phantom42 ago

Fucking Hell...

With Trump taking out these top ISIS guys, and us niggerfaggots finding plenty of reason to believe ISIS is an (((Israeli))) asset...

Makes you wonder if those operators found something and handed it off to Trump, and the (((Israelis))) found out.

There's been an odd ramp-up of shit going on lately, it's only a theory but it's nothing if not compelling.

Let's keep our eyes on this. Something is definitely going on.

Wheatstone ago

What if we are about to learn that Israel did 911 to manipulate us into fighting their wars!?

Lots of bad shit is making its way to the surface.

Lots of articles showing that people are frustrated with Jews and the push for our destruction.

Lots of Jews leaving Europe and heading for Israel.

Lots of Jews actually calling out Israel and the Jewish community for their crimes and racism.

Lots of news and public knowledge of gaslighting and narcissism, the tactics that Israel has been using agonist us all.

The news is all bad for Israel. But anyone of these scandals could end the Israeli state.

They have really backed themselves into a corner. The sins of the last century are about to be exposed.

TwistedSista ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

If the white genocide is called off then the Jew genocide better begin.

BlowjaySimpson ago

F posting 4 month account?

Get the fuck out newfag.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Transportation is a trick. Its us or them.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Quick, someone tell the faggots at Voat's SRS embassy they can shut down (((SBBH)))!

NotHereForPizza ago

Give it a few days and you won't see upvotes for something like this any more.

They're currently priming new alts to use, guaranteed.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Rubbing their hands.. like hooknose Jews.