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Obrez ago

Free speech online is dying and we're in the dark, of course users are concerned, I can't imagine putt has a lawsuit to shut down the site that he can't speak about publically to any degree, he could tell us something suspicions are running wild.

And don't pull the nigger card on this shit, Putt's the one who closed donations and won't make more merch efforts, even Murdoch Murdoch has merch.

The promise of voat being ad free was silly in the first place nobody had a problem with ads so long as it didn't lead to a corporate strangle hold on free speech. And I get that when you aren't advertising friendly it's mostly gonna be porn ads so only taking non porn ads by policy would have been about as restrictive as taking no ads in the first place but it'd help keep the lights on.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Funnest thing about this obvious Rotteuxx SBBH shill post is Voat has been offline in "Maintenance" mode for 90% of the day so far.

Muh-Shugana ago

I'm getting the impression that SBBH is voats version of SRS and similar groups.

Nosfewratsjews ago

It's hilarious to me that you'd say so. Just use and enter "SRS" and look at the number of posts by different users calling SBBH the SRS of Voat.

It's completely true.

Rotteuxx ago

Too scared to ping me faggot ?

jewsbadnews ago

You are a CIA/Mossad employee until proven otherwise.

Rotteuxx ago

empty claims of being a boogeyman

So Jewish of you.

Nosfewratsjews ago

And prevent your fun of refreshing the page with one hand while you jerk off to the fact that Joint Task Force Tel Aviv and Langley (AKA SBBH, AKA you) have ruined Voat?

I'm here for you, buddy. You don't scare anyone.

I noticed you ignored that Voat's been down most of the day. How (((convenient))).

Rotteuxx ago

So a post about people bitching on the downtime is ignoring the downtime ?

Top notch logic !

Nosfewratsjews ago

Most of the community knows SBBH's Joint Task Force Tel Aviv and Langley always propagandize the opposite of what they say. You really aren't fooling anyone.

Rotteuxx ago

Nice attempt at redirection, rabbi.

Nosfewratsjews ago

It's truly impossible for you to be serious, isn't it?

Rotteuxx ago

More redirection, answer the original query to move forward.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I'll take that as a yes, then.

Rotteuxx ago

It's your choice.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Choice is an illusion.

Rotteuxx ago

What happened to your strategy of throwing childish insults at me ?

Nosfewratsjews ago

All I've ever done is observe and point out your behavior.

Rotteuxx ago

And prevent your fun of refreshing the page with one hand while you jerk off to the fact that Joint Task Force Tel Aviv and Langley (AKA SBBH, AKA you) have ruined Voat?

Nosfewratsjews ago

I take it your argument is that SBBH does not run off Voat's content contributors? You'll have a hard time convincing me, or anyone else, of that.

It's clear to me that SBBH uses the old 50's and 60's era CIA-Mossad subversion strategy for infiltrating extremely hostile environments. The whole mass moderate and ban everyone is a smoke screen. Endless supply of useful idiots to hide behind "muh satire" and "muh parody".

Nosfewratsjews ago

And prevent your fun of refreshing the page with one hand while you jerk off to the fact that Joint Task Force Tel Aviv and Langley (AKA SBBH, AKA you) have ruined Voat?

I'm here for you, buddy. You don't scare anyone.