Adminstrater ago

If anyone is determined enough, they will try. Even if it's crazy and may not return results, I wouldn't put the idea into the area of improbable.

Some tricks to help to avoid being targeted would be to not give out very much information about yourself, and know how to remove or hide information that you don't want known. The next step would be to start putting fake information about yourself to throw off potential scroungers... at least that's what I do as a strong, independent woman of color, with 3 kids, who lives in Georgia.

Amalekwithsauce ago

No one cares who is trapped in here, just that we are trapped

RevDrStrangelove ago

Yeah, thanks but no thanks.

Amalekwithsauce ago

I'm not saying put your info out, just saying feeling like we are all some special agents hiding in shadows is stupid. The world is way more simple and stupid than anyone wants to admit.

TheBudhha ago

"And the Jew will cry out in pain as he strikes you as if he,himself was struck..."

TheBudhha ago

Ask him...and fuck off...

TheBudhha ago

Can conform @TheBuddha once killed a jew for mere fact that he felt like it. Doesn't really jive with your bullshit.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I posted my name and address in the past.

Putt personally removed it under the doxxing rule.

TheBudhha ago

do it again....I dare ya.....SABA!!!

Nosfewratsjews ago

Nah. They'd just ban this account since there are many people who use it to post.

TheBudhha ago


TheBudhha ago

It's not personal. Algorithms scour the internet looking for key words and phrases and tags them to IP's and then red flag you. By the time a human being looks at your're fucked. AMERICA!

Amalekwithsauce ago

No they dont. Humble yourself. No one cares about you. How a govt that can't get anything done is simultaneously collecting analyzing and doxxing stupid internet shut is absurd

Chimaira92 ago

How a govt that can't get anything done

They get plenty done, just nothing that benefits you, me or the average citizen. It's time to drop this belief that governments and politicians are ignorant and stupid. They are not, they are using an old Jewish tactic to deceive and make people perceive that they are idiots.

Amalekwithsauce ago

Sure, keep thinking that. They are idiots, as are we.

Chimaira92 ago

They appear to be idiots which helps them fool us more because we don't take them seriously.

If people actually understood how calculated and callous their actions were, heads would be rolling.

Amalekwithsauce ago

Hpop got scared and left. But still wasn't doxxed. No one cares