kneo24 ago

The value I find here is that at least at one time it was a good aggregator of what was being pushed in right wing circles - from the civ nats to the full on far right. The discussions on those topics were uncensored and I didn't have to worry about some mysterious faggot getting their panties twisted into their gaping cunt trying to get me banned at every turn for having an opinion.

Since this place has been closed off, well, things are different. There are different problems and I'm not sure they're any better than the old ones we had.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

He is in swedenstan. He very well could have been enriched by the diverse population. Or could be in jail on hate speech charges.

Its_over_9000 ago

I can't prove that he's not dead and you can't prove that he is. At least we have something in common.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Jeez definitely a voat immune system post

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Putt is dead.

Long live Putt.

m_1 ago


TeddyJackson ago

Warrant canary dead, not updated at all this year.

Qtards invade, site has zero interruptions during largest influx of users and largest increase in traffic. Putt says this is because of "back end improvements" that were never specified and never brought up until asked. Putt repeatedly says he is pro Q, and pro qtard invasion.

"New investor" post qtard invasion, now site no longer works most of the time. 8chan gets removed about the same time.

All this and the faggots don't wake up because they are either retarded or because they shills themselves.

Rotteuxx ago

Yet you still hang around.

Why ?

TeddyJackson ago

You still shill, why? Oh because you're paid.

56,000 score, sbbh, that comment lol.

Such and obvious shill.

Rotteuxx ago

4.3yr old account that's supplied a shit ton of OC, worked on merchandise proposals & gave away free samples, sent money to a goat in need during hard times & always defended people's right to post shit I don't like.

For fuck's sake, put some effort into it.

TeddyJackson ago

classic projection from you :)

Rotteuxx ago

Took you 2 days to come up with that ?

Sheeeeit !

TeddyJackson ago

You shills hardly try any more.

Rotteuxx ago

No shit, I never got my fucking paycheck.

TeddyJackson ago

Liar you get paid every week by the government.

Derpfroot ago

"Putt's dead."

"This site is dead."

"No need to be here."

"It's a honey-pot."

"Without new registrant's, it's all the same shit here."

And yet, you stay day after day.

xenoPsychologist ago

the pay is good, obviously.

VicariousJambi ago

It's basically "don't come here, fear the jew, goy!"

Glipglup ago

Just because it's a glow nigger honey pot doesn't mean I can't find it amusing.

Rotteuxx ago

Best way to identify a shill like you is to notice how you post & comment in threads like this without missing one

Nosfewratsjews ago

Do you have an opinion or position on Voat's constant "maintenance" outages and the silence from Voat's management?

Rotteuxx ago

You want me to repeat the same thing as last week when you asked the same question ?

Nosfewratsjews ago


ifuckdolphinseverday ago

By the way you are a retarded nigger if you ever thought this was a real website.

Human Cattle

MeLug ago

By the way you are a retarded nigger if you ever thought this was a real website.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Sums up what I would have said, nothing of value to add.

I don't think Putt is dead, it's more probable Putt was replaced or converted years ago.