Nosfewratsjews ago

P.S. I had to submit this almost a dozen times before it bypassed the Cloudflare 524 error code preventing me from posting it. @963189_137

963189_137 ago

Seriously, I remember this from 8chan. The more they scramble to control the narrative the less interested in having a website operational. This is exactly what happened before 8chan went down USING CLOUDFLARE.

We seriously need to crowdfund an independent WEB and independent satellites. MacAfee was correct even if he is a coal-burning deviant.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Check out how Joint Operation Tel Aviv and Langley are now forum sliding /v/all/new.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

963189_137 ago

"PUTT the pedal to the metal Q[ueers]." Poor putt...probably dead, you know...would you know if I was killed for the things I say? And all these fags running around calling for him when he is more than likely deceased.

I think I am going to stick with the Biblical ideology of 'government'. I am done fighting, fighting for and supporting these globohomo faggots.

Nosfewratsjews ago

It's only when you give up trying to save everyone that you realize how futile it was all along.

963189_137 ago

I had a tutor a while ago and he would drill me and give me different scenarios where he pointed out the importance of 'making tough decisions' and how important it was to recognize what is worthy of saving. These are lessons I will never forget. It dealt a lot with recognizing cognitive dissonance and the importance of letting those people die in order to save what WANTED TO LIVE. It was futile. I have this passion for saving what is weak because it 'might have a future value' but I think that is dysgenic now and wrong. It is like hoarding but with Life itself. Of course, you have to recognize what is possible if Life is going to continue as well. For example, Whites/Europeans are the only people who deserve to inherit the Earth because they are in balance with their environment, they are productive and cooperative, they are peaceful at the first opportunity, and they are the highest producers on the planet. They also do not 'breed out of control' but rather, within their environmental carrying capacity. All the other races fail on one of these points or another.