BearDolphin1488 ago

OP is Jewish, no?

xenoPsychologist ago

this is the least stupid thing ive seen said all day. whats going on around here?

TheAmerican ago

Pretty bad when this is said about one of my posts.

xenoPsychologist ago

i know, right? these are strange times.

Rabid_Robot ago

Considering how often this site is likely DDoSed by social justice warriors, I don't think it's unusual that it would go down from time to time for maintenance. I'm just glad that it's available at all. However, I would recommend that the administrators set up a mirroring system for the site similar to what The Pirate Bay has. It's a lot harder for these basement-dwelling losers to bring down an ever-changing network than a single site.

MrPancake ago

Voat is a lot like niggers; you cannot complain when it doesn't work.

thewebofslime ago

Yeah.. just go to

BB-3 ago

Yeah, if you're a faggot.

TheAmerican ago

I checked that ghost town out once. Was pretty boring.

ratsmack ago

It's not horrible if you just stay in "New".

albatrosv15 ago

Stop being spoiled little brats and complaining that you can't breathe. The air is free, so you have no right to demand that the quality of air should sustain human life. If you don't like it, leave, but don't be a little a little spoiled bitch and make posts complaining about it.

TheAmerican ago

This is got to be one of the most retarded comparisons I have ever heard. It's akin to calling someone a Nazi simply because they support Trump. Try again tardboy. Go cry to Mommy maybe she'll make voat just perfect for her little guy.

albatrosv15 ago

Yet here you are, complaining.

TheAmerican ago

I never said I was any better did I?

Heathcliff ago

Even half the time would nice.

Dark_Shroud ago

The Boats app doesn't have this problem.

Sosacms ago

I can understand the frustration. But unless I'm willing to make my own site, Voat is still doing me the favor.

I didn't make the bread, I didn't even help make the bread, so I don't have the right to bitch about the quality of the bread.

Everyone bitching about Voat should join together and create something better.

Dark_Shroud ago

Or they could donate a little Crypto to Voat to help pay the bills and maybe get some better services.

Honestly though Voat will probably need some tech upgrades in addition to code tweaks.

I'd would really appreciate it if Voat gave us a p2p option.

Demonsweat2 ago

They tried that at poal, left out the yeast and put too much water which ended up being glue.

TheAmerican ago

They won't

RM-Goetbbels ago

Yeah you little niggers.

TheBuddha ago

Some folks have a whole lot of emotion invested in Voat. Many of them are fairly new accounts, so I'm not actually sure why they have such an emotional investment. However, it's not new - by any stretch of the imagination, just more pronounced. It has always been here. It's the motivation behind a significant amount of the voat drama - and voat runs on drama.

TheAmerican ago

That's the problem. People should not be emotionally invested to an internet forum.

TheBuddha ago

As near as I can tell, the overwhelming majority of voat is poorly educated and/or has mental health issues.

So, you get this.

TheAmerican ago

Most definitely. Those are the precise reasons that this place is so entertaining. It's the reason I enjoy interacting with people here, it's interesting and I like the atypical personalities.

TheBuddha ago

It's definitely amusing.

BB-3 ago

Projection at its finest.

TheBuddha ago

I can say, with some confidence, that logic is not your strong suit.

BB-3 ago

Just because you're poorly educated and have mental health issues doesn't mean the rest of us do.

TheBuddha ago

Your observation skills are as poor as your reasoning skills. Do, please, continue. You'll make a good lesson case.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Well it is slowly dying out due to the increasingly frequent outages. It seems like the end is near, one day it will just go down forever.

We haven't received any reassurances while things are just getting worse and worse. There hasn't been any transparency in a long time, which was at a time one of the founding ideals of this site. This is a conspiracy site so of course everyone is going to be paranoid.

TheAmerican ago

I'm on voat all the time. On and off all day long most days but if voat disappeared today I wouldn't care. People are way too emotionally invested, it's a fucking internet forum and it's free.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

I appreciate the pseudo-sense of community here. So I'll admit to being emotionally invested, at least somewhat.

TheAmerican ago

Voat is going to go away soon. Be prepared.

MightoScrub ago

I agree, I do like it here. It's just nice having a place that is founded on free speech that I can come to and hopefully learn. But if it vanished I would continue with my life, business as usual.