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blumen4alles ago

Not that I found. I read on Poal yesterday (when Voat was down, again) that now they have it so you can also see who dv's your comments (you have to be a certain level member). I bet that really pisses off fuckwit gabara and the SBBH fags. I think it is a great idea, and given how quickly I was attacked (by gabara) at the suggestion we do something similar here tells me all I need to know about them.

I am not jumping ship yet though. It gets frustrating but my loyalty won't allow me to quit.

Hyst ago

I suggested that idea here about a year or two back and the Soapbox kikes came down hard on my account. I'm amazed more people aren't aware of their site wide manipulation.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Team Israel (JIDF in Tel Aviv and their puppet FBI in Langley, respectively) has successfully isolated and run off most people who are both aware and vocal.

The rest of the sleeping community either doesn't notice, doesn't care to defend them, or both.