Diggernicks ago

Browse v/all/new or kill yourself.

Only mindless niglets expect others to tell them what is or is not worth viewing.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

I'm still talking shit loud and clear and willing to carry on an intelligent conversation with anyone.

I will also tell you to go suck your wife's boyfriend's dick so I am not sure if I am one of the Lunatics or the children. Probably both.

drj2 ago

Yeah it’s sad.

KosherHiveKicker ago

To find out who is in charge, then start talking about taking direct (even legal action) against specific Jews and see what happens, and who is behind it.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

I rest my case.

I specifically said the Joint Task Force Tel Aviv and Langley reside in SBBH's ranks. The actual brain damaged autistis that allow them to fit in are just as bad, though. Your responses make me lean towards you being one of the oblivious enablers described in the latter.

Nosfewratsjews ago

More like a bunch of retarded autistic SJW somebodies have all banded together to control through chaos.

In the end, same result.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Didn't the Soxboxbanhammer crew get coddled, and even protected by @Puttitout even as they executed their reddit-esque bullshit all across Voat?

Nosfewratsjews ago

I don't know. I can't recall ever witnessing this behavior. I only ever saw Putt try to avoid their attention, overall.

It's why I think Putt was threatened enough to rebel and go Galt. Joint Task Force Tel Aviv and Langley didn't kill him, but they couldn't force him to play along. So he bailed to a new project - and all of the users here who failed to see it and defend him were left behind because they're the Internet's equivalent of "welfare useless eaters" in the real world.

Just my opinion. Who knows. Show me some new evidence and it's always open to changing.