VOAT is really the best, most informative website on the internet (whatever)
submitted 5.3 years ago by TheVOATangel
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tokui 5.3 years ago
It's my news aggregator, basically.
Voat, or some enterprising goats, could monetize by setting up an official "nigger faggot kike" news site.
Nosfewratsjews 5.3 years ago
Various users have tried this in the past. the Reddit SRS crew over at SBBH ran each and every one of them off. What a (((coincidence))).
They're smell strongly of "weev" style "muh internet free speech". We know (((what))) he is, no matter how many swastikas he tattoos on his self. They stink of (((civnat))) shit.
Joint operation between Tel Aviv and Langley.
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tokui ago
It's my news aggregator, basically.
Voat, or some enterprising goats, could monetize by setting up an official "nigger faggot kike" news site.
Nosfewratsjews ago
Various users have tried this in the past. the Reddit SRS crew over at SBBH ran each and every one of them off. What a (((coincidence))).
tokui ago
They're smell strongly of "weev" style "muh internet free speech". We know (((what))) he is, no matter how many swastikas he tattoos on his self. They stink of (((civnat))) shit.
Nosfewratsjews ago
Joint operation between Tel Aviv and Langley.