Jabilukka ago

The holohoax is a conspiracy theory.

BeingReplaced ago

"it's unbelievable"

I wonder why

friendshipistragic ago

Ok. I have posted this many times but since everyone is fucking retarded this is a rather old satire piece.

Astroqualia ago

Nice try, shill. Your disinfo doesnt work here. Low quality b8.

FridayJones ago

"In Buchenwald, they made one jew per day put on ACME rocket skates and jet around until they ran into one of the many painted-on tunnels scattered throughout the camp."

Shotinthedark ago

I wish this was a thing!

Glory_Beckons ago

This is fake disinformation which undermines genuine criticism of Jewish fairy tales.

The first paragraph and the cut off bit of third paragraph are lifted from an article titled "Time 'Too Painful' to Remember" published by New York Times on Thursday, November 10, 1988. In fact, even the last sentence of the second paragraph ("It's unbelievable... but it happened") is also lifted from that article.

The remainder of the second paragraph, everything about the shotgun and hole in the wall, is entirely fabricated.

Then whoever made this photoshopped the text to create the appearance of an old book. The real article looked very different.

This kind of deception is entirely unnecessary, as the original article really does contain this gem of Jewish absurdity:

Later, Mr. Hubert was sent to Buchenwald. ''In the camp there was a cage with a bear and an eagle,'' he said. ''Every day, they would throw a Jew in there. The bear would tear him apart and the eagle would pick at his bones.'' ''But that's unbelievable,'' whispered a visitor. ''It is unbelievable,'' said Mr. Hubert, ''but it happened.''

NYT source

Element115 ago

I could swear I've seen this posted here, as a joke, without it being fake print on paper at the top.

It's like they realized Voat's satire works better as disinformation than anything they can come up with.

SexMachine ago

What about the Holo-coaster?

Glory_Beckons ago

That one is real AFAIK. [source]

yt4cz9 ago

God dammit. I should have checked the comments before passing it on. Fuck you people who do this shit.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Fuck you people who make this fake shit.

Don't be so antisemitic....

Glory_Beckons ago

Yeah, it's embarrassing and discrediting when you later have to retract such things.

But that's the point. That's why they make and spread this kind of disinformation.

Consider the effort put into making this believable and viral. They could have just made something up from scratch, but instead they started with a real article and injected falsehoods. Then they made the text look like it came from an old book. Based it on a scene from a popular cartoon to make it memorable and relatable.

There's no way this is an accident or an honest mistake. This is deliberate disinfo for the purpose of poisoning the well.

The OP didn't make this image, but they also haven't responded, retracted, or deleted the post.

Someone else also posted this very recently. They also haven't commented or deleted.

SolidFoundations ago

Wizardry works best when the lie is mostly true.

DerAngriff ago

It's bear and eagle jew! Still my favorite fantasy story.

Jimmycrackerson ago

So many different lies all from the same mouths. They won't be able to keep this up much longer.

friendshipistragic ago

Dude this is a joke article making fun of other obviously unbelievable stories like the one about the masturbation machine.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

This is fake, but the real story (about the bear and the eagle) is equally ludicrous. It's not as cartoony-funny, but when you think about how it could ever be accomplished to keep a bear and an eagle in the same cage, have them not eat each other and not escape, but hungry enough to eat a Jew every day.

friendshipistragic ago

I’m aware it’s fake

DerAngriff ago

because you never find those rats in nature, which is another reason to love nature.

SIayfire122 ago

Is that why God punished then by forcing them to wander around for forty years?

ArcAngel ago

spring steel barrels.... and stupid jews.... or dumber nazis... does a prison guard EVER give a weapon to a condemned prisoner? no. kike lies. kill the jew vermin.

friendshipistragic ago

Dude. It’s a satire piece.

Glory_Beckons ago

Satire makes itself obvious, because the purpose of satire is not to deceive but to illuminate.

This image provides no indication that it isn't a real quote, instead makes every effort to look genuine, and does not differ in quality or extent of its absurdity from actual holohoax stories. It gives the audience no reason to suspect this might be satire, but lures the audience into believing it is true.

That is not satire. That is simply a lie.

friendshipistragic ago


ArcAngel ago

ive heard some old jews talk about the holohoax its hard not to laugh in their faces.. in fact, lately i do. especially when they dont have the tattoo & are too young. it would be like me being born in 1970 & talking about the hell of veit-nam. calling them chinks and using nerve gas or other ridiculous garbage

friendshipistragic ago

Cracks are starting to show. Generations Z and Alpha don’t give a fuck about the Hola-hoax. It’s ancient history. Which is why Jews are pushing it hard in all schools. It’s why they seem to be on a blitz lately. They’re slipping and even younger Jews no longer care as much. However they’ve pushed too much and now the word Nazi is about as jarring as the word Fuck. It’s just another expletive. This will be the death of it. People won’t get some big reveal proving its all a lie. They’re just going to stop caring. Niggers, spics, and sand-niggers give the least amount of fucks and whites have their own problems. Whites are declining, but those of us who still believe in a future are having children and either home school them or private school them. The result will likely be a much smaller white plurality that is intensely tribal and political. It’s too late for my generation but it’s not too late to raise and teach the heroes of our future.

ArcAngel ago

think boers in africa... 500 fought off 5000.. and won

ArcAngel ago

BUT!!! i swear to yahweh,,, i had a jew girlfriend... we were making jewish rye bread... when she put it in the oven, i said 'Its annoda shoah!!!''.. she laughed.

shifty_pete ago

How hard do you have to push a shotgun into a hole to bend the barrel around? Then how do you get it out again? Why has no one else in history or in modernity ever committed a murder using a Nazi method? No country uses electrical floors that also cremate bodies as a form of execution. No gang banger has ever made a rival gang banger push a shotgun into a wall to bend the barrel around. No cartel kingpin has ever had a cage with a bear and an eagle in it set up to kill rivals and let their bones be picked clean. The holocaust is a hoax.

ArcAngel ago

mexicans or some central americans DID have a pit-bull eat some dudes cock n balls for fucking a kid tho... think its on 'watch people die'...

Reapreap ago

The amount of raw power you'd need to cremate bodies on wire...it doesn't work that way. Stupid kikes.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

The wire would evaporate

Reapreap ago

It wouldn't even be able to maintain a complete circuit on the body because the power will prefer the path of least resistance. It will loterally go around the body onces it is charred enough. Too much resistance. No water for continuity.

ArcAngel ago

some where in WW2 they did make a MG w/ acurved bbl, for urban war-fare...This... but it blew out relatively fast...

Shotinthedark ago

Had the same sort of thing in ww1 for shooting over a trench.

ChiCom ago

That would be even cooler now with a camera on the end

ArcAngel ago