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963189_137 ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

Not very subtle, is it?

963189_137 ago

No, it isn't. I was staying quiet about it because I didn't want them to know that they were being observed and improve the glitch. ;)

Nosfewratsjews ago

Is it a glitch, though? Or a warning?

963189_137 ago

I caught them doing it again. I posted a discussion in whatever and right afterward, literally right afterwards got the 'down for maintenence' 5 seconds after I posted it. I think they are compartmentalizing the web now like they do for gaming servers.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I suspect something similar. A detonation chamber to further scan to make sure it isn't something Top Secret or incriminating to the Globalist Criminal Elite so it can be removed before going public.

The entire Internet is curated at this point.

963189_137 ago

This sounds like exactly what I suspected was happening as well.

SandHog ago

Why do you keep pinging me to 'proof' that isn't really proof of Voat being compromised?

Why would I even care if it was? As far as I am concerned everywhere is already compromised at the hardware level anyway. So, what's your fucking point?