Uxg ago

Words words words.

Your font blends. I love memes and I closed it without reading.

inb4: shill/kike

TechDumb ago

Is there a picture of the plaque?

zxcvzxcv ago

that is a good idea...let me see if it can find it

squishysquid ago

month latter no copies, still in jerusalem all in one location. The jews are coming from inside the house.

satisfyinghump ago

Similar to the entries about ww2 being changed about the jews , netanyahoo in the present moment described the event differently, known as double-speak. Then a few decades later, some jeuden keyboard ninjas will edit anything related to the event and consider it case closed.

This to me is most frustrating. Their constant erasure of all the dirty horrible and evil acts theyve done.

fightknightHERO ago

doing god's work

MarauderShields ago

And so it was that the final defense against the Balfour Agreement was breached.

123456butts ago

some UPI faggot announced the bombing of the King David Hotel beforehand in a manner very similar to what happened with Building 7 on the BBC.

Veggiehead ago

I wonder if 1 in 10,000 know about this?

zxcvzxcv ago

I wonder why the jews dressed up as "arabs"?

A_M_Swallow ago

No, the British knew they were at war with the Jews. In 1946 a groups of Jews dressed as Jews approaching Britain's HQ in Israel would have been searched and the bomb found.

bezzy ago

Didn’t Britain just gift them Israel?

A_M_Swallow ago

Only officially. In reality Britain lost a guerrilla war.


ice007 ago

Did someone say Israeli false flag?


Niggardly_Jew ago

I love it when memes name the jew.