jewd_law ago

Ever heard of 'Smart Dust'? Me neither. I just learned about this from activist, Deborah Tavares. I'll be listening to this today:

Smart Dust: Are We All Being Transformed Into Machines?

With the amount of microplastics they're finding in children lately, is it surprising that we would be sprayed with aerosol weaponized nano particles by a ZOG that has conducted numerous experiments on it's own citizens since the Fed was created?

blumen4alles ago

What do you think is in chemtrails? Ever heard of morgellons?

jewd_law ago

don't know much about that, so can't comment. It wouldn't surprise me if it was an actual disease caused by aerosol spraying. Most people are just intellectually lazy and willfully ignorant, so it's hard to have this discussion w/ 'normies'.

blumen4alles ago

I was driving home from work one evening, it was dark. I was driving my usual pace of about 60mph in my WRX, in a 40mph zone. One of those signs that display your speed was placed on this road while I was at work. As I passed it, it displayed my speed, and had a flashing strobe.

My mind raced faster than my WRX. Did that thing just take my picture? Does it have an antenna or is the data stored locally? I stopped, turned around, and parked in an area out of sight from the speed display enclosure. I walked right up to it an examined the contents I could see inside the non-metallic enclosure - radar sensor, LED array for strobe effect, and the obvious board that displays the speed in huge numbers. I couldn't see anything that looked like a camera, nor any sort of antenna. I collected the manufacturer information as well as the model and left.

When I got home I looked it up on the internet. This model did indeed have no camera, and the LED strobe was just to "get the drivers attention". Whew, I don''t have to destroy it.

But I did consider destroying it. If it did take a photo & recorded my speed, and stored that information locally - I probably would have.

Time-delay explosive of some sort, nah, potential collateral damage. Loud too.

Shotgun blast might not destroy the data storage.

I settled on drilling a hole in the top of the enclosure, and filling it with a Sodium Hydroxide solution (NaOH, Lye is the common name - basically Liquid Draino). That stuff hopefully would have corroded and destroyed the contents of the enclosure. Plus noise would have been minimal (hand drill would have been super quiet), and risk to the public would have also been minimal.

Luckily I didn't have to.

If they start putting up 5G antennas near where I live, work, etc. - my mind shall race again...