Equilateral ago

it was really the satanists not the jews, the jews are largely being set up this is really sad

pickled ago

People still dying from this event even today. In the form of fucked up cancers from the dust created with the collapse. Insane post and ty BTW. So much wasted American blood in the desert when we could have just suspended aid and strengthened our borders.

Koyote210 ago

we need this in pamphlet form

Foursome ago

Benghazi too?

TheKalergiFan ago

WTC7 was a government building and made to withstand bomb blasts. Same with WTC1 AND WTC2

those other buildings are just commercial buildings... Less structure...

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Thank you for the post

Purged ago

Brought to you by the same people who machine-gunned the US Liberty.

Never Fucking Forget

satisfyinghump ago

This is really REALLY great intiative, thank you for posting and for keeping this event, this attack on Americans by Israel (& members of our own country), current in our own minds. Some of us may be better then the rest when it comes to keeping whats important (9/11) fresh in our minds, and current, regardless of the barrage of fake and real news of this non-stop 24/7 news-cycle.

If we dont have a voat subsection, we may want to create one that is reserved for this sort of info and posts. We can organize it and independently fellow goats (who are able) can more easily backup/archive/backup the data, to protect against Hillarys cleaning prowess.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

I volunteered down there for a month and a half ,from September 13th end of October I wore a mask though. I do have some dust from the area it does contain thermite I'm a little pissed off that I was duped by jews to take the focus off of them and put it on the Muslims pisses me off that i fell for it but not for long

GlowWorm ago

Mudslimes are perpetual kike patsies, kikes are worse.

Barfin ago

does it contain asbestos

frankie2shoes ago

The ruling class are luciferians. They don't want people knowing this because you'd never vote for them. Biden was open about this

ShakklezthaKlown ago

if they didn't want you to think that, you wouldn't be able to say it. voat isn't some magical website where truth lives freely. the ruling class worship the same entity the world does, the only difference is they know it's true nature and you don't.

MadCatTimberWolf ago

The impact of the falling towers was sufficient to shake the foundation of another building and cause its collapse.

Muslims belonging solely to the Religion of Pieces (Islam) did 9/11, many others of various backgrounds celebrated with (Muslim, Islamic) Saudi Arabia. Yes some Socialists celebrated, some Jews, some Anarchists, some Communists, Some Democrats, ...

TeddyJackson ago

So you think the air force, pentagon, norad, fbi, cia, nsa, nid, are all jews? They aren't jews. They are Free Masons and catholics, all of them. Jews, Free Masons, and catholics all work together, none ever attack the other or work against the others.

Barfin ago

"So you think the air force, pentagon, norad, fbi, cia, nsa, nid, are all jews?"


pentagon, pentagram a jewish symbol

norad = nimrod, jewish figure from old testament

fbi, cia, nsa, alphabet agencies, all work for jewish controlled us govt

TeddyJackson ago

What's it like being retarded? The jewish symbol is a hexagram not a pentagram. Norad is not nimrod, are you trolling or brainwashed and retarded?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

it probably hurts

Barfin ago

blocked for being a paid israeli shill

ShakklezthaKlown ago

in a perfect world you'd be sterilized for having such a low IQ.

Barfin ago

blocked for being a raging faggot

Wooden_door ago

If anyone watched it live, you can clearly see a string of explosions going off in a ring on both towers.

It's painfully obvious but yet fire somehow.

Anarchy99 ago

not demolitions

beef17 ago


blackguard19 ago

The only thing that was hijacked on 9/11 was the media airwaves. Who controls those, again?

DHmountainbiking ago

Good post. Spread the word.

AngelofDeath ago


antiliberalsociety ago

More details

Hijacking technology










E Team Artists

Gelitin the B Thing

Gelitin 2


The Woman in North Tower

"At left are a series of three different photographs of a woman standing in the gash left by the impact of the second plane that hit the north tower of the World Trade Center on 9-11-01. In order to get to the crash opening the woman would have had to walk through the floor upon which she is standing. According to the official story, however, that area of the tower was a raging inferno, hot enough to melt solid steel girders (approximately 2,700 ° F; 1,500 ° C). That is impossible since commercial jet fuel (Jet-A), which is pure kerosene, burns in the air at a maximum temperature of 1,500 ° F; 800 ° C. Experts have calculated that the temperature of a burning floor at the WTC was not even close to the temperature needed to weaken, let alone melt, steel girders. That conclusion would seem to be supported by the appearance of the woman. As you can see the woman appears to be in good health; neither her hair nor her clothing is even singed. So we know that the fire was localized and not a raging inferno sufficient to melt steel girders.

If one reflects upon it, one can understand that it is impossible for a burning hydrocarbon of any kind, without supplementation from pure oxygen, to melt steel. If that were possible, then we would find people who cook on natural gas stoves melting their aluminum and steel pots and pans. That would happen with regularity since natural gas stoves are very efficient and burn much hotter than kerosene. That would be a particular problem with aluminum pots and pans since aluminum melts at a lower point than steel. In fact, if the official WTC story were true, stove burners themselves, which are made of rather thin steel would be melting with regularity. We know that is not the case; so also we know that the fires at the WTC did not cause the collapse of the towers."

Bush Admits seeing footage before it was available





To believe the official story of 9/11 you have to believe this.

In the most protected airspace on Earth (over Washington D.C.), America’s entire national security apparatus was caught flatfooted, and the Secretary of Defense himself sat in his office as a plane hit the Pentagon, where he was working, nearly an hour after the first World Trade Center tower was hit;

Only three steel-framed buildings have collapsed due to fire in world history - all WTC towers, all on the same day, and WTC7 was not hit by a plane and only had small fires in it when it collapsed, and all three collapsed in a manner consistent with controlled demolition;

On 9/11, there were numerous war games being engaged in by the U.S. Air Force and NORAD, with even one “live” hijacking plane in the air; this may help explain the non-response by the USA's military to the hijackings, and is eerily similar to the fake assassination attempt on JFK that turned into a real one - and the Bush family is intimately connected to both events;


A May 8th 2001 Statement by the President gave responsibility for coordinating, training and planning all national defense programs related to weapons of mass destruction to Vice President Cheney, whose office was not part of the National Command Authority. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta testified before the 9/11 Commission that he was present and observed Dick Cheney in the Presidential Emergency Operating Center tracking the position of Flight 77 for many miles as it approached the Pentagon.1 “Based on Norm Minetta’s testimony and other information, it appears that the military have regarded Cheney as a ‘Deputy Commander-in-Chief’. They also understand that he is the real power behind the throne…It appears that Vice President Dick Cheney was in charge of all the many air defense exercises that took place on the morning of September 11, 2001.

The 1997 hijacking scramble protocol CJCSI 3610, which distinguished emergent situations (requiring immediate action between the FAA and the military) from non-emergent situations (requiring decision input from the highest levels of the DoD) was rewritten June 1, 2001, as ordered by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.3 As a result, the number of fighter-interceptor scrambles fell from the usual average of 7-8 per month before the rewrite, to zero during the 3.3 months before September 11th, and to zero on September 11th itself.

Changes in the dates of annual and semi-annual military air defense exercises resulted in an unprecedented concentration of air drills on September 11th, and included hijackings and drills in which planes hit buildings.

Even before the second plane hit the South Tower, its northern counterpart was already burning strongly, with a great plume of dense black toxic fumes drifting over a stunned Manhattan. Flight 11 had rocketed deep inside the building before the fuel ignited. On some floors the fire burned across the entire width of the building. By 9:45 a.m. the North Tower was ablaze not just on the floors that took the impact, but all the way to the top of the building (10).

The towers sprinkler fire extinguisher system were bolstered by automatic hermetrically sealing doors on every floor to prevent the spread of fire. But office workers still found themselves stumbling down sometimes darkened and smoke-filled fire escape stairs.

The giant steel beams used to build the towers had been cast in Japan -no American steel milll could roll out the massive 'I' beams. The explanation accepted by the mainstream media pundits for the collapse of both towers is that these beams softened like warm toffee in the intensity of the fires.

If that were the case, then the North Tower was the obvious candidate to be the first to collapse. Not only did it have almost a twenty minute head start on the South Tower conflagration, but the fire extended to the whole area of many floors. The South Tower fire was smaller and more confined, so that by 10:30 a.m. there was an obvious difference visible to those in the streets below and the hypnotized TV cameras now trained on the incredible sight.

But can the collapse in any event be really blamed on the fires within? The great explosions on impact had consumed all the jet fuel in seconds. Now it was plastic fixtures, cabling and internal partitioning that were burning. Or smoldering, to be more precise. Only near the great gaping holes -where there was access to an air supply- did the fire burn with anything like the intensity required to melt great beams of steel.

Neither had the impacts significantly weakened the structural integrity of the buildings. Even under normal circumstances these flexible buildings swayed so much in high winds that seasickness was a noticeable problem among workers on upper floors. Even on floors near the impact sites, many had felt only a mild shudder as the aircraft struck.

For the fire to be the cause of the collapse, most of the array of steel beams that spanned each floor would have to be engulfed in continuous extremely high temperature fire. This did not happen, nor was it essential to the plan. If the real intent had been to collapse the towers by means of fire then the planes would have struck the corners of the towers nearest to each other. That would have increased the chances of one tower collapsing into the other.

What actually happened next -before either tower collapsed, was one or more massive explosions in the other buildings around the towers. Explosions that sent clouds of masonry dust into the air. The first of many blasts that would rock the World Trade Center complex.

FACT: The contractor whose people were the first on the WTC collapse scene --to cart away the rubble that remains-- is the same contractor who demolished and hauled away the shell of the bombed Oklahoma City Murrah building. The name of the contractor is Controlled Demolition! Their WTC cleanup contract is worth over $7 Billion. Are you getting the picture?

FACT: The expert widely reported as certain the WTC was demolished --who later changed his mind-- is a demolition explosives specialist from New Mexico Tech Institute. That's precisely where the people first on the Pentagon crash scene were trained. Tech was also a hot tip to get the contract for training the new Federal Air Marshals. Are you getting the picture?

FACT: Most of the World Trade Center changed hands in a $3.2 billion, 99-year lease deal that was concluded only seven weeks before the attack; with a sweetheart tax deal and new insurance covering buildings and rents -payable to new beneficiaries. Are you getting the picture?


Season 1, Episode 4

The 9/11 Episode

How many things can you spot?

https://www.dailymotion. com/video/x39bpx1

Anarchy99 ago

There were no planes

badger31 ago

Thanks for all the info.

Plant_Boy ago

Are those B-Team and E-Team any relation to the Dancing Israelis?

calcy454 ago

they all have rat faces

antiliberalsociety ago

No known direct connection but the question remains why they were allowed to live there for so long, must have been a (((powerful influence)))

ice007 ago

antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks, good pasta!

Anarchy99 ago

not demolition. also wrong

VicariousJambi ago

Not sure if you got these in there but I wanna make extra sure they're here.

Link to one of the best Docs on 9-11, at the time where they go over how the ground workers were pulling hot molten metal out of the ground for months.


And a close up of the explosives going off


AntiMason ago

That video of wtc7 explosions is fake. Not saying there werent explosives.

Disinformation abounds.

VicariousJambi ago

Why do you say it's fake?

godamn ago

Because itsreal.