PenguinaAshes ago

This is why you never donate to charity unless you are familiar with the charity and know for a fact there are no jews involved.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Yo I heard you like disaster zones, so we decided to save people from disaster zones, and bring em to our disaster zone.

Purged ago

If you try to have a converstion about these sickos to a normal person, they can't fathom it being as pervasive as it is. it takes a broken person with absolutely no moral fiber to be involved.

All those shit Laws that have been rammed down our throats: Think of the children; sickos were doing exactly that.

ARsandOutdoors ago

good find!!

Hamton ago

Thank you, Anon.

NPCGator ago

Nice work on finding this stuff though I doubt anyone will look into it.

The UN and UNICEF are full of pedos and rapists, it's a huge world wide network.

Hamton ago

Thank you Anon. Links are a great reminder on UN fuggery.

NPCGator ago

Yep, np.

version7 ago

Almost like all the "do gooders" are really "do badders". I recall a very old record that was pressed in the 60s which goes into detail about how NGOs were almost always doing the exact opposite of their stated missions.

Damnpasswords ago

NGOs aren't. Most "non-governmental" organizations are backed by governments and powerful political parties

Hamton ago

You got that right Anon. Think mirror.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

what are your alliances? How many nuclear devices does the State of Israel operate/access?

Saint_Clementine ago

At least 6 gorillion