NPCGator ago

Some of us actually do things IRL once in awhile.

skullfuku ago

Office time is web time. It's been like that since 1994. Look at some stats graph and see the daily 9-5 prongs and the weekends' flatness. Even porn sites are like that.

Adherrent ago

I use Voat because it's a free speech website, that is my primary reason here, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF 99% ARE JEWS OR NSA GCHQ

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

How dare you shame us for wasting time with our bitches!


4 years ago, top post of all time, 4k upvoats. Compare that to even the most on-point submissions you see here, getting maybe 300 or so upvoats. Nothing here was ever organic, you just gotta learn and realize and figure out what works for you, man.

RustyEquipment ago

I’m being shadowbanned! Hah. Nah. Just peak weeb time

PsychoticBreak ago

Or maybe you're a fucking pussy faggot with no life and you need to get back on your meds for the boredom-induced paranoid schizophrenia you've acquired after years of jobless, hobby-less meaninglessness, or get off the meds and get a manly pastime like fence building or whatever.

Doglegwarrior ago

Man you are so insightful you figured it all out. Genius

jimibulgin ago

Meh, some of us have desk jobs and fuck around while shit is compiling at work and have families to attend to on nights and weekends unless we stay up late on Saturday night (please note the time of this post.....)

fr33europe ago

I spent the whole day doing errands and waxing my cars with the kids. Fuckin relax

Fuckyounigger ago

Wahhh no one responded to my postttt this is not a very voat like post come on bro get your shit together

amendthediscourse ago

Fuck me the whiners are coming out of the woodwork lately. Bitch.

WitnesstheSalt ago

The weekend is for spending with my kids. I'll log in for a bit in the evening to see if anything interesting is happening, but usually it's just some sperg crying because the feds aren't keeping him company.

BiochemistryStudent ago

Lurk moar.

Lavender7 ago

gfy, how is that?

Merchant_Menace ago

I got work to do, nigger. Calm your tits.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you know, you don't have to stay on voat all day.

Not_a_redfugee ago

Fuck you, I was out doing stuff

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Maybe you're not as interesting as you think you are.

Doglegwarrior ago

This could sadly be the truth. I dont think my post ever hit front page so maybe u have a point.

wt1984yb ago

Dude voat has been compromised and fucked for awhile. The bullshit muh Russia is DDosing us shit Putt tried to play was the final nail in the coffin that this is a glownigger honeypot

indreams ago

What's wrong with Voat? I'm confused about why everyone is saying it's a honeypot/it's over.

chirogonemd ago

Then it switched from the random, 5 minute long DDoS to maintenance mode. Yeah, it's done. I'm here because fuck it, if I can't have nice things then come and get me you limp knobs.

indreams ago

Why do you think it's done?

chirogonemd ago

I meant this place; what it was.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

Who cares. If you don't say anything egregious and against the law then you're fine.


You mean like the guy that is setting in jail right now because he complained on fb about the judge that gave custody of his kid to his ex and now his kid is dead! Yeah, don't worry, we will all be just fine.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

Well he wasn't anon for one. Two, he didn't commit a crime so the charges will get dropped, and if he's lucky can sue her/tstate.

chirogonemd ago

If you don't say anything egregious and against the law then you're fine

Replace with: "It's still free speech just as long as"

FridayJones ago

Does seem awful quiet around here from late Friday to early Sunday.

WhiteChickens ago

99% of the alt right leaders are jews, makes sense that 2/3 of their followers are FBI agents. lol

shillaccount3344 ago

Some people only go online at work.... like uhh.

fuie8483djejx73 ago

dude, I only browse voat when I’m somewhere I don’t want to be. It’s the weekend, I’m only posting now because I’m in line at the grocery. Unlike reddit, most of us have lives.

Shotinthedark ago

Are you bitching because nobody commented on your post? Maybe try reddit people there will respond with kind words and suck you asshole to make you feel better about yourself. Stupid nigger!

Doglegwarrior ago

Ive been banned from reddit for a very long time

Shotinthedark ago

So you're too faggy for reddit?

blumen4alles ago

I am just glad the front page is not full of twitter links. I guess JIDF reassigned MagnusVeritas - going on 9 days now since last post. Fall is my favorite time of the year, I am going back outside!

parrygrin ago

It's called family time, buddy.

Not everything is black pills.

Doglegwarrior ago

Hey i got a bunch of responses i can admit i might have been wrong. And ya im about to go to do stuff with my family..

parrygrin ago

Fuck yeah, dude.

Rejecting bullshit is important, but negativity--no matter how justified--never actually builds anything. Have a great weekend, man!

Firinmahlazer ago

Are you whining about internet points you fucking loser?

Doglegwarrior ago

I have no fucking clue what my points are at or what i can even do with them. If u have suggestions let me know.


Well for You, you can take your points and make nice designs, like this one! 🔯

Adminstrater ago

I think he is talking about engagement, but that's alright if you think he is just out for points. Some people are just out for points, and it's good to stay vigilant, and make sure you only award your points to worthy content. Can I have some points now?

Smallest_Skil ago

there are some normal people still here :)

boomersarecylons ago

Weekends aren't a reliable shill detector.

Eualos ago

Try doing something fun outside while the weather is still nice

Doglegwarrior ago

Going to horse races in a little bit.

goatsandbros ago

For some strange reason, the sabbath is less filled with shill. Really makes you think.

scrimmmy ago

Scouting for hunting season yo

imakulate ago

Could be the tequila, but this song is a thing of beauty..

Nigloo_Dismantler ago

The guitar riff of "Dixie's Land" at the end really hits ya' hard.

Crackrocknigga ago

Try posting at night, it's scary how you'll get your posts to the front page easily as long as their solid yet during the day you face a barrage of (((downvoats) )) and (((forum sliding))).

Big brother is watching

Astupidname69 ago

Sorry we're not at your beck and call 24/7 nigger.

Original_Dankster ago

Or people post while at dead end office jobs to keep our sanity, and save the weekends for outdoor / unplugged activities

Adminstrater ago

I am more of a morning person, or an evening person. Or sometimes randomly in the middle of the day, or randomly in the middle of the night.

To get a response from me, it's best to try and set me up for a joke. I am always here to entertain first, inform second, and third, vent my little brains out.

undertheshills ago

Me too voat is usually the best from 5 to 7am est... what time is that in Israel

Adminstrater ago

5:00 PM Eastern = 12:00 AM israel

7:00 PM Eastern = 2:00 AM israel


Thanks Rabbi.

Crackrocknigga ago

Holy shit, on their lunch break.


SurfinMindWaves ago

It's the sabbath and they're not allowed to do work today.


Wonder how that works? Can they not get online at all or just to shill and slide? Like it's not okay to do that but they can still go online to fap to porn right?

SurfinMindWaves ago

No touching of electricity. I think that includes computers.


Thanks Rabbi. It's good to know stuff like that.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Since I've been here all day and had to look up that little fact means you've besmirched my good name.


Hahaha! Good one.

Reverse-Flash ago

@heygeorge pays us time and a half to come in on the weekends and pretend we aren't jews. It's very hard to type and wring my hands at the same time.


@heygeorge only pays you time and a half! How can this be! You know your time is worth more than double time! It's the Sabbath after all! That has to be worth more than the measly triple time that he is paying you! Think about all those suffering jews that you represent! The 6 million that you are getting is barely worth it! You work so hard against the goy, you can't possibly do it for less than 6 gorillion!

Reverse-Flash ago

hand wringing intensifies

heygeorge ago

Thank Moloch the Clinton Foundation got those last Soros gibs to distribute our way before ‘ceasing operations’.

james780 ago

i dont post alot

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Voat is not what is was 1-2 years ago. A lot of old accounts are gone/inactive and Voat got flooded with retarded Qfucks and boomers.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

is boomer code for christcuck?

Divinelight ago

Just back nigget faggot. Gf paying for my night out, late night vote reading makes me sleep better.

sirRantsalot ago

its early fall. lots of people are playing outside. why aren't we?

Cat-hax ago

Nothing to do in my area and I work outside so I rather stay inside.

sirRantsalot ago

Yeah I know that one.

DeputyPutt ago

No shit. I spent most of yesterday outside after work and half of today. I'm finally calming down for the night.

Nosferatjew ago

I'm only here right now because I'm taking a dump before heading out for a hike with the dogs. Fucking buffalo wings...

pimplepeter ago

Very nice. I'm thinking about getting a dog for this very reason. What kind are they?

Nosferatjew ago

The crazy kind.

pimplepeter ago

you are nigger faggot with a pit bull?

Nosferatjew ago

I'm not going to tell you what kinds of dogs I have, but I will tell you that I did not take a pitbull to the creek today, although, I do love me some pibbles.

pimplepeter ago

pitbulls are VERY nice dogs. Statistics prove this.

Goys-R-Us ago

Good, watch out for tick born diseases for you and your dogs. My last dog died of complications from Lymes. Take care of your pups.

sirRantsalot ago

Now I think I'll get wings

SIayfire122 ago

Fucking buffalo wings.

That's an odd way to spend your Friday night. Perhaps you need a wife or something to keep you sexually satisfied.

Nosferatjew ago

What, you too good for buffalo wings?

SIayfire122 ago

I eat buffalo wings, not fuck them.

Nosferatjew ago

Shut up dad.

nyaaa ago

Careful for the....skeeters? Their kinda thick today by my creek

badruns ago

I'm still here faggot.

MrPim ago

Or its just slow. Its late in summer on a saturday when people might want to get out and take advantage of a nice day(which will be coming to an end). Voat has been very slow of late in general.

Gimmethelolz ago

I got shit to do today

Blood-is-Nature ago

Satur(n)day aka Saturn is that for a worthy reply?

Doglegwarrior ago

Good enough. Do think your getting paid just bored.

Blood-is-Nature ago

What I think is that you should read a dictionary or sleep the alcohol out of your system, because your sentence made no sense at all.

Doglegwarrior ago

3 other people understood it fucktard. Ya my spelling and grammar sucks.