LaRiver ago

Very insightful! I have come to the same conclusion recently.

Niggertown ago

It's always been a kleptocracy. It's not like the Indians gave the land to the founding euronigger father's that founded this country.

jimibulgin ago

Can you suggest some entry-level reading on the 1934 bankruptcy thing?

Nosfewratsjews ago

This PDF covers all of the relevant legal documents tor research.

I've also adjusted it to the "official" filing of 1933. An Ohio Representative also covered it in detail here.

jimibulgin ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

Feel free to ask any more questions. It was the official end of our Representative Republic and the forming of The United States Corporation under Socialist and Communist Democracy.

RacistJew ago

I agree with your post. However,

"Name a single taxpayer-funded program that is not the worst in it's class".


DeseretIndustries ago

My local city and state government are excellent.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Guess OP should specify Federal program.

I can name one: Bonded Bourbon

Nosfewratsjews ago

What would you define as the class? Off the top of my head I can think of 3 superior players, although all 3 outsource some things to DARPA.

RacistJew ago

Not sure exactly. But they seem to lead research in quite a few areas. Probably some we peasants don't know about.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I would consider DARPA a broker between Government and private Enterprise.

IsaacJan ago

Shut up.

Quit and run away then you faggot.

randomfuckingidiot ago

There comes a point in a game of chess, when your opponent has both sets of pieces and a couple space marines on the board, that you realize punching that nigger in his big fat face is the only choice you have left for yourself

Buzzzard ago

Happy Hannukah!! HONK!!

Ezekiel20_20 ago

Choose wisely how you act with your future, for regret is a bitter dish.

What's your recommendation?

Nosfewratsjews ago

Everyone has different circumstances, life experiences, and makes different choices. This means the answer is always unique.

What I do will unlikely be ideal and/or optimal for you - and vice versa.

ALIENS2222 ago

Nothing is wrong from what I see here.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I left a lot out, but getting into conversations about how the US Government employs 50,000,000 Americans and all the associated deep discussions on the ramifcations of that, in conjunction with all the Democrats in the recent DNC debate openly stating the purpose of the Green New Deal was "anyone who wants a Government job can have one".

Some conversations require a lot of build-up for people to allow the true horror of what's happening settle in first.

LaRiver ago

Not to mention we lost every war we go into (on foreign lands) since WWII, and congress all throw fits (except one gentleman) when Trump announces pull-out from Syria.

ALIENS2222 ago

I always focused on the financial stuff. The FED is the target of my nuclear ICBM. That is what I attack. I would say your post has a super-negative blackpill connotation. What is the solution? Here is mine...

Return to a literal interpretation of the original constitution. This means FULL 2A. Full ALLODIAL TITLE. Destroy the broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause. End the FED, END the IRS. End any and all government arms FED to local that violate the above with vengence and board swath. As for the niggers and mexicans. Easy. If you are not a legal citizen, this means you arrived here LEGALLY and so did your ancestors "jurisdiction of the United States" is the term. NO anchor babies. None of them have EVER been legal.

Allow real legal citizens to simply claim the property of any and all unlawful occupiers of the United States. This means if Jose Tijuana has a pickup truck I can snap a picture of the VIN and Plate and take it to the DMV. If he is not a legal citizen per the above rules then I get a title for that truck... or house or land or bank accout... you see what I mean? Then to really get them to get the fuck out... We let the same apply to ANYONE who materially supports t hem. This means if they live in an apartment, I can claim that apartment unit in the building and get legal title to it. The owner of the complex will have to buy it back from me on my terms. If they own stock at a company then I get that stock. etc.

Now, to clear out the legal leaches:

Eliminate all forms of social wellfare and retirements. If its not private, its gone. If you are a 'good guy' you get a one time payment (MIlitary retirees, fed state city etc retireees) etc. If you are just a Wellfare sucking nigger then you can give it all up right now... or keep your wellfare and give up your citizenship. This means you move to fucking Ghana or Haiti or whatever. You get Wellfare and Snap-tier money but you are not a citizen of the US any more. This also applies to any prisioner or parolee in the nation. Rotting in prision? GO live free in Somalia or LIberia with wellfare! This deal remains open FOREVER. Write it into the constitution. This way the shit leeches leave and never come back.

Push for shit like this man. We are at a point now where ANYTING is possible. Lets push hard for the BEST situation for all of us good people. be creative! be positive! We can meme it into reality. Kek is with us.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

This sounds a lot like the crazy ideas post on how to fix the United States so that we can go to Mars in 20 years. Nice.

Nosfewratsjews ago

You can push for this all you want, but when your enemies are in power and you are losing ground by the day - at a certain point you no longer have the ability to fight back. Consider carefully how close you are to that already.

Gopherurself ago

Fuck everyone commenting with a large pain inducing horse cock, I liked what I read.

Nosfewratsjews ago

JIDF Jew faggots and cucked SJW safe-space armchair Liberals who's very sanity depends on ignoring reality until it's too late are prone to being very offended by cold hard truth. Calling something like this a "black pill" is obscene and shows they can't argue with any of it.

Most people live in the land of make believe. It's a significant reason we're in the situation we're in to begin with. When the lights go out, the Internet goes dark, and their just in time food delivery stops coming.. well, they're dead anyway - so who cares about their ignorance in the first place?

You can't save everyone.

Whitening ago

The Unites States of America....In Name Only.

DontBeRacist ago

The United States economic zone.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

Nosferatjew ago

TL;DR... voat-farming clickbait preaching-to-the-choir rambling. yawn

PSA: OP's username is a cheap lazy knockoff and his alt is @QuiteEasilyAmused

Nosfewratsjews ago

Saaaaaaaaafe spaaaaaaaaaaace.

Nosferatjew ago

Shape-shifting kike detected. Beep beep.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Another lyin' liberal in it's natural habitat. Saaaaaaafe spaaaaaaace.

Nosferatjew ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

A Jew would say that.

FuggBenis ago

Nice capitalization you got there, kike.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Are you not entertained?

Nosferatjew ago

Not really though.

More likely that a Jew would impersonate someone in an effort to discredit them. And much more likely that a Jew would engage in long-winded rambling black-pill monologues, but never provide any sources or evidence to support his many claims.

What you are doing, by calling me, the guy whose account name you have clearly ripped off with malicious intent, a Jew and an "Israel plant", is a well-known subversive jidf tactic used on voat and the chans. Like your choice of username, your methods are not particularly subtle or creative. You glow mighty bright.

Nosfewratsjews ago

If you're just going to follow me around and lie about me, we simply can't be friends. =(

I guess I'm just going to have to ignore you from now on, with whatever raging boner you have for me.

Nosferatjew ago

Ooo you editted your comment and added more!

Go ahead and block me. In fact, please, block me. That way I know you will never defend yourself against my exposure of you. By all means, weaken yourself. What could possibly go wrong?


Hmmm... you're sounding more and more familiar.

Nosferatjew ago

I don't follow you around, I scroll through voat, and find you organically. If you don't want my attention, then why did you copycat my username? Exactly what were you expecting?

with whatever raging boner you have for me.

Ah yes, attempting to discredit your accuser by claiming he is gay for you. Yet another obvious kike tractic. What will you try next? Are you going to call me a troll? Maybe a bot?

SandHog ago

So who is this @draaak impersonator? Fess up.

Nosferatjew ago

Excellent question indeed.

Nosfewratsjews ago

This counts as content.

SandHog ago

That wasn't the question.

Nosfewratsjews ago

You misunderstood the response.

SandHog ago

I'm having some issues with my surround sound system. Know anyone that could give me some pointers?

Nosferatjew ago

Fairly certain this fag won't be able to help you with your surround sound. Try @My10thaccount, he has more experience.

SandHog ago

Oh. Hi Dial. How ya been?

Nosferatjew ago

I'm not dial. But I've been good.

SandHog ago


Nosferatjew ago

Nope. draaaak.

SandHog ago

Kek. I was drunk last night and didn't realize you came into the thread. I thought I was still talking to the imposter.

Nosferatjew ago

Haha no worries. That's the trouble with imposter accounts, and exactly why dipshits like OP make them...

SandHog ago

Yeah. There are a few of them I have noticed that seem to have popped up a month ago or so.

Nosfewratsjews ago

That particular algorithm has gone through too many rolling revisions to even try to remember an accurate number.

Although, you may try all over town.

SandHog ago

Welp. The mattress store seems like as good a place to start as anywhere. I'll keep you updated!