Ina_Pickle ago


gentlemanadventurer ago


Bilzkits ago

hug i got your back!

Jiggggg ago

We're all positive of that

ReturnofGrandfrag ago

That's a lot

VoutGuy ago

Shills uvote AF "their kind".

gentlemanadventurer ago

I'm going to assume from your short hand that you are calling into question my authenticity and that my behavior is limited towards supporting only my kind. Is that correct? Well, I can assure I do not shill, unless that is defined as supporting Christians, White people, Traditionalist, or Nationalist. Then by all means, I shill for my folk and I will only support them - no one else. If that is a crime - I'm G.A.C. I love my people, and I want them all to do well. That is what motivates me, nothing else.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Ha. Nice.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Go outside once in a while niggerfaggot

gentlemanadventurer ago

I agree with this. You are correct in saying so.

Tubesbestnoob ago

I am guilty too.

gentlemanadventurer ago

I will have you know that I spent a little more time outside (after church). I did so because of your suggestion. It was nice, we went for a walk near the water. No bullshit.

VoatMikeNolan ago

I think you're HIV positive.

gentlemanadventurer ago

Think all you like. That is your choice.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Take your faggoty virtue signaling back to reddit

gentlemanadventurer ago

Yeah, says the fucktard that just got here. Nice B tag shill.

Titanbikes4ever ago

WTF are you talking about now?

gentlemanadventurer ago

You're speaking to an original not some "tryhard" faggot shill such as yourself.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Well, when you have to say it, it's rarely true. As in you're far from positive but rather a tryhard and faggot shill yourself. And you reek of mental instability.

gentlemanadventurer ago

Check the badge faggot. I had to say IT because you are blithering r.e.t.a.r.d ousted by reddit. Jesus. You are fucking stupid.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Are you serious? Your life sucks so bad that this shit means that much to you?

gentlemanadventurer ago

Take your faggoty virtue signaling back to reddit<

Using your mutated brand of logic I will have to conclude that your life must be shit, because my innocuous post compelled you to comment. A harmless post effected you so much you were emotionally driven to make a negative comment. That, my friend, says more about you than it could ever about me.

The slightest bit of positive news caught your attention, didn't it? And you had to do something about that, didn't you? Ignoring it was not an option - that much is evident.

It's not your fault, though. You are a common and uninteresting person and there is nothing anyone can do about that. Go on, spin your wheels, run your mouth, trying and failing to insult me will not make your life any richer.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Wow, now I know I'm right cause you freaked the fuck out and you're grasping at straws to hurt my fees like a woman would do. This wasn't positive news, it was a gross attempt to get people to like you, which they don't. You're so mentally gross you give me the creeps.

gentlemanadventurer ago

Once again, your grandiose statements say more about you than my generic post says about me. I just posted a fact about my account, you want to regulate the internet exerting emotional and social shame. Seems your side of this equation is the feminine one.

if you want to use your deranged hypothesis to attribute motive you go right ahead, create your own little factless fantasy. But I have to ask, how much more attention are you going to give to this self serving, pointless adventure of yours?

You can't insult me, I have zero respect for you. You can't stop me. I'm a free man. You can never change my mind because nothing you put forth is even remotely close to reality or truth. What's the game plan here? Are you going to keep spinning your wheels believing you're getting something out of me?! Hahahahaha. Awww sweetheart. You must be new to the internet.

A man would have simply asked what the motive was, if he even cared to know. You're slinging wild baseless accusations around like a teenage girl in a sleep over.

You have a good night, gossip girl. I'm sure there are tons of well meaning posts you can go shit on with your crypto-faggot social standards. I know how important that is to you.

CTCZ ago

Up and down votes are not barometers of positivity. One can up vote from here to the moon and yet leave unpleasant or unpopular posts or comments which leaves negative impressions.

If up / down vote counts do indeed reflect positivity I would think it is more of the ratio of the two rather than one number proving or disproving positivity. For example 50k upvotes is good, until compared to 10x that in down votes. Not saying that is the case here, just perhaps more data is needed than one number.

Given your name is a combination of “gentleman” which has a positive connotation and “adventurer” which is also positive, you are portraying yourself in a positive light, yet post about insecurities around positivity.

So in conclusion perhaps you are giving out up votes like candy in compensation for other more negative aspects to your being, and the name is camouflage for your more negative character which only manifests in posts and comments.

Or maybe not.

gentlemanadventurer ago

It would seem that there is content on this site which I support or agree with, more so than I disagree with. As for the name, it's just a screen name. No more thought went into it than it was accepted during registration. Had it not, I would have picked something else.

The motivation for the posting was out of surprise really. I had not focused on that portion of my account before.

The down voates are no more than 3,000. I try to limit down voats to pro-child abuse comments and topics, or topics and comments that have little to do with the content being discussed, or when authors overtly attempt to go out of their way to artificially derail an important discussion for a political or nefarious reason. That's not a complete criteria, but it is the gist for the sake of time.

I believe you have over analyzed this simplistic post and have attributed meaning where this is none but that is your choice to do, so I respect that. Sometimes a post is just that, a post.

Thank you.

Deplorablepoetry ago


How long did it take you to think up that retarded dissertation....., all morning?

It’s super fucking simple stupid.

All one needs to do to garner upvoats is to find the most imbecilic post in any given thread, then point at the queer boy (you) and call him a FAGGOT!

It’s good for four ups pretty much every time.

As for downvoats, I really only downvoat out of spite.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You can't have more DV than UV. It's hard-coded into the system.

Obelisk79 ago

But how many nukes does Israel have?

Zoldam ago

60ish + 4000 (US Arsenal)

Creggieb ago

A non zero amount.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Nut like you can find good info. What I do know is they're an undeclared nuclear power, but also that they threaten to nuke literally the entire world with the "Samson Option" if they think they're about to stop existing as a state. So, enough to kill the world once over?

I've heard ranges from dozens to a little over a hundred.

jimibulgin ago

None. Nukes aren't real.

VoatMikeNolan ago

And neither are jews.

gentlemanadventurer ago


Humansized ago

Nice try kike. The correct answer is too many.

majb ago

Noooo. The correct answer is not enough and we should send them some. Just like Dominoes, delivery in 15 minutes or less.

gentlemanadventurer ago

Semantics. Word wizardry is kike wizardry. Speak plainly, no need for jewish trickery.

Sackajahweeda ago

But how do you feel? That and 2b or not 2b are the questions?

gentlemanadventurer ago

Feelings are irrelevant. 2B is the question answered.

incey ago

intersting whine. very general but i'm hooked never-the -less. have you given more downvotes than upvotes? have you only upvoted depressing topics? are you way right on the only bell curve that matters? and most importantly for now, Do "the people" matter?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

more downvotes than upvotes?

Not possible on voat.

kammmmak ago

More than you whatever the case.

gentlemanadventurer ago

None of that matters.