Eualos ago

Because Russians are white looking

Broc_Lia ago

Yes, but there's plenty of white groups that aren't closely associated with socialism.

Eualos ago

We have a history of hating them so it's easy to stir that up. They were our greatest European ally before the communists too over.


Meanwhile, giving the bad guys brown skin and calling them terrorists is racism

CameraCode0 ago

I was thinking about this yesterday. As much as the Soviets were subhuman Communists, the vast majority except for the zionists at the very top were genetically Russian, and I don't think they did anything worse than CIA traitors have done to their own citizens (like weaponizing lime disease against rural people). If only things were different and we didn't have the leaders we have, the US and Russians could be great allies.

Broc_Lia ago

I don't think it was just the very top. Did you see this megathread? The part on communism goes into the details, but even of the rank and file the majority of party loyalists were jewish.

Also, as abusive as the feds are, they never attempted genocide of the american people.

Dnomen ago

Soviets are not the same as Russians....

Sure the Soviets were Russian but Russia is not the Soviet Union.

Broc_Lia ago

Most of the soviets weren't even Russian, their leaders were jews and the commoners were all kinds of central and eastern european, as well as Russians. But the regular folk watching those shows aren't aware of that distinction. Soviet and Russian are the same thing. Hence why there's evil Soviet tropes popping up around the place.