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Nosferatjew ago

@DuskGrader is a preacher shill, his primary agenda is to control the narrative here on voat and to ultimately Pied Piper goats into exposing themselves IRL in ways that would ruin their lives and further compromise this site.

List of @DuskGrader's known shilling alts from the past:

@DuskGrader admitted to being the pilot of these accounts here. Here is a screencap. And here is an archive.

Also, this is the only user on the site to use the term "neo-soviet" and "neo-soviets", as can be seen by running those two terms through

He is also a spammer.

Posts I have made about these accounts...

Using my now banned u/draaaak account:

Using my current u/Nosferatjew account:

If you are new to all this, please review the above posts for more info about these various accounts.

CrudOMatic ago

Good research, anon. Keep up the autism.

uvulectomy ago

Don't forget that faggot also sucks Ilhan Omar's diseased Somali cock...

FuckThrottlingSpeech ago

where is your post on users like @tendiesonfloor who regularly reposts reddit shit and often fake shit

Nosferatjew ago

lol 2.7 hour old account.

Judging by your attitude and username, you are either @DeepSteak or @UltraRibbed. I'm leaning towards @UltraRibbed, but who knows, maybe you're both...

Regardless, and if you are niether of these users (lol you're obviously at least one of them), then maybe consider the that I'm busy dealing with the shills I've identified (welcome to the list, fag). I'm just one man, do you really expect me to do everything myself? I certainly do not. If tendies raises red flags for you, then make your own thoroughly researched post exposing him as a shill.

In the meantime however, gas yourself.

FuckThrottlingSpeech ago

exactly what am i shilling for? to remain skeptical of a site that harbors users as "goats" as if it is a corral?

look at my name, 2.7 hours because of what? hmmmmmmmmmmm

what did you get banned for Draaak?

Nosferatjew ago

AHAHAHAAAAHAHAA you still can't spell my name correctly, @UltraRibbed.

exactly what am i shilling for?

The enemy. We've been over this many, many times.

to remain skeptical of a site that harbors users as "goats" as if it is a corral?

If you can't appreciate "goat" as a term of fraternal endearment, maybe voat just isn't for you.

what did you get banned for Draaak?

I went after female shills in the Qcrowd, who waved their pussy passes in front of the incel site admins, and lobbied to have me banned, despite never breaking the rules of the site. This is literally what happened. They tried it a second time when @srayzie was exposed as a kike shill, and got @Trigglypuff banned, but that time it didn't stick.

why are you defending this particular user?

I'm not.

do you want a point by point post showing how much fake material tendies has shared?


hes a CCP whore, it's blatant.

So prove it. I'll wait...

you are targeting certain users, and for what?

I target those who deserve to be targeted.

when there are so many that are worse?

You are welcome to take a crack at exposing these worse shills. What's stopping you? Hmmmm?

FuckThrottlingSpeech ago

what's stopping me? i don't pander for CCP. when Voat allows actual free speech like certain other sites i frequent, i will be happy to contribute. For now, the negative CCP, the sudden account lockouts, and the hivemind like behavior is not conducive to healthy conversation.

by the way, i spell your name that way on purpose. you're not as quick witted as you think in that regard. and i'm not @ultraribbed. though i'm sure if he replies, the ensuing conversation would be interesting. the fact that you have had this conversation multiple times and have gone on to write them off as shills might be a sign of your ideologically frayed mind's stunted growth.

but i might just be assuming the last bit. for all i know, you're just like me.

or maybe you're a man behind a desk.

Nosferatjew ago

and i'm not @ultraribbed

Nice try faggot.

shrink ago

I'm not here to get in the middle of whatever this spat is about, and I'm not playing devil's advocate either, but tendies does have really fucking gay habits. He does post plebbit shit, he does post totally unsourced plain images all the time, he reposts the same shit he's posted three times a month for the past two years, he'll repost something he saw someone else post a few hours earlier, etc etc.

He's not out to really enrich Voat with genuinely good content; if that happens, it's incidental, not the goal. He's out to either farm upgoats or pander to people by presenting whatever confirms his/their bias. I won't speculate on motivations, I'm just saying this because regardless of whatever else this person you're arguing against is saying, his first comment about tendies wasn't wrong.

Nosferatjew ago

I agree 100% with every point you just made. Tendies didn't even come up with an original name, he copy-catted @Tendieshitthefloor.

But, like I said. I can't go after everyone all on my own. I have to prioritize, so, when I see someone LARPing as a "white nationalist" and trying to trick goats into exposing themselves publicly, and even into meeting with the LARPer in person because he's just soo lonely, then that's who I target. Also @UltraRibbed, because he's a worthless whiny faggot. If someone else wants to go after Tendies, they are, of course, welcome to do so, and hardly need my, or anyone else's permission or endorsement.

Don-Keyhote ago

What's your take on me? Not the same as Cringsch's I would hope.


Since WNs obviously aren't going to convert to Islam en masse, I don't make sense as a Jew or mud shill.

Clearly I just want to shit on Christcucks to light a fire under them.

Nosferatjew ago

Hard to say, scrolling through your comment history, I'm about 50/50 on you. You don't strike me as a shill, but you don't not strike me as a bit of a faggot. Generally, anyone who is so beta that they feel they need to seek validation in this way, is probably a fag.

Asking for upvoats doesn't garner much repsect. Don't do that.

Calling Christians "Chistcucks" makes me want to push you down some stairs. That's commie kike speak. It doesn't make you edgy, it makes you a counterproductive faggot. I'm not a Christian, I'm agnostic (because I need evidence to support belief, faith doesn't cut it), but I defend Christianity and those who practice it, even if they are getting cucked for being pacifist squishes. People who shit on Christianity are shitting on western civilization. If you value and wish to preserve west civ, I would suggest not calling Christians "Christcucks".

I do like your term "LARPfagging" though. So, there's that.

You're the sort of user I would want to give a chance to, but would probably downvoat a lot, if not simply as a rule. You don't exactly strike me as a shill though, more someone whose head is lodged up his ass.. but who knows, maybe I just haven't monitored you for long enough yet... maybe you'll grow on me.. ;)

auralsects ago

Generally, anyone who is so beta that they feel they need to seek validation in this way

Translation from Yiddish please. I stated clearly my purpose was to shit on people to make them as good as I am. Opposite of seeking validation

Asking for upvoats doesn't garner much repsect.

That's obviously a joke, as nothing can salvage these accounts, I'd logically just make new ones if I wanted to stay.

People who shit on Christianity are shitting on western civilization. If you value and wish to preserve west civ, I would suggest not calling Christians "Christcucks".


I defend Christianity and those who practice it, even if they are getting cucked for being pacifist squishes.

It's not pacificism, they are the literal enemy. Border Patrol drops illegals DIRECTLY AT CHURCHES who then arrange further transport inland. There are a dozen Christian Zionists for every single Jew alive and they send Israel more money.
Also a study showed the more active one is at church, the more he supports immigration (Evangelicals only)!


Kill yourself promptly, you people are the dumbest WNs out there. This is exactly why you need me, holy fucking shit

shrink ago

Alright fair enough. When you called that guy a shill for have an account only a few hours old I thought that was your attempt to discredit what he was saying about tendies, if not, no problem.

blit416 ago

you’re sharp, man. I expect you’re not doing this for mere ‘kudos’ but regardless.. well done. I cannot imagine the kind of mind that is able to track writing/speech patterns for 5 to 10 people ..out of hundreds, and line them up with each other.


ItsOk2bArian ago

Very thorough, please let me know immediately if I ever piss you off