I like this whole idea: getting motivated to start is the hardest part; 1 tends to lead to more once the ball is rolling.
If someone is struggling to do a pull-up, or if someone really wants to "burn out" after their sets: concentrate on the "negative" pull-up.
Jump to the top of the pull-up, then lower yourself as slow as possible, until you just can't do it any more.
you will be surprised how quickly this helps you improve.
Also, if you do over-hand pull-ups with a close grip it will concentrate on your biceps.
Use a door if you need to--cushion your hands by laying a towel over the top.
ps.I generally don't like to "plug" comercial stuff, but I learned those techniques from a book called "You Are Your Own Gym" by Mark Lauren--pretty good stuff for body weight excersises.
pps. I forgot what sub I was seeing this stuff on.
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clamhurt_legbeard ago
Excellent advice.
The posts are on v/theredpill. Join in TODAY, it's not a big deal. Just ONE pullup and pushup....
Native ago
Great suggestion and I just busted out a set nice and slow