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thewebofslime ago

Online privacy is on the onus of the online user. Voat cannot be expected to save everyone. Sure, harassment is bad, but information, itself, is neutral. There are already laws in place to deal with threats and harassment. "Dox" is not a legal term. Sharing information is not and should not be legal. Sharing embarrassing information is not illegal. Avoiding embarrassment is not a legal right. Avoiding being offended is not a legal right.

In fact, free speech is the right to offend. It is the right to embarrass. The Founding Fathers said so.

I see no problem with anyone being doxxed. If people choose not to take their online privacy seriously that is not Voat's problem. If someone uses Voat as a vehicle to harass by repeatedly posting personal information, making up fake stories, then trying to convince others to use that fake story to screw with someone's life, that isn't a result of doxxing, that is a result of people behaving badly and there are legal remedies for that. Slander and libel already have rules surrounding them.

This is, of course, assuming the drama isn't staged to be a distraction.

So, when people start calling me a pedophile, I have a legal vehicle to sue them and take their money from them to make sure they don't do it again. I don't have to ask admin for help. @theoldones @shizie I can sue you if I can prove harm for making false accusations. False accusations are harassment, libel, slander, etc. The legal system is not perfect but it generally works for the average citizen and I don't need to ever communicate with @puttitout about it.

It is easy to sue people in the US. If someone infringes on your actual rights, there is a remedy and it isn't crying to @puttitout. You call the police, you file a petition with the court, etc. A process is already in place. Rules are already in place.

People should really be aware that a face picture is enough to do a facial recognition search using any of 100s of services. It gets worse than that, though. The face search finds @srazyie's page which shows addresses, phone numbers, criminal records, bankruptcies, family members, family member criminal histories, all of her aliases, links to all of her social media accounts ever, and so much more. It even has her multiple email accounts.

Even if she uses "srayzie" and just a picture, and other services are tying all of this data together and know who she is. Plenty of paid services know who "srayzie" is and you don't need a name or a picture because she uses one of her many email addresses to sign up accounts called "srayzie."

This is how I often find people, as well, simply by importing their email address. The social media sites find the rest of the info, themselves. The APIs allow all people finder services to do the same thing.

So, with just an email, LinkedIn will find FBI employees. It can also work both ways, to find email addresses. Generally, users don't have access to this, but API's do and the technology is improving rapidly. The difference between now and three months ago has shown great progress. Scary.

Indeed, @srazyie has a MASSIVE online footprint and she plastered her picture onto anything and everything. She made herself a very public figure using alts on multiple platforms but wasn't smart enough to separate them so that Facebook, Twitter, etc, didn't connect them. She was very fickle and lazy about cleaning up stray accounts.

If you use the same username everywhere and the same email addresses to sign up for services, they will all connect you and allow that connection to be public because ad services need to better advertise at you. That is why this is all so public and it isn't going to get better; quite the opposite.

You know I've been saying this over and over. I can't stress how public everything is. In a year, it is going to be more drastic.

The doxx conversation is important and I am stressing that there is no hiding for anyone unless they wise up on how to use the Internet. MyLife and other databases are the starting point from which someone can gain total access because everyone's passwords are also widely available and they are leaked with some regularity.

Voat is not responsible for all the information on the Internet and Voat should not be infringing on free speech. The information is out there whether Voat bans people or not.

theoldones ago

Online privacy is on the onus of the online user.

oh fuck right off.

thewebofslime ago

Fine. Give us all your personal info and let's see what happens.That is the alternative that you are proposing.

Or... you could take my advice and go ahead and learn to protect your own privacy.

theoldones ago

Fine. Give us all your personal info and let's see what happens.That is the alternative that you are proposing.

Or... you could take my advice and go ahead and learn to protect your own privacy.

i've got a better idea.

you could stop being a spying piece of shit. thought about that idea yet?

thewebofslime ago

Why in the world would court documents be redacted, in the first place?

Anyone with a half a brain has their court documents sealed. Also, plenty of people are arrested and accused of a crime, but go free. So, what you are asking is, seemingly, disingenuous.

theoldones ago

Why in the world would court documents be redacted, in the first place?

you're missing the point here.

why would you post them if you know what information resides in there?

thewebofslime ago

So did @srayzie but you don't have this conversation with her.

SearchVoatBot ago

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theoldones ago

please explain how even if that were true or not, that absolves you of your own guilt.

thewebofslime ago

Admit it is true and I will tell you.

theoldones ago

fuck off you get no bargain and can make no request

thewebofslime ago

Your persistent commitment to dishonesty is impressive. You are the most dishonest poster on Voat and that is saying something.

theoldones ago

you done talking shit yet?