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SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

I’m taking bets on whether Virge will delete this post or not!

WhiteRonin ago

Virge is trying to raises funds to buy me out.

Why don’t y’all just pay me directly!

Notice Virge’s post and comment history. He ghosts me because he can’t make an argument strong enough to shit me up or prove me wrong.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

You've been here for a while it seems. After looking at your submission history, I began to wonder when you stopped posting actual content and just started trolling other users. The contrast is pretty startling. This is agent provocateur behavior, dude.

WhiteRonin ago

I decided to focus on more important things in life.

You wanna test me?

Go onto my history, pull up a topic and I’ll probably reply the same. Go for it bro!

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Message boards are not life. I'm not getting involved in your pissing contest with @virge. I don't care. I think you're a saboteur and a provocateur.

WhiteRonin ago

Well, at east I’m not a builder who cries transparency yet deletes his own shit all the time.

virge ago

I don't care. I think you're a saboteur and a provocateur.

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

@kestrel9 @madworld

WhiteRonin ago

@puttitout look at your builder pinging his brigade!

virge ago

@puttitout look at your builder pinging his brigade!

Haha. You crawled out of your hole for more after I fucking wrecked you earlier? Stay classy.

WhiteRonin ago

Wrecked me? You are the one crying Jew! Because I owned you on that thread.

Now, I’m owning your ass over here too!

Come at me! You have it all in your excel spreadsheet, so dig bro! Dig dig dig!

Buy me out before you totally loose!

Morbo ago

Some people really just hate you and don't need to be paid to target you. You've given plenty of people more than enough reason to devote their time to wasting yours. You told us many times how you like wasting people's time. Should we then assume that you are paid to do that? Show some self awareness and realize that you just might be that big of an asshole.

virge ago

So why am I an asshole? Your personal bias is showing. Are you some kind of Liberal faggot?

Morbo ago

You just showed why you're an asshole. You think that anyone who disagrees with you is a libtard, a shill or paid. I am none of those but your bias is showing. This is why you're being targeted by people. You're just a supreme asshole.

virge ago

You're just a supreme asshole.

Since you're also a supreme asshole, don't we counter each other out?

You're still a Liberal faggot either way.

Morbo ago

I'm not the one whining about Whiteronin hurting my liberal fee-fees. Cry some more whiny libtard cuck. And shouldn't you be deleting your history again?

WhiteRonin ago

Why is Virge only replying to you?

Fuck, I want to bait that ass some more!

virge ago

And shouldn't you be deleting your history again?

Nah, that bait worked extremely well to single out faggots like you. Not necessary anymore now that I know what scares you. Transparency!

Morbo ago

Why would transparency scare me? I've never deleted my history. So much projection from you. You must be terrified of being named. Cry out as you strike me. Show us your nose.

virge ago

Why would transparency scare me?

Voting transparency scares you.

You must be terrified of being named. Cry out as you strike me. Show us your nose.

I 100% support full voting transparency, even retroactive, including 100% restoration of my deleted posts.

Now what, Israel faggot?

Morbo ago

Voting transparency doesn't scare me either. I have one account and that's it. I can't brigade. I can't manipulate. I don't ping for reinforcements. You do those things. That's why you are afraid of voting transparency. It is you who would be exposed not me. You keep showing your nose. It's a big one too. Bring on voting transparency! I will welcome it!

WhiteRonin ago

Nah, you’re the liberal because you run all the time Run forest, run !

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I've read both your posts and WhiteRonin's posts. I have no complaint with yours. His seem to be entirely directed at you. I normally pay no attention to Voat Drama and habitually downvoat any post with a title that mentions another user, especially those that make accusations (like pedophile). At this point, there's a large number of users whose posts I downvoat just on principle because they're faggots who clog up my feed with their faggotry. WhiteRonin is at the top of that list.

I'm not a gambling man, but if I were, I'd take the long bet too.

Morbo ago

At this point, there's a large number of users whose posts I downvoat just on principle because they're faggots who clog up my feed with their faggotry. WhiteRonin is at the top of that list.

I guess you haven't paid much attention to the shit stirring Virge has been doing since he was proclaimed a "builder" by Putt. Virge shows many signs of changing abruptly and acting out of his old character too. He actively calls people shills and subversives yet the backlash is all on anyone else who fights back. Something is rotten in Denmark with Virge's change from low participation user for nearly 4 years to overnight Voat darling then cage rattling troll. Be careful of the side you choose. It may just be the wrong one.

Rotteuxx ago

He actually claims he's running a big opsec on Voat.

Run down the parent comments if you're bored and enjoy cheap entertainment.

Morbo ago

That's some good stuff! I've had similar run-ins with Virge and he always uses these same tired methods. If he really is running opsec, then he's really bad at it. He has said several times early in my interactions with him that he deletes his history to prevent people from looking up his past behavior so that it wastes people's time arguing with him. Now he claims it's bait (he said this to me as well earlier today in a different thread). He's a really sad little wannabe troll with no real debating skills. It must get lonely in his mom's basement when she can't play with him since her niggerboytoy is over to stuff her pig hole with black pudding. If someone is paying him to post here, well they are really wasting their money on him. So sad.

Now the one question I still have in my head is why Putt made Virge a builder. Virge was a nobody for 3.9 years. I had him tagged in AVE so I don't think it was merely a sleeper account since AVE showed a net up/down voat count. That means I had previously agreed with somethings he said and upvoated him more than I downvoated him. Maybe it's a bought account, but that was a waste of money. So what relationship is he to Putt or Voat that got him a builder badge? I've wondered if he is related to the angel investor, but he seems too low class to have money. Maybe the angel's angsty little brother or retarded son? Hmm...

WhiteRonin ago

He could be Crensch ... Crensch also has a major character change!

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I only take my own side. And my only consideration with Virge is that I don't, for the time being, have any beef with him. I still tend to downvoat any message board drama and personal attack posts when I see them because I consider them a waste of bandwidth.

WhiteRonin ago

Did you down vote this post?

WhiteRonin ago

Every notice Virge delete his unwanted history?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Don't care. Downvoat.

WhiteRonin ago

Because I don’t run like Virge does!

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Downvoated, kike.

Morbo ago

So much for you saying you avoid drama on Voat.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Yeah, I guess I was a little inconsistent. Thanks for the warning about Virge. Both he and WhiteRonin are two sides of the same faggoty little coin. And thanks for calling me out. I'm done here.

Morbo ago

Cool. It's best to let them fight it out on their own. I'm done too. I have my own beef with Virge, but I should just ignore him again and go back to content and comments that matter.

WhiteRonin ago

Nigger Builder Virge is having a breakdown!

This dumb ass is saying he wants transparency when he linked me to his own post which has all his deletions

He’s trying to claim I’m lying! But read that second link. How is transparency a thing when you censor your own posts?

Now he’s trying g to claim retroactive transparency. Sorry Virge, that’s my line and why I said it’s something Putt will never do. Funny now that Srayzie’s alts have been outed you are claiming that’s your stance now..

I’ve been saying Virge needs to buy me out to prove his original statements that I have multiple alts and I’m involved in Brigading. My post history clearly shows I’ve been plastering Voat with that type of content. So Virge tried today to counter that with his own ponzy scheme::

Oh Virge, just buy me out. Sign the NDAs and prove to all of Voat what I am! I dare you!!

Morbo ago

Keep the pressure on, WhiteRonin! It's nice to see Virge squirm and breakdown. I'm enjoying your battle with this "builder" retard and it's good that an old goat like you is giving him the business. Sock it to him!

WhiteRonin ago

He has problems dealing with me. Srayzie and Crensch do too. It’s sort of like Virge is a chick. It’s weird. Crensch is a dude for sure. A psychopath but still a dude. Srayzie and Virge come across very similar - they make a few plausible arguments and then wash out when you don’t play their game.

Watching Virge grasp for points is funny.

He pinged his group and few others to make me look bad. So I pinged Putt. Hahaha. Putt probably can’t decide to ban me or leave me. Sure I linked to Doxxing style posts and comments but I didn’t create them. So he couldn’t ban me on that pretense. He could just because he can but he would have taken out Dial too.

Virge and Crensch can’t win because I use them against themselves. It’s funny as hell! I just turn that material I to click bait.

Morbo ago

I also think Virge is a chick. She never challenged me on it when I've called her that before and simply redirected to other topics. I'm certain that is enough proof because if she was a guy, a guy would have challenged me for calling him a girl. And yes, she does act a lot like Srayzie. Very similar tactics and about the same level of intellectual ability as shown by her lack of self awareness when fighting. She also pings when things get hot like Srayzie does. Virge is probably an old Srayzie account from before the GA sub took off.

Keep on smashing that bitch. Crensch can suck Virge's female penis.

WhiteRonin ago

I also have thought Srayzie and her group have been here for a lot longer than most of us have realized.

The original Virge account was apparently suicidal. If that dox material on Syrazie was true, I bet she was.

I wonder who else thinks this.

SandHog ago

Know what I wonder? I wonder how long it will take you to figure it out, @thelma?

Ex:If you were a preacher and you were preaching to the choir, let's say. A real fire and brimstone sermon, but your dick was hanging out for all the world to see. How long would it take you to notice? Would you notice before the people in the audience did?

If you said yes. You are wrong.

There's your hint. Don't say I never gave you anything. Also, you've been acting like a nigger over the last couple weeks. You are free to stop doing that at any time and I really wish you would. It would be nice to go back to what Voat was two months ago as opposed to what it is today. All this drama is dumb as shit.

I don't expect that you are capable of solving my riddle on your own because it is clear that you are ignorant on some technical matters. It would behoove you to ask around. I would do it surreptitiously if I were you. If you hadn't acted like such a nigger over the last few weeks I would have told you straight up and in private what your problem is. So consider this a compromise. I want Voat to go back to being Voat. The current state of things is far from that.

virge ago

I have my own beef with Virg

Hahaha. Bullshit.

virge ago

I'm not a gambling man, but if I were, I'd take the long bet too.

And he would help us win because he's probably gettin' those Soros shekels for posting! Haha.

WhiteRonin ago

How’s your pay from Team Srayzie? I’ll switch sides if you pay better!

kingdomhearts123 ago

Name dropping character arc posts are kike devilry

You’re both niggers

virge ago

Name dropping character arc posts are kike devilry

I'm just doing it to make sure he keeps doing it. I've got the long bet.

WhiteRonin ago

I’m keeping on bugging you until you prove your point or buy me out.

I love how you say everyone else is me!

kingdomhearts123 ago

Same fucking office building too I bet

virge ago

Same fucking office building too I bet

Must suck to be so paranoid I guess.

kingdomhearts123 ago

No it’s the best fit for the era actually.


virge ago

What I mean is, you'll never prove it since it's a lie. That makes you paranoid.

Dumb nigger.