Corpse_washer ago

Wont happen. Its exactly what i meant with they do not plan long-term. By removal of property and land rights from individuals, they will be swiftly dealt with by men who have nothing to lose but their chains. Consolidation into mega housing complexes will simply create a perpetual chimpout that cant be dealt with.

Im not saying they didnt planned to do just these things. Im just saying it wont happen, because as time flies, they realize the errors in them and craft something else. When the problems with that something else will be visibly once again to them, they will abandon that too and being crafting once more something else. There is no plausible way for them to win.

virge ago

By removal of property and land rights from individuals, they will be swiftly dealt with by men who have nothing to lose but their chains

This the prioritization of taking the Citizens guns away.

Consolidation into mega housing complexes will simply create a perpetual chimpout that cant be dealt with.

I'm looking at the near future with China-level surveillance and most manual labor already automated.

There is no plausible way for them to win.

I disagree.

Corpse_washer ago

taking the guns away

You talk like there is a difference in the end between charging a wall of plate armored knights supported by archers and a castle with scythes and hoes and charging riot police and or military mg nests with homemade explosives and guns. History teaches that kings are dead because taking away swords and armor from peasants didnt help them one bit in the end.

Also, depopulation idea with automated everything sounds really great if you are not capable of long term planning, because then you stand there ruling automatons. Do they want that? Of course not. They want masses of humans praising them and to rule over.

Surveiĺlance on surface looks again great, but in the end it just creates a we vs them mentality in everyone. China is much less controlled than it seems exactly because of this. They became capitalists because they would have been rapidly disposed by their people if they didnt. At some point surveillance just strengthens that there is a we and there is a them, making preplanning not a requirement when charging said wall of riot police. If the first one charges, no one needs explanation of why. No need to convince others, because its we vs them. Tiananmen failed only because it was a glownigger op and not the people themselves for example. Dai Li failed too because he was a glownigger op.