sguevar ago


I reserve my voicing on this until I see it in practice.

Thanks for the info.

thelma ago

The ends don't justify the means ... all of these secret meetings should have been noticed by a site-wide sticky.

So I won't care if I like it or not ... I cannot approve of results that come from secret meeting activities.

sguevar ago

The ends don't justify the means

Agreed. And like you I have my concerns.

all of these secret meetings should have been noticed by a site-wide sticky

Also agreed.

So I won't care if I like it or not

Is not about whether I like it or not. My perspective would be on how risky would that be. It can only be put to test in the major population for it to be binding.

I cannot approve of results that come from secret meeting activities.

Me neither, which is why I can only reserve my opinion until I see it tested out in the open.