Ocelot ago

This is the most Jewish sub I've heard of in a while.

expose ago

good luck to your poop team with literally shitting up voat

handsignals ago

So anyone who used reddit is a faggot to you? even those who are holding the line there against the liberal shills? consider this, not everyone has been using reddit for "years". i first heard of reddit 6 months ago and joined up about 4 months ago to discuss. i immediately noticed the pattern of sjw/communist propaganda being pushed to the top by bots. I've since grown tired of the constant bullshit over there. So i'm here on VOAT now. and you inhale a bag of dicks if you don't like it.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Nigger. What fucking line in what fantasy land are you holding? It’s nothing but groupthink and paid JIDF/Hasbara kikes over in redditland. Every website that promotes a particular idea over another crashes in the end. Look at digg, look at stumbleupon, all of them. You would of ended that website faster had you of left them in their echo chamber where they can’t debate anyone. People on there and twitter live to debate “the alt-right”. It gets their rocks off. By you fags being there any longer than you already have you prolonged it’s existance. But you fucking fag-pedes are too short sighted to see that shit. Fuck you. Lurk more and learn and maybe you’ll fit in

handsignals ago

you think putting truth out there to counter bullshit isnt holding the line? sounds like subversive reverse psychology to me. oy vey

as for the rest, never even heard of any of that shit. you red pillers seem as deluded to me as trumptards and libtards. i want to believe but it sounds like bs spewed by globalist shills in disguise

ARsandOutdoors ago

It will take some time for you to fully to grasp the gravity of "what" is a cultural war. Jews bring about a cultural change, to in turn bring about a political change. They don't meet you up front and ready for a fight, they subvert your women and children and economic systems to get at you and get an advantage. And, when they can't get you like that, (or in our case today, cant get to you / hide the knowledge) they replace you with flooding your country with fertile people who will outbreed and replace you. That is where we are at today. Remember, there is American Jews, Russian Jews, German Jews. But regardless of the nationality in front of "jews," they are still Jews. They are not like me and you, we are who we are. Blood and Soil. They are the internationalist, They are the Globalists. It's an International Clique that you can't be apart of unless you yourself are a jew.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PnCOfKi0GE&t=959s Start here

handsignals ago

thanks, i will look into that when i have time

ARsandOutdoors ago

Do so, i look forward to your contributions to the site

expose ago

ever pic your own shit and post it?

Niggertown ago

I vote for a separate and not equal policy for these maganiggers.


expose ago

lmao it's literally pictures of shit. idk what i expected.

realityisfake ago

I'm from reddit and I'm here to integrate.

Fuck niggers

Holonomic ago

I hear ya.

I just got done posting on the assholes in these two links: link 1, link 2

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Because I'm not a coward lol

whiteshower ago

I'm happy to have anyone here who wants to discuss ideas in good faith. I think we're trying to build a movement and change the current culture. I don't understand why we'd want to turn away anyone except shills and trolls.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Niggers are subhuman.

Despite being 13% of the population, they commit over half of all murders.

7e62ce85 ago

They are boomers, kike lovers, police bootlickers and closet socialists. They would also crash the voat servers.

Stay on reddit and FB faggots.

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

You're fucking wrong voat loves thedonald. The reason thedonald stayed on reddit was it was not the right time politcally for trump to come out as supporting voat. Obviously trump loves 4chan and such but can't openly admit it and probably will after the 2020 election.

ARsandOutdoors ago

5 months. Shut the fuck up. You do not speak for us. Donald is owned by the Jews. He’s comped u fucking twit. Imagine this, a big Whig real estate mogule is in bed with the yids! Who’d of thought!?

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

I speak for myself you fucking dipshit. Just because I don't give a shit about jews doesn't mean I then also suck jew cock. Your mentality is "if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem." Fuck that I just want to smoke weed and play on my computer all day. It is my right as an American to not give a shit about the middle east including the Jews. It is my right to watch movies and not spend my brain cells worrying about that Jews made it.

ARsandOutdoors ago

You are apart of the problem and proud. You are a cuck. You are nothing more than a slave to the system, NPC. Just another useful idiot thats PROUD of being a USEFUL IDIOT. Fuck you incel. I hope your life is as disappointing as you make it sound. A young man spending the best days of his life in front of a light box. You disgust me. Grow the fuck up, talk to women. Have a family. Pass on knowledge. Pussy.

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

"I don't give a fuck." = being proud of loving to suck jew cock.

Your logic is faulty, sir.

ARsandOutdoors ago

5 months

You haven't the faintest idea of the gravity of the situation we are in. Go back to your basement and continue beating off to pixels incel

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

You are a degenerate fool. You have let your hatred for the jews overcome your civility and logic. Yes I realize that Jews and the Mossad have done terrible things. Yes I realize some of those things have been against the united states. It is still my right as an american not to give a shit. I am exercising my freedom of speech by saying "I don't have to say the same things you say, fucker." So fuck off.

newestfag ago

newfag here, caught this website from the extremely pussy mod who sent the "we won't help you, but good luck! PRAYERS UP" this place is fucking amazing, it reminds me of pre-lefty shill 4chan. how the fuck are you guys avoiding the shill nukes and muh deplatforming?

Titanbikes4ever ago

Voat is shitty now with all the fat reddit faggots and larping children that live to antagonize and shill

NotaQjackass ago

Great thread title!

The_Oogie ago

I wasn't around for previous waves...but god-damn...these newcomers are toxic.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Ah, the voat user filtering system (tm) in action. Let's put it this was newbie fags if you get butthurt by words on the internet, fuck off. What is the best way to explain voat?When 4chans /pol/ raided here the users didn't notice a difference what so ever and laughed afterwards. Everytime T_D, incels or KIA or subreddit that didn't jump ship after Pao ran that shit hole into the ground and made slow incremental changes to purge you and change the way you behave online, we notice immediately and tell you faggots to fuck off and die. If you are so weak people telling you to fuck off and die is enough to make you run back to the people who want you erased from the internet, you should probably kill yourself

Yamau ago

Nice read

BeingReplaced ago

Imagine laughing at the left for having safe spaces and then bitch on voat about wanting safe spaces Cucks

matthew-- ago

Also, remember when they tried to create their own sub so they could implement their own bullshit rules with v/the_pedes or some bullshit?

rIckHAMIn ago

ha! they got told

ioillusion ago

You haven't really jumped ship if you still have your Reddit account.

BadedPajeet ago

You dumb retards need to accept r the donald Refugees inorder to redpill them and turn them into far right

ARsandOutdoors ago

  1. learn to not shit in the street. 2. Fuck you

Vc83 ago

Nice idea, but no such thing as the far right. Unless you mean the manufactured psyop used to trap Alex Jones boomers?

New_years_day ago

Half of them are probably shills and the other half are jews.

Vc83 ago

you said jews twice?

Loveraft ago

It's true, you are faggots. Whether you persist is up to you.

Wooden_door ago

No jew gets a free pass.

lurklurk ago

Indeed, they were up to their old tricks even before there was christianity. Meaning that his "good" jews have always been tribal cultists.

vlfberht2 ago

I jumped ship 4 years ago because I'm all for free speech, even speech I disagree with, but im not able to access my account vlfberht due to 'This account has been locked out for security reasons. Try again later." How do I fix it.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Some nonactive accounts got purged. You are technically a newfag so deal with a newfag account.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Most are probably a bunch of white nigger faggots and cuckolds but we may get a few that stick around. I am enjoying their predictable calls for censorship and gaffawing at a lot of the 'anti-semitism' around here. It's really sad as well that so many leftists have become so hen pecked and babied that all they know how to do is throw their hands up and beg the mods or the government to step in and censor people. I miss the days when they would come on this forum and others and actually try and debate their ideas before they shit themselves to death like a baby bird.

Kooshed ago

Not to mention a ton of corny shit, fucking geeks

tanukihat ago

Well said.

unclelover ago

You have to go back

Dr3dpierat ago

No shit if you had not abandoned reddit years ago, how the fuck can anyone trust your judgement?

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

r//The_Donald has its lips firmly around Jew cock.

facepaint ago

You know what? Give them a break. Let them regroup, lick their wounds and find a new home. It may not be here, but they do more good than harm.

SparkS ago

i cant say i hate them... i have no fucking clue who they are... but i do hate faggots... and cheap shit pussies... attention whores... weak hypocrite mfs... socialists... money grabbers... and more... i actually hate a lot of shits... so i might hate those mfs too...

zbou ago

Cryptokikes all of em

0rion ago

Such faggots. The strong among them will adapt. The rest will be weeded out via the good ol' Voat Initiation Process.

GloriousEndTimes ago

Unfortunately, they were too optimistic. They thought it would get better. They are/were useful idiots funding the very thing they despise.

Vc83 ago

Give them a bit more credit. If you're a regular there you see comments deleted in real time calling out our special friends. Infighting with ourselves is not productive and anyone who sees the light is one more than yesterday. There has been a particular rise already over there regarding Iran, you'll notice more and more no blood for israel posts, these obviously aren't being cleaned up fast enough due to the sheer number.

So if thousands flock here and don't like what they see, then they go back to their comfortable little safe spaces, but if 100 stay and want to know more? I consider that a positive result.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the beatings will continue until moral improves, if anything we should be giving them less credit at least the boomers and retards have an excuse imagine being awake enough to see the iran shit for what it is yet still using reddit up to today

Vc83 ago

there is nothing to lose spreading info on all mediums available. If people don't get pushed out of their comfort zone they are not going to learn, having their little safe spaces banned wakes them up little by little.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if they were real people they'd leave their comfort zone on their own occasionally, human beings are capable of independent thought and emergent behavior. People still on reddit at this point generally speaking don't seem to be


You guys are total faggots for not jumping ship years ago.

That's the thing. We've been here for them for years. Some of us were them. I think we can all attest we just want what's best for us all, that means niggers and jews gotta go. They're fucky, wacky, they steal your shit, and they want you dead (talking to whites and honorary pale East Asians here). We've been here and they stayed there, honeypot or not, none of us but Crensch want to censor their thoughts. Words are the last method used to avoid violence, taking that away from people is never a good thing. Some people here absolutely weaponize words and do indeed just want to cause harm, but handling that is a skill everyone has to develop eventually if they want to stay sane, and learning to led shit slide down your back is the better alternative to taking someone's voice.



Seventh_Jim ago

Literal and figurative shitposting!

virge ago

Literal and figurative shitposting!

Double entendre.

SorosShill159 ago

Reddit loves those Trumpy dump retards. They generate loads of traffic for the site with their moronic sub. And for all their bitching, it’s not like they’re ever actually gonna stop using Reddit so they are still actively earning the company ad revenue.

Niggertown ago

Yea, fuck your maganiggers. There is only one Donald subreddit and its here: /v/TheZognald.

nightjar ago

You must have a lot of friends in real life.

spaceman84 ago

They're also a bunch of nigger loving faggot cucks.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Personally, I can forgive people that are not that active online and are not aware of things going on, but anyone paying attention that stayed after the whole fat people hate and following events is a faggot.

nixcited ago

Lot of y'all dudes been sitting on the beach too long... js

flapjack_charlie ago

They're not here. The quarantine apparently has got them an additional 2K subs in a day.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Zionists are pure scum and a danger to America and its people. Israel is a terrorist nation and Iran should be America's ally.

ggolemg ago

Israel is not a nation, it was and is occupied hostile territory.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You're right.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

thinking Iran is your ally just because they don't have a kosher certified bank

fightknightHERO ago

the enemy of my enemy...

11hrr ago

Well said! I actually thought they were already here since a good while. Whatever. FUCK those goddamn faggots. NIGGER!

horribleperson ago

Pizzagate Whatever 2019 (jun 26)

A soul is characterized as an agent having life-after-death, comprehension, consciousness and compassion; having memory is optional.

Child-Trafficking and the Deepstate have become a mainstream-news issue(s). Abusers are being publicly pconvicted in real courts. The public should be aware of what the root problem is: SRA (a culture of abused/abusers, typically involving organized cover-up).

This is the real grand info war division: over the issue of SRA: wether you are for or against covering it up. One could even lump the people who don't care about it in with the perps. And, the people who are ignorant are lumped in with the people who want to see it gone.

SRA is an acronym for Satanic Ritual Abuse. SRA is characterized as being horriffic, sexual, covered-up, typically family-child-abuse, intimidating and often hard to talk about. The crimes of the deepstate, including child-trafficking and the assignation of JFK, are a direct result of SRA.

The hampstead UK cover-up case involves SRA.

The torture based mind control treatments including MKULTRA, and study is a direct result of SRA.

The following are examples of SRA survivor testimonies:

Michael Whalen, Holly Austin Smith, Marilyn Van Derbur, Richard Kerr, Becki Percy, Katy Groves, Peaceful Warrior, Cathy O'brien

SRA is a disease and demands victims like alcoholics demand alcohol. We, the People, demand SRA to be exposed and unsuccessful at fear and intimidation. No longer does it look scarey; it looks stupid, foolish and illegal.

Governments of the world are reforming as problems are exposed and confronted.

Trust in instutitutions, including the President of The USA, will be determed by wether they have the ability to openly acknownledge SRA and MKULTRA as serious current real life problems, that are the roots of the child-trafficking problems and the popular-media/information-corruption problems. (ie: do they appear to be covering-up? like focusing attention on other lesser problems and never addressing SRA?)

The roots of SRA, while theories are known, is not important as the cover-up of SRA: which identifies an agent or agency as being complicit in SRA.

Next to be addressed: - corrupt cops - corrupt courts - 'SRA-gang'-related harrassment, descrimination, or 'undividual targeting' -SRA-related 'population-control' schemes


WayneKer ago

Here here. Fuck off Reddit fags.

CuckzwoldTheThird ago

To be fair, @bourbonexpert is some wannabe fag that takes after Thomas or Theodore Cunt or whoever the fuck he is, so don't take it too much to heart, old chaps. His asshole isn't nearly as stretched as some of the oldfags around here.

You're all a bunch of mindless kikes, though. Never forget.

GirlsWithBackpacks ago

It's astonishing they've remained on reddit for so long

ALIENS2222 ago

We can make new accounts again??

GirlsWithBackpacks ago

You can, but who knows how long that's gonna last with T_D coming in

fishing_pole ago

Voat overlords, please share your wisdom with me. I want to learn the truth about the Jew master race

MrDarkWater ago

fishing_pole ago

Do you think the average number of women slept with per male user is higher on voat or reddit?

MrDarkWater ago

would it make you feel better to think that reddit gets more pussy?

fishing_pole ago

No, I don’t care. I would wager both groups have markedly larger dominant arm forearms.

eronburr ago

We've known for a long time https://hooktube.com/8GGxUlRVnZM?t=970

Maker_Wolf ago

I for one welcome them. I wish people would cool it with all the "get off my lawn" posts.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'mma find your lawn and let my dog shit on it since you apparently like that so much

MrDarkWater ago

nigger, you arent even welcome.

big_fat_dangus ago

Yeah totally agree. Bunch of coward faggot bitches.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

They think "based niggers" exist. Candace Owens deserves a rope as much as the rest of the shit skins.

jackthreed ago

Lots of based niggers until election time when they suddenly vote for whatever aipac has put forth.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Niggers do not stop their own. Like how moderate Muslims don't stop the "extremists". All niggers are complicit in niggering and must suffer the consequences.

jackthreed ago

For different reasons. Moose limbs are evil and nigs can’t think.

GradyStilesJewnior ago

Candace "Israel First" Owens

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Candace "can sit at the front of the back of the bus" Owens

redpilldessert ago

To any new T_D voaters - love you guys. Ignore the grilling from long-time goats.

obvious-throwaway- ago

First they came for /r/niggers, then...

I fucking left (((Eddit))) because I wasn't a cock sucking turbo faggot and understood that at that very second Kikes would control all speech. I wonder if any of the Eddit trannies coming here understand how fucking important it is to defend ALL speech and that if any site, including Voat, attempts to fuck with free speech, that platform is without question controlled by Kikes and you must leave immediately.

NosebergsForeskin ago

I didn’t realize how pervasive Jew influence is until I came here years ago.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Watched the "Man with one red shoe" 80's movie the other day. They had a scene where the main character is teaching 'underprivileged kids'. This whole 'privilege' concept was pushed on us way back in the 80's. The Kikes have been playing the long game.

jackthreed ago

Goddamn kikes

TheTrigger ago

Yes, ignore the grilling goys. It's just some good and harmless fun. We don't really hate the jews, we're just being edgy, haha. Look, I'm donating $100 to Israel right now, as a show of confidence! You do it too! Let's go! :D

SurfinMindWaves ago

My TV told me that holocaust survivors are starving to death unless I send my donation now!

TheTrigger ago

😱😱😱 I'm gonna go take out a loan to send to Israel RIGHT NOW! Hopefully it'll help them perfect their space program, so they can finally have the prosperity they deserve! 😍

Poa_Alpina ago


Almighty1776 ago

I'm just glad I have somewhere to post that isn't going to ban me for calling out the jews for their bullshit.

dubaiairporttransfer ago

I can't post in voat, it ask for 10 credit might be. can any one help here. https://www.busrentdubai.ae/dubai-airport-transfer/

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Hello sir, I notice you need 10 credit. If you want these credit please reply "I hate Jews and niggers let's kill them all".

Eureka74 ago

Cry me a river pal I'm here to stay. It was fine for a while, but I agree with you that they should have made an exit plan like a year ago.

uvulectomy ago

You're here to stay, yet you're only just now coming over. Where was your indignation when plebbit was censoring everyone else for the past several years?

No, you were too busy sucking kike dick over on T_D, blissfully ignorant of what was happening. Until the kikes that own the place decided to shut down your little playground. Then you come running over here like you've found all the answers.

You didn't give a shit about free speech then, and you don't now. Just do the world a favor and kill yourself.

Eureka74 ago

Because it was a much better website than this shithole, and yeah we all have our limits sue me. It was a good community where not everyone talked like they have turrets. But we over staid our welcome. I myself got band today for telling people to go to voat. And please stop acting like you have the moral high ground faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it was a much better website than this shithole

in what way?

TheTrigger ago

Because it was a much better website than this shithole

I'm setting a reminder to check your profile in three months. Let's see how "here to stay" you really are. Protip: out of the five-or-so people I've done this with, over the past few years: only one of them actually stuck around.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

pretty much spot-on

Glownigger ago

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I don't know why you faggots get so mad every time t_d people show up. Sure, they have the reddit stink all over them, but 95% will be unable to handle the heat and leave in a few days anyway, and the other 5% will stick around and a non-negligible share of them will probably get red pilled over time. When a community as large as t_d is forced into contact with Voat, that's a good thing. Reddit is accidentally creating a new wave of thousands of far right people, and here you are bitching about it.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

people on voat just love acting like nigger faggots and don't realize having people with a need for free speech is what keeps this site going. I personally would love to have more users on here so smaller subs could get better. If someone realizes reddit is cancer than they at least are fucking retards and want a freer internet

Hombre_Blanco ago

Great username btw.

Glownigger ago

Thanks, brand new too. Can't believe it wasn't already taken.

firedak ago

That is amazing it was not taken.

also, I definitely don't have any coathangers bent into specific shapes for my AR15's.

expose ago

@glownigger got a good one wonder what others are still out there for the picking.

BadedPajeet ago

This I was trying to say the same thing they may be jew cock sucking faggots but they're usefull faggots and could be turned into far right people

New_years_day ago

If they cant handle criticism it would appear they are weak and we don't want them.

SexMachine ago

Reddit is accidentally creating a new wave of thousands of far right people,

Conspiracy theory: That was the plan all along.

Hyst ago

I mean the registration page on Voat was down for at least three weeks and opened up what less than 24 hours before TD got purged? Did Putt even explain why it was disabled in the first place? It's been "invite only" since the whole builder destroyer fiasco. I use quotations because invites don't even exist lol... Honestly it's been that way for what, probably ever? Would be nice if Putt just changed it to "We're full, fuck off." Or actually implemented a system where we got invitation codes to pass out when registration is disabled.

Yiddles ago

Invite only was a joke. There was no way to invite.

Hyst ago

Check back in a few hours!

three weeks later...

Ina_Pickle ago

Because they are assholes. The bad kind.

shadow332 ago

The people in FPH who scream against racism, sexism, etc. and want to police the sub like reddit are exactly the same. These goats just don't know about them because it's smaller but they are just as cancerous and refuse to see the irony.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

but 95% will be unable to handle the heat and leave in a few days anyway

I keep running into [comment deleted] posts with 50+ downvotes. They're not even lasting 24 hours.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

I think it's more damage control, and them not realizing that it's hard to fit in here. They think this place is like Reddit, but it's more like /pol/. They don't realize they need to lurk moar.

firedak ago

I was just going to ask "hard to fit in?" then I remembered i fucking grew up on /b/ and was a tripfag /k/omando for a while before I used reddit.

God I fucking hate reddit now, it was neat in 2014ish but once the election started and they went full cuck, I dipped out back to here and /pol/.

Ocelot ago


firedak ago

hey, it was like 2010 lmao.

some people on /k/ still know me for my PIAT

ggolemg ago

Except we don't have 1/100th the amount of jidf shills here compared to /Pol/

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Yeah, it's harder to stop glowing when you've got an account that follows you.

expose ago

we got the skills to stop the shills brother. call em like you see em.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the stupid redditors deserve everything they get, they should stay on reddit if they like getting fucked by the admins enough to still be there

CameraCode0 ago

Us stirring up a storm is exactly what keeps 95% of them who can't handle the heat away. The Voat immune system works every time, until it doesn't. We can't get comfortable or complacent.

xMac-10s ago

The Voat immune system is great. That’s one thing I’ve enjoyed reading.

Glownigger ago

Fair point.

Seventh_Jim ago

You should get AIDS and then lecture people about how much happier you are with no immune response.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

Left reddit as soon as /r/politics was taken over by foreign countries.

Crackrocknigga ago

The Jews sunk the fucking Titanic.

Ben Shapiro is a disgusting kike who wants to throw white men into the meat grinder at Israel's enemies.

There are NO "based" niggers, spics, or stupid fucking college professors like Jüden Peterstein.

Hitler was right and Josef Mengele is innocent.

Get down on your knees and apologize to JESUS CHRIST for years of participation in cuckservative cultural Marxism. Do this, and you MIGHT not be as dark or as gay of a nigger faggot.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

I agree with everything you said, except this:

There are NO "based" niggers, spics, or stupid fucking college professors like Jüden Peterstein.

There are Jews out there that want their people to stop fucking with the west and move back to Israel, and start being good neighbors instead of cunts. I would consider them based.
There's spics that went through the legal migration process, settled in Texas and Arizona and are more conservative than some of the people here. They shouldn't have come in the first place, but they make good allies because they vote along the same lines, and hate gimmiegrants and illegals as much as us. I wouldn't consider them based, but they're helpful.
And as for niggers, their intelligence bell graph shows that at least a small fraction of them reach IQs approaching 120, so they're of above average intelligence. Of course, they have to go back, as their presence is needed over there to help rebuild. I suspect Candace Owens is sitting at 110 or maybe 115, she's a useful voice but she's cucked on some issues.

Ocelot ago

There are Jews out there that want their people to stop fucking with the west and move back to Israel

Yeah maybe like seven of them

expose ago

yup even hitler got jews in the military read bryan rigg "hitler's jewish soldiers."

TechDumb ago

There are Jews out there that want their people to stop fucking with the west and move back to Israel, and start being good neighbors instead of cunts. I would consider them based.

Conditionally, as long as we keep paying them billions and billions in welfare and "holocaust" reparations and keep feeding them our private info and keep sharing white ingenuity (in the form of tech, military, etc) with them. That is the only way they will be content to stay in Israel.

Wooden_door ago

Except jesus was a fucking jew so how about no.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Imagine not knowing about Judeans and Galileans

Hmmmm_m ago


TrumpTraintoDC ago

It’s great to be home dad we missed you too. But don’t worry we came to MAGA BABY

uvulectomy ago

MAGA? You mean MIGA, right?

Let us know when he's done sucking jew dick and gets on with that whole "Make America Great Again" promise...

TrumpTraintoDC ago

I’m for America First

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that means israel last, look up USS liberty, the levon affair, or how the commies go their hans on nuke technology just to start with. If you actually want to put America first give me one good reason that illegitimate terrorist state that has attacked America multiple times and the vermin that populate it should exist

CausticRaz ago

They can invade America and kill all the white people

but only if they do it LEGALLY!

all41 ago

and the world gets a little smaller.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I want the world to leave me and my country alone, I feel the same way about the websites I frequent and the internet as a whole

ezwip ago

You're just cloning their stupid ass site because you're too fucking pussy to go to 4 chan so don't patronize me you cock suckers.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

4chan and for that matter 8chan and run by admins just as bad if not worse than reddit's at this point hiroyuki and jim watkins are censor happy faggots in their own right

ezwip ago

Well where is the best place to regroup because this forum looks like a pathetic klan rally or something.

tanukihat ago

Go regroup on Reddit you niggerloving, kikeloving Trump dicksucker. Fuck off. Go racemix.

White_pride_cis ago

Why are you such a whiny bitch?

K400 ago


Now fuck off before you get shoa'd kike nigger

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

go back to reddit where you belong you retarded cucked faggot, take it up the ass from the kike admins there so they can protect you from all the scary racism and bad words before you start crying.

phillyjoe ago

And soft skinned slack jawwed faggots for running in terror 2 years ago.

refelemele ago

I would like to say a big fuck you to reddit. It once was a nice website (long time ago). Where is the freedom?

MrDarkWater ago

years ago ...
I heard about reddit from a literal trannie on youtube when i was going through my atheist stage. reddit had some good content back then. memes weren't a thing yet but ragecomics were. thunderfoot was my favorite youtuber, and we all laughed at the implosion of digg

Sanchez_Sucio ago

dat sweet voat circle jerk...

goatboy ago

A few of us have really big cocks, so it became an elliptical jerk long ago.

Sanchez_Sucio ago

It's fun for a while then someone fucks up and makes eye contact and suddenly its gay.

TheTrigger ago

We should start executing faggots who break character. Everyone get your Minecraft accounts ready and your comment histories squared up— INSPECTION TIME!

ViperCarbz ago

They censor by locking threads when the majority opinion goes against the narrative.

Tight_Lines ago

ATTN: T_D, I believe this is relevant https://files.catbox.moe/aqkki1.png

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

God damn is that VGA or SVGA? Who needs more than 256 colors at 320x240 res anyway?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

believing McCain actually had brain cancer n00b

IsaacJan ago

You have no evidence to the contrary.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

other than the fake medical boot he kept switching legs on, and the bullshit bruising/fake surgery scars and all that? there's all kinds of smoke, and McCain is definitely a war criminal who was responsible for ISIS - plenty of evidence for that. Occam's razor leans toward he checked out but it wasn't a brain tumor that did it.

ex-feminist ago

Obama had alot to do with isis

Ocelot ago

Jews* had a lot to do with ISIS. Presidents are nothing more than convenient skin suits to push the time-appropriate anti-white agenda.

ex-feminist ago

Anyone who makes it to presedency is an isreal puppet but you don't have any faith that Trump might be trying to help as he served the Masters?

anamazonslittle ago

If he were executed, why hide it? Why not put him in a hole until it could be revealed? The ankle bracelet is one thing, but executed is too far to stretch.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Dear Americans: Your hero, who was almost elected President just a few years ago, was actually running a secret army of goat-fuckers with the funding and blessing of the guy he "lost" to in that same Presidential election. This army started a catastrophic war with the intent of destroying an ancient country in order to construct a a gas pipeline from Qater to the Mediterranean to sell to Europe and undercut the Russkies monopoly. They murdered countless Americans. This army was notorious for HD videos of them BEHEADING WESTERNERS. Those videos were actually fake propaganda, but somehow that seems worse, don't you think?

Anyway, this cunt also did a bunch of other awful shit. So we had him executed as a traitor.

Have a great night, Your President, currently alleged to be working for the Russkies, Donald J Trump

HonkHonk1488 ago

Q told them!!!

uvulectomy ago

Hey now, that's offensive. That poor tumor had to come to terms with its own mortality after being diagnosed with John McCain.

not_saying_a_thing ago

That tumor sure as fuck changed John McCain's mind.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

The q badges shit needs to stop. The actual qtards were here within hours of their sub being banned, being the bleeding sheep they are.

expose ago

true i'd bin the badge if i could don't think i can though.

kammmmak ago

Well I'm proud to say that I don't even know what r/The_Donald was. Pro or against? I heard of it but just so fucking whatever.

big_fat_dangus ago

Pro Trump, but in the most blind, infantile way you can imagine. Think the fat Maga cake guy with twenty jew cocks jammed down his throat.

kammmmak ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they were pro niggers and israel is what they were

knightwarrior41 ago

they were/are pro donald but am really surprised that they lasted long there.i came here from reddit almost 4 years ago because they banned my group v/neofag and we were just a harmless bunch that only poked fun at social justice faggots from the gaming site neogaf

and they banned us for just that but again i'm really surprised that a pro trump thread lasted this long.they must be pretty scared for 2020

ketoll ago

I don't get why you people give this much of a shit. If you're so fragile about controlling the narrative on Voat, maybe you're a control freak.

White_pride_cis ago

Why don’t you tell us how Trump taking it in the ass by Israel is secretly good for the United States

K400 ago

You ever tried to say anything even mildly critical of Trump or israel on T_D??? It's a kike run echochamber, don't want those nigger faggot kikes here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's not about controlling the narrative, it's about free speech

goatboy ago

Normally, we’d say maybe you’re just a faggot, but your post eliminated all doubt.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Maybe you need to get the fuck off of VOAT you little fuckface.

ketoll ago

You'd like to have that kind of control over speech, wouldn't you?

White_pride_cis ago

Yet you spent years on Reddit. Irony.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

There's no such thing as free speech and you need to get the fuck off of VOAT you little fuckface.

expose ago

i don't do that q shit

fuspezza ago

Why not?

i don't do that q shit

Rawham666 ago

Faggot from r/the_donald here. I think im going to like it here

fightknightHERO ago

how did you get in? i thought Voat was invite only?

DasReich ago

It opened up a couple days ago..... Weird timing.

fightknightHERO ago

what a strange (((coincidence)))

phillyjoe ago

Fuck. I want a new user, but I don't want to be associated with these fail fags.

knightwarrior41 ago

It opened up a couple days ago..... Weird timing.

there are no coincidences,dear shitlord.i'm starting to believe the people who thinks that this site is a honeypot/trap for people that dont agree with official narratives

fightknightHERO ago

what are the odds that Voat can become another (((Gabbai)))?

it's not like Puttitout has already sold out has he?

m_1 ago

There are 750k subscribers to TD. If they do come in big numbers they will roll over everything. They love their Jews.

It would be fun to watch Voat's immune system fight that.

TheTrigger ago

I'll personally shit down as many of their throats as possible. Actually... no, please: continue to underestimate voat's immune response. Ignore me, I'm just... uhh... drunk. *hic*

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're too scared to come here, every group from TD the first time and the Q retards and everyone else threatened this site changing avalanche but they could barely ever scrap together 1000 people on the site at one time and most of them hid in their little quarantine subs begging for upvoats. We never have to fear too many people coming here at once because anyone still on reddit is a coward who doesn't actually believe in anything and can't handle a real discussion without the security of being able to report anyone who offends his sensibilities to some authority figure

organist ago

Hey what’s the Q stuff about?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

bunch of boomer q anon retards came here when they got banned off reddit, ran away scared cuz we bullied them and harassed their power mods, Q himself told them to come back here and be quarantined on an anon board v/qvr they're still here now and they're still boomers

organist ago

Noted. Thank you.

m_1 ago

You're right about Reddit. I went there the other day looking for info on a site I used to goto and every other comment was deleted. It was useless and I still don't know what happened to the site I was looking for.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's the point of this administration to keep it so you don't know, the list of things the kind of people who run reddit don't want you to know gets longer every second

slwsnowman40 ago

There's goats who downvote because you say it is time to do something (non-violent stuff...like holding local politicians accountable) instead of waiting on some anon in DC that might have the same goal as them.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

goats can downvoat whoever they want whenever they want, it's called freedom you fucking commie.

slwsnowman40 ago

That's true. But waiting for some anon in "DC" to do something isn't going to change anything. Sure, you need that DC idiot to do their job and go after the big fish, but there's plenty of little fish to go after and everyone seems reluctant to do so. The little fish eventually become the big fish and perpetuate the problem and the cycle continues.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

buy a gun, vote from your rooftop

johnSmokin ago

I think it would weed out the boomers and fake accounts at the very least. This site could use some more users. I had more hope for the cringe anarchy ban, or the recent clown world war ban.

looks like reddit is going scorched earth, there will be refugees looking for a new home. No way many of them last on a place like pol.

phillyjoe ago

It'll happen no matter what.

The magical German oven always wins.

ScottMAGA ago

No, that's the official number. Back when the official number was... 600,000 I think there were actually six million actual subscribers. This was discovered when someone was trying to place an ad. It is illegal to lie during a business transaction (selling ads) so that number was the real number. Now of course out of the 7.5 million subscribers most of them are probably inactive accounts, but that's true of all subreddits.

m_1 ago

The q-tards came with with like 10k, right. Even if only 50k TDers came they would dominate.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah good luck getting 50k of those retards here, I won't hold my breath.

TheTrigger ago

That's what the people over at /v/QRV said. Look how well that worked out for them. They're fucked and you know it, jew.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

But they totally redpilled all the normies and trolled the libtards by posting based nigger trannies in maga hats and supporting Israel! So fucking based!

BadedPajeet ago


jewsbadnews ago

And reddit still calls them nazis, lmao.

flapjack_charlie ago

It sounds retarded, but dumb shit like that actually CAN be useful. 1 out of 10 become us, but the other 9 still become anti lib.

big_fat_dangus ago

I wish this was sarcasm.

olltre ago


Empire_of_the_mind ago

Reddit's T_D was a lot of fun in 2016. That was completely over by summer of 2017.

Bryntyr ago

The jews flipped the switch the moment Donald Trumpenstein won office. I was there when the Israel Flags replaced the american flags in the sub itself and they started banning anyone that complained.

expose ago

shills took over mods and banned patriots.

jewsbadnews ago

It was dead long before that.

Wasp ago

The mods had no choice but to reign it in, all of reddit was poring over every post and comment waiting to see something they could ban the sub over.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

better to die on your feet than live on your knees. if it was hard-banned early, that would have been GOOD. you had energetic, big, excited userbase. could have formed somewhere. Now it has been slow-bled and brow beaten and is jew boomer cuckservative central. best ya'll can do is send your top 10% to sink or swim on voat while the rest do whoever the fuck knows what.

TheTrigger ago

'member the mod shoah? I 'member. It was never the same, after that. Surprise!

ShutItDownGoyim ago

Ciswhitemaelstrom RIP

expose ago

yup they got some shit on him and he fucked off.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

people who weren't in there in late 2015/early 2016 have no idea what it was like. shit was insane, like a fucking cringeanarchy/pol none of the posts made sense until you hung around a bit. got steadily more normie through campaign as popularity skyrocketed. became meme central. basically peaked at Inauguration - had no real purpose after that. the job was done.

Vc83 ago

The sub was set to private for a few days, then suddenly opened back with old mods disappeared and a curios new love for israel.hmmmmmm

Grunge ago

Ya I was there during the election process. It was fun, but then they outed the good mods and replaced them with (((their))) mods and I left reddit for good.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

And then it turned into endless Baste Negro posts.

recon_johnny ago

It was fucking ridiculous.

PigsAreFat ago


MrDarkWater ago

that's a true statement

chirogonemd ago

And how'd they do it!?

They posted tons of videos of that clip-dick chickenhawk kike Ben Shapiro TOTALLY SAVAGING some MARXIST LIBTARDS (aka, a grown man talking down to some 18 year old girls).

Fuck I wish they'd all go back. Wait till they hear Jordan Peterson is a fraud. It'll be a mass paroxysm that throws the earth out of orbit.

Diggernicks ago

Once Jordan Peterson started bawwwing oceans over people picking on Jews I knew he was a hypocrite

He's against identity politics except when it's HIS identity being called out.

rektumsempra ago

I think he's just a mediocre dude pretending to be a revolutionary because it pays better than being a professor. He appears to be a truth-teller but he's either too cowardly or never intended to say anything radical.


Read Jordanetics by Vox Day.

rektumsempra ago

223 pages -.- I don't have that kind of attention span. what's the gist of it?

Godgiven ago

I checked it out, these guys suck that guys dick because he says kike this and kike that, just of bunch of stupid supremacist who think everyone is a dirty jew.

I don't know how these fucking faggots can't stop sucking vox days dick, guess they need his semen to make them feel white and privileged.

heres the highest rated comment:

At the outset Day tells us why he lit into Peterson. Peterson wrote an article that rejected the idea that there is a conspiracy among Jews to promote the careers of fellow Jews over those of more deserving gentiles.. Day knows that this conspiracy exists because Ben Shapiro is doing so much better than he is. What else could explain this if there's no conspiracy? It's also very important to Day that everyone realize that the Jews are not smarter on average than other groups, as Peterson insists. The evidence Day provides for this is questionable -- you can't compare IQ averages obtained from different countries no doubt using different methods to measure it in the way that he does, and there are other studies to support the idea that Ashkenazi Jews are more intelligent on average plus an undeniable record of achievement by that group in the arts and sciences. Peterson's other great sin was to fail to stand up for a conservative journalist who was criticized for being insufficiently tough in her interview with the Daily Stormer. Foreshadowing the rest of the book, Day lambasts Peterson for applying journalistic standards to that journalist that Peterson never meant to apply. It was clear that Peterson was just concerned about the public relations implications of what the journalist did. Regardless, that Peterson disagreed with Day on these issues was enough to convince Day that Peterson is a mountebank full of evil intent and malice who intends to mislead and lie to the public, and everything else that Peterson has ever said or done is put through that filter. Day set out to expose Peterson for the villain that he is and discredit his work through a torrent of videos, postings on social media, and now this book.

Day's approach is to say that Peterson said something he didn't say, to misinterpret something Peterson said, to use standards of thought that Peterson never meant to employ, and so on, and then to lambast Peterson for the resulting errors and absurdities. There is also a tendency to find small errors in what Peterson writes and then blow them all out of proportion such that everything else that Peterson wrote is supposedly thereby discredited. If Day had a legitimate criticism to make about what Peterson wrote I couldn't find it.

For example, in Day's takedown of Peterson's first rule chapter, Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulder's Back, in the 12 Rules book, Day heaps scorn on Peterson's use of the lobster. Day claims that Peterson wrote that humans “are direct inheritors of the social hierarchy of crustaceans and share common ancestry with them” and therefore share some of their characteristics including brain chemistry and behavior, but of course humans didn't evolve from lobsters, and Day goes on at length about this error and how it shows that Peterson is an ignorant clown. He even brings in an evolutionary biologist who he quotes to bolster this idea. The problem with this is that Peterson never said that humans evolved from lobsters in any way. The chapter isn’t about evolution. What he says is that lobsters are very primitive and ancient, and yet even at that very early point in history when they appeared they had established social hierarchies. They even use serotonin, a brain chemical, to track their status in the hierarchy, similar to the way human brains use it, our mood being good when our status and our serotonin is up and down when those things are down. (This is not surprising since all bilaterally symmetrical creatures, even worms, use serotonin in their nervous systems.) So, as Peterson says elsewhere, social hierarchies are not something that is created arbitrarily by white males to maintain their dominance, they are very old biology. Peterson uses serotonin and the lobster as metaphors for how we are hard wired to live in hierarchies,

The rest of the chapter is a bizarre misinterpretation of Peterson that ends with a quote from Peterson. The quote does not appear anywhere in the lobster chapter or in the 12 Rules book although Day implies that it does. It may be from something else that Peterson wrote. Without the proper context it's impossible to say if that quote planted there is misleading us or not. Suffice to say it does not say what the rest of the chapter says. Peterson is not telling us to be mediocre, as Day claims. Peterson is giving us advice about how we can improve ourselves and elevate our social status and thereby our sense of well being. That we will most likely end up neither at the top nor the bottom of the hierarchy but somewhere in the middle is not something to be held up to contempt. It's just they way things are most of the time. And it's pretty tough at the top, anyway.

Rajadog20 ago

I think the book went right over your head, either that or you didn't read it. Vox can often have issues explaining things at a level understandable to the average person.

Godgiven ago

you stupid kike

absurdlyobfuscated ago

The dude is a hell of a lot smarter than I am and a damn good writer. But he still laid out a solid argument in an easily comprehensible way that I think pretty much any average non-idiot should be able to get just fine.

The guy above is doing what most people on the left do: arguing backwards from a position arrived at entirely by emotion.

Godgiven ago

whats the argument


Lmao are you actually serious? You don’t fucking read? That books is one of the shortest reads I’ve had in years.

I don’t know if anyone has told you yet, and I hate to be the one to break it to you...sorry man...you might be retarded.

Be carful out there.

rektumsempra ago

I read academic papers, articles, and a lot of wikipedia, but when it comes to a literal book my preference is audiobook>pdf>book. I actually spend most of my free time reading despite not holding a book.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I'll just leave this here then.

It's definitely worth the read.


I found Superintelligence an extremely boring slog and very poorly written. The topic is interesting of course, but if you found that enjoyable then you may just not be giving yourself enough credit.

If you’re listening to audio books then that’s better than nothing, but I do think actually reading is more beneficial for you. In any case, I think I read Jordanetics in a day or two so being a faster reader helps, but I think you can probably just get faster by reading more.

Laatly, idk what kind of academic articles you’re reading but I would advise against reading academic articles unless you’re just trying to laugh at the bull shit they try to pass as research. Wikipedia is fine for general overviews but I’d be careful, there is a lot of rewritten history and narrative pushing lies there.

rektumsempra ago

I'm surprised you thought Superintelligence was poorly written. Do you mean the experience of reading it wasn't enjoyable? I won't argue that, but I think it's one of the most important books of this century. I think what I enjoy is having read books, since I actually hate the experience of reading itself. Maybe it's because I think too much. In school my English classes would assign 30 pages of a novel for homework and it would take me 2 hours because I'd stare at the same page for 10 minutes, not reading at all lol.

I don't read political articles on wikipedia -- usually philosophical stuff. It looks like the last articles I read were apex predator+keystone species+umbrella species. I was trying to figure out if human enlightenment is compatible with killing animals since monks are vegetarian but most apex predators apparently keep the entire ecosystem from collapsing (plus humans can't be vegan without pills). Still haven't figured it out but I've concluded that I should go give hunting a try and maybe I'll have a better idea of how killing is compatible with inner peace. I'd never read about something like the holobunga on wikipedia, though.

The academic articles I read are also always philosophical. This and this were the last couple. A lot of them are super dense and take far longer to fully comprehend than a typical book of the same length, especially since you have to look stuff up periodically.


I may have to reread it as it’s been awhile but I found it long winded and trite by the end. To me it has the characteristics of a self help book where there is one or two main points that were drug out to create more content because it would otherwise have been 1/4 as long.

In terms of reading, it does sound like you might have an attention problem. I am constantly thinking, so much so that I had trouble getting to sleep for a few years due to my mind not being able to shut off. However, I’ve never had a problem focusing or paying attention when I’m interested or care about something. For me, the experience of reading is as if the information is just flowing into my brain, especially when it’s fiction but even so for non-fiction, which I read more often. I’m not sure why I can pay attention though, my parents always said I never had a problem paying attention even when I was very young.

I am very into philosophy (it was my major in college and I was going to go to grad school for it until I realized it is completely corrupt and useless at this point) but I find the laborious slogs that are academic papers to make them pompous and pretentious pieces of garbage. It might be my problem with Superintelligence but I don’t remember. Many liberal arts or humanities academic papers are a sort of poetic new speak jumble that is actually not saying anything important or interesting, but is simply reflecting the key word combos that are needed to be deemed intelligent. Philosophy itself is almost fully corrupted by this practice.

In terms of the philosophy that comes from those in more scientific fields like Nick Bostrom, I think they are amateurish naval gazing without recognizing any founding principles or assumptions upon which they are basing their arguments. This, or they are doing what they are doing for nefarious purposes. For instance, that “Vulnerable World” paper is merely a fear mongering argument for globalism and restrictions on the individual, it even says so in the first paragraph. I have heard of the “Vulnerable World” concept before even though I have not read that paper I will say that most of what is being done is a sort of argumentative trickery. He makes many assumptions, analyzes only the few that make good arguments for his point, leaves out the rest of the assumptions, and basically says if you agree with me then we must do whatever is necessary to stop the impending doom. I find Superintelligence no different. It’s takes an immense hubris to think we understand the things that he assumes we understand, or that the world works in the way he assumes it does.

Obviously this reply is already fairly long so I can’t get into every specific as to why I think these things, but I am just very skeptical of any ideas coming from an “approved” source such as academia. I am confident that there is currently almost nothing productive happening in academia, at least nothing that isn’t directly related to business in some significant way, such as drug production or computer science.

Anyway, interesting to here what you think about my thoughts haha.

rektumsempra ago

I don't care if a philosopher I'm reading/listening to is part of academia. There's certainly a correlation, but that's to be expected. I find meditation interesting, too, but I don't care if the practitioner is wearing orange robes. To be fair, it's really hard to know who the expert is on a topic if you don't know anything about that topic. The disturbing fact that different medical doctors often come up with completely different treatment plans for the same patient is proof of that. Since you can't spend years in medical school between the time you realize you're sick and the time you decide you don't want to be sick (0 seconds later), how can you know who to trust? If you've ever seen Nick Bostrom speak -- he has a really good Ted talk for example -- he's not pretentious at all. Just a really smart, pretty nerdy Swedish guy worried about the future of humanity for good reason. The Vulnerable World Hypothesis paper doesn't fear-monger, though. He just wants to introduce the hypothesis. On page 6 he defines it:

"VWH: If technological development continues then a set of capabilities will at some point be attained that make the devastation of civilization extremely likely, unless civilization sufficiently exits the semi-anarchic default condition."

On page 7 he explains what he means by "semi-anarchic default condition". Basically a world that can be fucked over by one crazy person. But he also says on that page that the paper isn't arguing for or against the VWH:

"It is ​not​ a primary purpose of this paper to argue VWH is true. (I regard that as an open question, though it would seem to me unreasonable, given the available evidence, to be at all confident that VWH is ​false​.)"

There are plenty of untrustworthy """philosophers""" out there (Sam Harris for example drives me up the fucking wall, especially when he's included in conversations about AI). I try to pick and choose wisely.


I agree with most of what you said in the beginning there as I put very little value in supposed “expertise”. There are certainly people that have developed their craft or physical skills to the point that they are considered experts. Good examples are things like athletes or musicians, but these people are considered experts because of their results. Whereas, the areas that seem to rely most heavily on the authority of experts are usually the areas where expertise is either impossible or at least improbable.

As with the doctor example, a surgeon has some expertise in a physical skill, but I would trust my general knowledge and ability to research over a general practitioner almost 100% of the time.

So yeah, picking and choosing who you go to for interesting ideas and information is important, but at the same time my opinion on who is honest or vital changes drastically from year to year as I read and learn more. I liked Sam Harris at one point just like I listened to Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson in the past until I learned their shtick and saw through them. One person I still like and have liked for a long time is Thomas Sowell. To me, he is as honest a thinker as you can get even if I don’t always agree with him.

You might be right about Nick Bostrom, but I’m skeptical. If he isn’t arguing for or against the idea that the world will reach the state that he describes, then I don’t see what he could possibly be writing about for more than a single paragraph at most. The idea takes one sentence to communicate and then...well...there’s really nothing more to say. It’s something someone would think up when high. “Like, what if technology got so advanced that one dude in his basement had the potential to kill the entire world.” Okay, cool idea to think about, now what.

Even in the introduction he says that the “now what” is globalism and control. Even if he isn’t saying his hypothesis is true, all I can see from the extensive elaboration is more arguments for creating a dystopian future just in case something bad could happen, while couching the ideas in the plausible deniability of “it’s just a hypothesis man, I didn’t say it’s true.” I remember now that this is the same reason I didn’t like Superintelligence. A lot of elaboration on something that takes a minute to communicate with a good deal of theorizing and no hard facts or propositions.

Don’t get me wrong, this kind of stuff is cool to think about, but in my mind I categorize it at best as an entertaining piece of fiction and at worst a malicious attempt to push a globalist agenda. I’ll finish reading the article and maybe reread Superintelligence though to see if I’m wrong.

rektumsempra ago

I mean he has the kind of insights that few would think about. Off the top of my head, the most mind blowing things he discussed are:

How a superintelligent AI that's not connected to the internet could connect itself anyway by just wiggling around its electrons in the exact right way to send a signal to other computers that it knows must exist, hack into them, and make copies of itself. That was in his Ted talk.

And why we should be afraid of finding fossils of microbes on Mars (video)

gonight ago

Optimistic. Juden Peterberg is a kike shill meant to keep people within the Overton Window, and away from those dangerous internet knot-seas with their hate-facts n sheeit.

T1tus ago

((They)) are mad at him because he took away the revolution they wanted so they could take control.

He took the Kekistan movement(Antifa counter part needed for the revolution) and made them think about what they were doing and got them into making themselves better instead of wanting a war with faggots.

Hes just a professor who did what he thought was right and people are mad cause he wont challenge the Giant openly.

He doesn't have Trumps Security. Hes just a professor

gonight ago

Jordan Peterstein is literally a jew with CIA ties.

T1tus ago

You sound like Antifa!

Dont listen to this man you Nazi's hes a jew!!

gonight ago

Where did I say not to listen to him?

absurdlyobfuscated ago

He tries to keep people in the Overton window because he want everyone on the right to walk The Middle Path, one of mediocrity that's neither at the top or bottom of the dominance hierarchy, to keep them from rocking the boat so they don't violently overcorrect from the current push by the left into what he fears will be another WWII or holocaust. That's absolute rubbish and incredibly cowardly. The correction is a necessary part of the cycle, like a forest fire cleansing the dead wood that has been building up on the forest floor.

gonight ago


rektumsempra ago

is he really jewish? or a shabbos goy

Guardbuddy ago

Married a Jewess.

If they had kids, they'd be Jewish.

rektumsempra ago

Ok I've heard a million times his wife is jewish but I can't find proof of that other than the fact that she's ugly. How do you know?

gonight ago

IIRC 100% kosher but don't have any handy sources.

uvulectomy ago

Juden Peterstein?

odd_pain ago

Air Jordan Peterson

TheTrigger ago

What about him? Why are we just repeating people's names?

Rajadog20 ago

He's a gatekeeping Marxist whose purpose is to make sure troubled young men don't turn to Christianity and nationalism

noeatnosleep ago

Careful. Elsewhere on Voat I've seen highly upvoated comments that Christianity is Jewish and we don't like that here.

Rajadog20 ago

Pagans shall burn.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Dude, you know we need the nigger tranny vote, nigger trannies are based and are just waiting to burst out into conservatism and free markets.

TheTrigger ago

How else are we supposed to baste them votes?!

Diggernicks ago

Should we be aiming for the amputee mestizo demographic? They're clearly the future.

MrDarkWater ago

We should go after the father-and-son-floating-face-down-in-the-river vote.
but of course the dems in California already gave them licenses and have them on their voting roster

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Dude! We just need to REDPILL them!!! Get those based dead spics a coat!!!


I was actually a crippled, retard, one eyed , lesbian communist before i seen 76 pictures of niggers with red hats

TheTrigger ago

Now I'm #MAGA with my pan-sexual pedo-kin half-black/asian girlfriend! How's THAT for "inclusive"?! Chessmate, libtards.

Ocelot ago

LiBtArDs ArE tHe ReAl RaCiStS

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Always good advice from our resident ex-bartender. Hows the new job, brother?

expose ago

maybe just in a bubble and don't know about other shit.

CameraCode0 ago

I was a T_D regular for a year or two around the election. No one lives in a pure bubble. The information is out there, they just reject it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

exactly they don't care enough bout free speech, fuck these damn redditors. They need to go back

MrPim ago

To be fair, we hated them back then too. So the greeting would have still been Fuck Off.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they should fuck off, nothing has changed least of all them

MrPim ago

Are any of them actually here yet? Do they have a sub?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there's a couple people in these recent threads with accounts that are minutes and hours old, but not too many and no sub yet. They were able to organize their move last time because they voluntarily brought it down in protest or something. Like the Q anons and their power mods even most of just the few 1000 or so of them that wouldn't be too scared to come here in the first place can't take action without some authority figure telling them what to do and where to go, they're incapable of emergent thought and behavior

EpiPendemic ago

and Fuck all the new fags and all their non-unique 'straw that broke the camel's back' bullshit - for years it's okay for people to be banned ... until it finally comes you then you have a problem with suppression of free speech. Fuck anyone who stayed on Reddit after the ferguson riots I say.. but I am sure there are people that say fuck anyone that stayed there as long as 2014, I was new fag once too, but, fuck refugees assimilate or go home idnt tit

TheTrigger ago

This is it, in a nutshell. I didn't even know wtf /v/FatPeopleHate was, until it got banned. Was on reddit for years (longer than I've been on voat), and never heard of them. Yeah, /v/Niggers got banned, I didn't care— I was still taking my daily blue-pill at the time. But even then, I saw the trend before it even really got started. I'll repeat the sentiment: if you're —just now— getting on voat: think long and hard about who you are, as a person, and who you want to be. Because who you are, right now, is not the kind of person we want.

You don't even have to be a part of the hive-mind. I respect people who disagree with me, if they actually back up their beliefs with rational thought which can be analyzed. Just don't be a mouth-breathing moron. It's not that hard, and yet here we are.

everysomething ago

Goats can actually be quite civil and polite to each other even when they disagree. Makes me feel warm inside. And downvoats are usually used for bad behaviour rather than as a disagree button whereas on Reddit it's clearly used as a disagree button even though it's not meant to be.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're the kind of person who doesn't think much at all probably

CaliforniasGold ago

You've been a member for 9 months. You're a child gtfo with your gatekeeping faggotry.

TheTrigger ago

Says the newly-reactivated shill account. Gas yourself, shlomo.

expose ago

good eye lot of people go too much on account age not enough on ccp.

EpiPendemic ago

fuck off

CaliforniasGold ago

Seriously though, getting upset about newcomers when you've been here less than 1 year? At least try and lie and say this is just one of your alt accounts, lol.

EpiPendemic ago

I lost my original account but I try to treat everyone like shit. The lack of new accounts recently has made us all soft I don't want no warm welcomes for the noobs.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nobody seems to give a shit about freedom of speech until it's their speech that gets suppressed I didn't even use any of the subs ellen pao deleted back then but I never believed administrators should tell the users of a service what they can and can't talk about

MrDarkWater ago

I can't even remember the pro-white sub that got banned ages ago.
I think it got banned around the time r/coontown was banned.

thats when i made my first account, but it was slow so i slummed it on /pol/ for a couple years.

anybody know the sub?

brandnewset ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

idk a lot of stuff has been banned over the years r/whitebeauty or something?

MrDarkWater ago

no, it was more pro white than that. almost militant

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

couldn't say off the top of my head

PaulJohnJones ago

It is even better when family censored over the past 25 years. I go back to The Arkansas Blood Scandal: Factor 8

Rellik88 ago

Remember when they came here, and we forced them to donate to Voat for server time. Then they went back to reddit like an abused wife? I Do!

Sheeppasture ago

How could you force them? I am new here!

ready-ignite ago

There is this weird perception that one community is isolated from all others. Everyone uses more than one sub, more than one platform, more than one source. You've got significant overlap.

VirtusVitium ago

They're pretty fucking retarded. They love the abuse.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

I remember that, and I ignored it just like every other time someone asks me for money.

fishing_pole ago

Yes that was totally wicked! Excellent job dudes! Voat FTW!

Aryan_Warrior ago

Allow me to be the first to downvote you. I feel so special.

fishing_pole ago

Made me forcibly exhale through my nostrils

Aryan_Warrior ago

In your case nogstrills.

fuzzysaucer ago

I was gonna suggest doing that again, haha.

19401669? ago

Ahhhhhh! I remember! Stupid whores.

uvulectomy ago

You mean this time?

unclegandhi ago

Lol I love that comic

iforgottheotherone ago

Oh i remember that time. I stayed though. I felt more at home

Ocelot ago

Jesus that was already two years ago? I need to turn my newfag detector back.

Wonder_Boy ago

The poop stain was a nice touch. I'm still laughing

Element115 ago

More like the one with the cardboard box that says 'nigger' on the wall.

Plant_Boy ago

This one?

ninjajunkie ago

My man.

Kasatka ago

That's pretty much how it went when I migrated after MDE got banned.

Ocelot ago

MDE was the only non-faggot migration after the first couple of legitimate ones.

Kasatka ago

I'm still a little bitter we got stuck with the same badge as the Qtards, though.

Stinkybeans ago

Exactly, I haven't gone back to that asexual retard buttfuck orgy since 9/11 aka the night of long noses aka the real Shoah. This place instantly felt like home.

shmuklidooha ago


TerraKell ago

good 'un

likestodrawnaked ago

Pepperidge farm remembers

Alt_Right_DungPile ago

The only faggot here is @bourbonexpert who IS a faggot but not an expert except in his own tiny mind. Ok now he'll do a post on me to tell everyone I'm a troll and don't take me seriously because he's also a cuck.

bourbonexpert ago

Uh oh.... didn’t work out so well for you.

Alt_Right_DungPile ago

See the first word of my name? Alt. You have no idea who I am. I may be your best friend who's figured out what a blow hard you are. And so will everyone when I'm done.

bourbonexpert ago


Holy ducking shit the delusion of some people. Maybe you just made a retarded comment and got scorched. Grow up.

Alt_Right_DungPile ago

When you finally know who I am, you're going to be reduced to the little wet tampon so many already think you are. Oh that'll make my day buddy.

Alt_Right_DungPile ago

No, that's not what happened. I made a thoughtful comment about a douchebag, you. Scorched? Oh, that so hurtful. We can't all be ego inflated internet warriors like you. Hahaha! Now that was funny, because it's true. Good friend. Hahaha

Titanbikes4ever ago

Stop acting like a woman

Alt_Right_DungPile ago

That really hurt.

TheTrigger ago

omg i bet you've pictured, in your mind, at least, like, one black dick in the past twenty four hours. haha, am i rite?

Alt_Right_DungPile ago

Now who's triggered? Like a little girl.

OrdinaryFaggot ago

tfw you have a small penis

tell me about it brah

Alt_Right_DungPile ago

Not even sure what that means.

OrdinaryFaggot ago

tfw? that feel when

Alt_Right_DungPile ago

Not sure what you're talking about, hold on, I'm trying...nope, couldn't care less. And certainly not going through hundreds of comments for an ordinary faggot. And as for a small penis? I don't check other guys out so I wouldn't know.

gonight ago

Making a comment just to cry about someone that isn't even in this comment chain is pretty reddit, my dude.

Alt_Right_DungPile ago

He's the poster you moron. And never been to reddit, tell me all about it.

FatBruceWillis ago

More like butthole expert.

Alt_Right_DungPile ago

Yes he is and his little girl friends are like flies on shit.

m_1 ago

I don't think you can say they came here. Was more like a recon party.

recon_johnny ago

Someone call?

TheTrigger ago

They shit their pants just the same.

GassyMcGasface ago

Well when your over 300 lbs, take fat blockers, then eat fast food....

Iv'e seen the walmart memes.

Fagtardicus ago

shart in mart

gonight ago

Boomer nationalism.

virge ago

You guys are total faggots for not jumping ship years ago.

Literally refugees. In the purest form of the words.

Hyst ago

Funny how Putt opened the registration page like what, 24 hours before they got purged?

virge ago

Funny how Putt opened the registration page like what, 24 hours before they got purged?

Out of curiosity, what if Reddit was just waiting for Voat to open registrations?

Hyst ago

That genuinely got a laugh out of me. Who knows. Could be the case. It does seem more like it's timed before the Debates though.

Hell maybe that's what all the builder / destroyer nonsense was about. Tone things down a bit so that more of TD sticks around this time.

We will likely never know.

I've been watching daily since Putt decided to unban the shills and I've been amazed how hardly any posts were created about Voat being in quarantine. Things have felt strange to me.

But what would I know, I'm not even a two day old account.

virge ago

I've been watching daily since Putt decided to unban the shills and I've been amazed how hardly any posts were created about Voat being in quarantine. Things have felt strange to me.

I see a pattern here, personally. B-type personalities deal with direct confrontation in different ways.

Hyst ago

Yeah, the people labeled as destroyers took it as a badge of honor and those labeled builders were mostly harassed or didn't want the "honor" in the first place. It was an odd situation. Now we're back to square one except the shills feel emboldened and Putt has been missing in action for awhile.

I still think it's strange that he didn't say anything when lifting the quarantine. As far as I know he never actually told us why there was a quarantine in the first place. Don't we have an angel investor? More accounts shouldn't be an issue?

virge ago

Patience. Soon answers will be forthcoming.

Hyst ago

Your comment about "time wasting nonsense" rings true to me. They're not interested in changing minds, they know they're not effective at that-- so instead they simply aim to frustrate us and waste our time instead.

virge ago

They're not interested in changing minds, they know they're not effective at that-- so instead they simply aim to frustrate us and waste our time instead.

I agree. Those who will write books filled with lies only care about making you defend themselves. They're Type 4 minimum, usually also Type 2. Sometimes Type 1 and 3.

Drama, smearing with opinion presented as facts (lies, basically), and calling you out are the objective. It's easy to just ignore them and move on once you realize they're disingenuous. WhiteRonin pings me 20+ times a day but I just block him so I never see any of it, anyway.

Hyst ago

I don't even know what to think anymore. That's an interesting subverse. I had always viewed Crensch as part of the problem, but he seems to be spending a good amount of time doing the sort of stuff I used to do.

That's why I take breaks and use new accounts, I used to get their attention then I'd have people constantly trying to waste my time and I'll admit I'd often let them waste my time. Was hard to not respond. Now I just deal with the people calling my account age out, which is a lot easier to deal with; am I being subversive? Am I lying? If not then why even point at my account age?

CameraCode0 ago

T_D: Let me in 😍😍😍 we deserve this! We believe everything should be Civnat so we are allowed to force our beliefs on you!!

virge ago

That sucking sound you hear is the lactation of a million with soy overdose.

whiteshower ago

So present an argument so compelling they have no choice but to relent. Change their minds instead of dismissing them outright.

Diggernicks ago

/v/all/new master race reporting in