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Nosferatjew ago

PSA for new members and old members:

OP has declared in previous comments that the only thing stopping him from literally murdering other users of this site are laws prohibiting murder.

Rotteuxx ago

Nosferatjew ago

Why yes, yes I am. Thanks for digging that up.

Rotteuxx ago

It was my pleasure, ol' chap !

Keep these handy for when @virge deletes his comments or simly this entire post :

Hey @Trigglypuff @Expertshitposter @Gabara @Heygeorge !

Rotteuxx ago

@peaceseeker @Kevdude @Sguevar

I thought you might appreciate taking notice of this comment thread.

sguevar ago

Yes, the guy has attempted several times to discredit my character in such a and I will quote his own words "disingenuous" way that after being called out for that he tends to dodge the facts and starts attacking my persona with more ad hominems.

After he gets on a debate that he gets wrecked on he tends to delete his own comment and post history to avoid being shown as that very same projection he accuses others to be. Suprisingly I have found that u/kestrel9 has behaved in a similar way on deleting comments when getting called out for them or ninja editing them to avoid further discussion of his behavior:

On this comment chaine he has deleted all of his comments when called out for:

On here he edited the ping that he did to @heygeorge and I after accusing us to be alts of the same person:

Now I am not saying that they are the same guy but I do stress the fact that they behave similarly and have shown to not be trust worthy at all after extending false accusations to me for example as a way to discredit me (which him and his group have poorly failed to accomplish).

@PeaceSeeker, @MadWorld,

virge ago

Interesting. So you actually do the exact same behavior you accuse others of. You're nothing more than a bait account. That's twice now you've ended serious discussions after they required you to provide actual evidence of your claims.

Now you run around copy and pasting lies that are nothing more than an ignorant and uninformed personal opinion of yours, while pinging dozens of your friends to brigade vote users.

You've shown you're a subversive who pretends to be genuine, so I won't be engaging you a third time - that would be poor form on my part.

Discredit what character? You don't have one, you're made-up.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! I wantbyour shekels!

sguevar ago

So you actually do the exact same behavior you accuse others of. You're nothing more than a bait account.

Whatever suits your convenience. Last time you requested proof I provided it and you still denied it. What is the point then to keep up with your game?

That's twice now you've ended serious discussions after they required you to provide actual evidence of your claims.

No I simply argued what I needed to argue as I stated on the comment that you after stated for me to reply further which I decided not to. Not because of the fact that I couldn't prove it, as I did in fact here where you denied that you mocked me for being a Costa Rican - (spic to be more precise):

And then you state that it was in good fun... please son try harder.

All of the previous evidence of said posts were deleted by you, what is the point to look for my comments on those deleted posts? I mean, I could do so but I have no interest in doing so because you already proved all that I have ever said about you. So once again thanks for that.

Now you run around copy and pasting lies that are nothing more than an ignorant and uninformed personal opinion of yours, while pinging dozens of your friends to brigade vote users.

Copy and pasting? You sure have mental issues son. You have done everything I have claimed to. The fact that you deleted your content to try to difficult the finding of those proofs really doesn't affect my comment history. Again I could look it up but I have no interest in doing so. I will do it when it is completely necessary.

Pinging dozens of my friends? Wow you simply can't not only project your bullshit to others but now you exagerate your claims to play the (((victim))) card again? That doesn't work with me Virge... you should have already understood that by now.

You've shown you're a subversive who pretends to be genuine, so I won't be engaging you a third time - that would be poor form on my part.

No as stated on this comment: I have no further interest in pursuing further discussion with you on what you asked me there. Much like what I said here:

Thanks for once again showing my consistency.

Discredit what character? You don't have one, you're made-up. You run away from all real conversation that you can't write a GodsAngell-level book of nonsense about.

And you think that you claiming anything about me having or not a character will affect me in some way?

Or that you have any capability to criticise my writing skills? Now this is funny as shit.

On the comment of mine that you seem to criticise here I simply acknowledge the fact that one user behaves in the same way you do. Deleting comments or ninja editing at convenience of what you wish to show others. However I specified that I am not saying you are the same person. I simply stated that you behave similarly.

Any more false accusations you want to throw at me Virge because by now you have shown your true colors? You are simply digging your hole deeper.

virge ago

Yup. Subversive. You're disingenuous. We're done here.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Your shekels!

sguevar ago

Sure, keep projecting ;)