matthew-- ago

Can we actually do this?

That way when we find out that someone is a shill, bot, whatever, we can trace the chain back to see who was responsible for letting them in, in the first place. This means voat can spread organically from real person to real person.


You have to make some friends first

tanukihat ago

Paypal me $50 and I'll get you an invite code.

LoveRight ago

Jokes on you, I got banned from Paypal.

tanukihat ago

Then you're doing something right, stay the course.

LoveRight ago

Thanks. It came out of nowhere about the same time I got IP banned from Reddit.

fartyshorts ago

I take BTC

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I'll take dusty collectible porcelain dolls.

xiego ago

Yea i wanna make a new account for shitposting guys

TopTierCIAShill ago

lol reminds me when i nuked my old account and created this one instantly.

I bet its because Putt saves our IP addresses and our legitimacy is checked by Voat's database via our IP Logs

ggolemg ago

Naa, I've been on a random outlet connected VPN for many years, never had an issue with voat.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago


TopTierCIAShill ago

nah that faggot is still around posting actively.

bamex ago

How the fuck are there one and two month members?

h3rts ago

I'm new member and most HDLunited subscribers are. We (old HDL) faced same problem as you after NZ shooting. Site was shut down because owner tried to protect all users.

Putt temp open registration for us, but warned that VOAT is on watchlist and you can get in trouble for your crude humor posts.

Doesn't fucking matter where you are from .... Users are targeted by authorities in U.S. Canada U.K. and E.U countries. Australia is total kill.

When VOAT is under radar why he should open invites when everyday we read about people jailed for posting memes?

NotHereForPizza ago


More asking questions over here. You're doing a poor job.

Rotteuxx ago

Nah, people are just too fucking lazy to search for info themselves, took me 2 mins to find this with

NotHereForPizza ago

And what does that prove?...

gonight ago

Calling it now, putt got an NSL.

VetGoat84 ago

What's NSL?

gonight ago

National Security Letter or the non-US equivalent.

VetGoat84 ago


My10thaccount ago

You don't

prettymuchbullshit ago

Dear Sir / Madam:

I would like to cordially invite you to attend the best non-jewed platform on the internet.

Please respond by June 22, 2019.

Kind Regards, Meme_Factory_1776

I think that might work.

Palindromedan ago

Username checks out

Gigglestick ago

Oh I’m glad I’m not the only one who knows what a palindrome is.

EyeOfHorus ago

Reminds me how Adolph was invited to join the labor party.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

That's does nothi g for my new handle, Smells_like_tacos.

ALIENS2222 ago

You deserve that name!

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

I know right.i say it work all the time. Where we are kickin in doors and searching for Mexicans that won't come out, I just say . I know they are here, it smells_like_tacos.

bb22 ago

A slight hint of bean and beef breeze in the air.

BB-3 ago

Invites are supposed to be introduced in an upcoming update to the site, but it's always a mystery when that will come.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Just check back in a few hours. :)

ArielQflip ago
