WhiteRonin ago

Srayzie was sending titty pics, face timed her doing the freak to Vindicator and EsotericShade. Crensch ... don’t know but he’s white knighting her. Kevdude also got sexy pics.

Ask them what they got.

WhiteRonin ago

Srayzie started sending tot pics and the fallout has started. She didn’t think Voat would respond.

The_Venerable ago

You're all a bunch of losers.

virge ago

You're all a bunch of losers.

Nothing frustrates a Type 4 worse than ignoring them. They become harmless.

WhiteRonin ago

How quaint. Your rating system.

Take up the challenge you fucking looser!

WhiteRonin ago

WhiteRonin ago

All because @kestrel9 (Srayzie) was sexting and decided she wanted a new dick.