Kekalicious ago

Holy shit why would you go there? The OP list should say enough. (Few gems in there, but damn!)

zyklon_b ago

Lmao he thinks he is trolling me but in reality aint as is all satire is what they not get. half the ppl i talk to on here are my alts and they still not get it

zyklon_b ago

its gay like op

zyklon_b ago

yeah i got him blocked

zyklon_b ago

I dont know seems more people rolling with and supporting me daily. Neonrevolt bought me a weak paid vacation

zyklon_b ago

It would have ended weeks ago but they too prideful and think they can troll but their tactics not work on real trolls

zyklon_b ago


theoldones ago

you don't quite the scale here.

this is the subverse i was just banned from, where i woke from up from a nap to being falsely accused of asking for CP

i assume their intention is to accuse me of more chargeable crimes on bullshit evidence.

theoldones ago

his buddies ping me too. even blocking the user, pings slip through. like i said this only happened last time because they didnt want me responding and debunking their slander

the pings i deal with involve a liar pedophile who was falsely accusing me of federal crimes, for instance, an activity which zyklon participates in