Gays are old news. Transgenders is basically a done deal. Pedophilia is the next frontier and there will be two angles of attack: children's expression™ and de-pathologization of the disorder itself. You now have child drag queens and adult drags reading books for children. After this:
- There will be pole dancing/stripping classes for children. "Relax, it's basically just dancing/gymnastics. Nothing sexual, it's not in a club, there's no audience."
- Then it will be for adult audiences. Parents will trip over each other, trying to win the "youngest strip dancer" award, just how they do with drag queens today.
- Age of consent and voting will be lowered to at least 16, maybe even 14. "Age laws discriminate against young voters-to-be". How in the past politicians would pander to women to win free votes or how today they pander to minorities, tomorrow they will pander to children/teenagers. Consent change will be rationalized by some pseudo-scientific arguments like "today's children grow up faster", "they start having sex at much younger age anyway".
- You'll start seeing teenager porn stars. More importantly, jailbait porn will move from "18 looking like 16" to "14 looking like 12".
- Childen's fiction and sex ed will include pedophilia to prepare the kids for what's to come.
Pedophilia is already being painted as simply a sexual orientation. Wrong and illegal one, but one of many orientations. "They're born this way, they can't help it."
- Later it will be no longer classified as a disorder/illness, just kept illegal (for now). Lots of sob stories about "poor, misunderstood" people.
- First pedophilia will be made legal with parents permission only. So it will be rare in real life but you'll see many "completely organic" "happy love stories" in the media celebrating it.
- Unironic "transage" people will appear. There already are some, but this will be next level. Just how men in dresses demand to be let into women's bathrooms and to have the sex in their passports changed, adults in teenager clothes will demand to be let into children's spaces and have their age in passport changed.
- Some well-liked celebrities will come out as pedos to show that they're "just like us".
- "Studies" will come out saying that either children can consent or that we don't even know what consent is.
- They will never say "let's make pedophilia legal now", they will just keep making the definition more vague and age line/gap blurrier. The whole thing is already pretty blurry: 19 y/o fucking a 16 y/o isn't a big deal but what about 20 y/o fucking a 14 y/o? What about 30 y/o? Maybe eventually they will remove the concept of consent age completely, but it will at a time when pedophilia is already de facto normal.
- The main justification will always be the "children's rights to self-determination/expression". Just like with drag.
- And of course along the way there will be movies made, showing the child's/pedophile's struggle against the bigoted society. Naturally they will win all the Oscars for "bravery".
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