Gays are old news. Transgenders is basically a done deal. Pedophilia is the next frontier and there will be two angles of attack: children's expression™ and de-pathologization of the disorder itself. You now have child drag queens and adult drags reading books for children. After this:
- There will be pole dancing/stripping classes for children. "Relax, it's basically just dancing/gymnastics. Nothing sexual, it's not in a club, there's no audience."
- Then it will be for adult audiences. Parents will trip over each other, trying to win the "youngest strip dancer" award, just how they do with drag queens today.
- Age of consent and voting will be lowered to at least 16, maybe even 14. "Age laws discriminate against young voters-to-be". How in the past politicians would pander to women to win free votes or how today they pander to minorities, tomorrow they will pander to children/teenagers. Consent change will be rationalized by some pseudo-scientific arguments like "today's children grow up faster", "they start having sex at much younger age anyway".
- You'll start seeing teenager porn stars. More importantly, jailbait porn will move from "18 looking like 16" to "14 looking like 12".
- Childen's fiction and sex ed will include pedophilia to prepare the kids for what's to come.
Pedophilia is already being painted as simply a sexual orientation. Wrong and illegal one, but one of many orientations. "They're born this way, they can't help it."
- Later it will be no longer classified as a disorder/illness, just kept illegal (for now). Lots of sob stories about "poor, misunderstood" people.
- First pedophilia will be made legal with parents permission only. So it will be rare in real life but you'll see many "completely organic" "happy love stories" in the media celebrating it.
- Unironic "transage" people will appear. There already are some, but this will be next level. Just how men in dresses demand to be let into women's bathrooms and to have the sex in their passports changed, adults in teenager clothes will demand to be let into children's spaces and have their age in passport changed.
- Some well-liked celebrities will come out as pedos to show that they're "just like us".
- "Studies" will come out saying that either children can consent or that we don't even know what consent is.
- They will never say "let's make pedophilia legal now", they will just keep making the definition more vague and age line/gap blurrier. The whole thing is already pretty blurry: 19 y/o fucking a 16 y/o isn't a big deal but what about 20 y/o fucking a 14 y/o? What about 30 y/o? Maybe eventually they will remove the concept of consent age completely, but it will at a time when pedophilia is already de facto normal.
- The main justification will always be the "children's rights to self-determination/expression". Just like with drag.
- And of course along the way there will be movies made, showing the child's/pedophile's struggle against the bigoted society. Naturally they will win all the Oscars for "bravery".
JustSomeGuy49 ago
While Europe is destroyed from within by Muslims and the traitors that encourage them to do so while encouraging their own people to let it happen, America's descent also comes from within via a cascade of degeneracy. It is not yet inevitable for us, however.
sinclair ago
Thanks for the checklist. I see any of this come to pass, it begins.
yewotm8 ago
they will never lower the age of consent, as that would make it easier for young white women to marry older established men and have children with them. the age of consent is their way of ensuring that girls only have sex with their young classmates who have no intention of forming a family with them.
TheDonaldTrump ago
NYT Kikes are working on the agenda:
Pedophilia-A Disorder, Not a Crime
rusengcan ago
And this is when civil strife and war will begin
dwhipwhipplez ago
I had sex at 16 with a 15 year old. I dated a 15 yr old at 17. I didn't want to date a 16 yr old at 17 because she looked 12. Then I met my cruses little sister, her little sister was 13 turning 14 that month. She was hot as hell, I had no idea how old she was. I was 17 at the time, nothing happened but mostly I was blown away I was attracted to a 13 yr old. I had a friend in high school with GIANT tities, G++ (a jew) I was over at her house one day and saw some pictures of her on counter. It looked recent big tits but also braces. I asked her how old she was in this picture, she said about 12. God fucking god. You were 12 and had giant balloons? I thought to myself. Ya I'm not advocating for 30yr old to be banging teenagers. Mostly because I remember being a teenager and pretty upset no one would go out with me. That girl I had a crush on with the way to young hot little sister? She would only date 18+ college guys when she was 15-16. Also plenty of teachers at my school banging students. I was pretty annoyed I had no chance against these older men these girls wanted. Since when is 18 your an adult? IMO your not an adult until 28-30 years old anyway. Some ancient societies you weren't an adult until 28-30 and weren't given citizen ship until then either. My dad was 26 when he had me with my 19 yr old mom. Change that by 3 years, and its 16 and 23. What are women constantly trying to do? Look younger. Dude I'm sorry but women that look like young women are attractive. A female that looks like a child isn't. Any time someone tells me Emma Watson or Mila Kunis are attractive give me the creeps. These women look like little girls, or little boys.
Whats the real solution here? Having a community that isn't disjointed and disconnected. We'd know who the creeps are, we'd know where the shit heads lived, and we'd know that in a self defense situation how we'd dismember them.
In summation, men are fucking gross. We just are, we have testosterone and will fuck a dirty hole in the wall literally. This is why we have trannys and fags. These are just men doing whatever they can to get off. It's never oh im just a tranny or gay dude, its always about how they are into bondage, wearing a diaper, or whatever gross shit they are into. I didn't have sex for 4 years and I banged a HAM BEAST from tinder. I have nightmares about it. If just under those circumstances I banged something disgusting wtf am I possible of banging? Men have their sexual urges limited by women and the morality of other men. Any time a woman becomes a man, it has very little to do with sex, same with them being a lesbian. Women want attention, and men want sex, even when they try to change genders.
Soyboy69 ago
AOC is already to high, that sounds reasonable to me, even 16 sounds high.
All of those sound fine to me, especially if the parents support it.
ZCitium ago
The whole 'nuclear family' to 'child sex' is a good example of the Overton Window in action. Small, iterative changes over a long period where each one isn't so large as to cause outrage. You couldn't go from 1950's man+wife to 'child sex' in one step. It has to be baby steps (apols for the pun) until the objective is reached.
The next step is obvious to us but I wonder what the step after that will be? Beastiality? RoboSex?
boredTech ago
Thought they already pushed robosex, and the only people who cared were women who used sex as a form of control.
jimibulgin ago
IMHO Age of Consent should be about 14. Just cuz you probably shouldn't be fucking at 14 doesn't mean you should go to prison for 20 years if you are (with consent, of course).
waucka ago
I'll bet almost none of those girls are black. I guess cultural appropriation is A-OK if it help subvert and destroy a white community.
Merlynn ago
Well,first of all,age of consent laws are relatively new. Pedophilia was common throughout human history simply because people didn't live that long. Most were dead by 30. So hanging around waiting for people to hit 18 before they were able to marry and have kids wasn't feasible. So pedophilia was the norm and it's age of consent laws that are new.
That said,the reason we made age of consent laws was to stop people from manipulating kids into doing stupid shit. Kids are dumb due to a lack of life experience. A lot of adults will gladly take advantage of that to use a child to their advantage. So we made it illegal for kids to consent. They need a parent's permission to do a lot of things. And this system has worked out well enough now that we have long enough lives to wait til we're 18.
However,kids are still going to start getting sexually curious around puberty,whether you like it or not. So it's probably a good idea to just think of the age of sexual awakening at around 13 and plan accordingly. Teach your kids about sex and what all it entails and start teaching them what to look for in a sexual partner. If they get blindsided when they turn 18,that's your goddamn fault. You didn't teach them how to handle this shit and they got fucked over because you've raised an adult child with no idea what's going on.
And if they want to have sex before they hit 18,it's your job as a parent to make sure they're not fucking a hobo with AIDS. Demanding the government do it for you is giving the government the responsibility of raising your kids and that never ends well cause the government is full of people who want to rape your child.
So in summation,stop demanding the world treat your kids fairly and start teaching them that the world isn't fair,doesn't give a damn about them,and they need to act accordingly.
Broc_Lia ago
I don't think that's really true. Classical Rome and Greece had age of consent laws, and in the case of girls they were also considered their father's (or patriach's) property, so they couldn't consent to sex or marriage without his say so.
Merlynn ago
And what was the age of consent in Classical Rome and Greece?
Broc_Lia ago
From what I can tell, 14.
Merlynn ago
So by modern standards they would be....
Broc_Lia ago
Creepy, but not pedophilia, at least not by the medical definition. That involves prepubescent kids and I've never heard of a european civilisation condoning that.
Merlynn ago
Well,we're not going by medical definitions. We're going by what people would call you.
memememema ago
Most people in positions of power are manipulated from a young age. They try to blackmail you. drug you beat you and break you. Most kids are dumb.
Also part of the occultism they use is that "fucking men" grants you magical power when in truth they were doing it blackmail for our collective master.
Merlynn ago
Yeah,that'd fall under child abuse,which is also illegal. Guess making it illegal doesn't mean it can't happen.
Well,fucking men does grant you the power to call them a rapist later if you want which is kind of like magical power of them.
slickleg64 ago
Yeah common sense and responsibility for your self and your dependents. Something that people are too retarded these days to understand.
Titanbikes4ever ago
Here ya go, pedo: V/youngladies
Titanbikes4ever ago
Well, you asked for a link, lol
AdmiralEnchilada ago
So wheres the line in the sand? Sounds like a lot of whinging but no plans to destroy these people
Simonbelmont27 ago
Start the ovens
ottermom56 ago
get ready, I see "penis" organ donation cards in the future. FtoM trans will request an actual penis from a dead man's body to complete their "transition". Beta males will flaunt their organ donation cards.
Can someone do an infograph of examples of them pushing kid fucking? Something easy to comprehend and prove. Maybe we can spark the Christian right into action before they are demoralized
ExplodingHead ago
Just start archiving everything. Because pro-abortion lobby went from "early, rare and for a reason" to "whenever and for whatever".
Me saving stuff wont magically reach normfags. We need an organized effort to expose these faggots
larryhuston ago
Exposing pedos on voat.
albatrosv15 ago
You know what's next? Human sacrifice. In less than 10 years. And if you object, then you are sacrifophobic. Possibly racist white male too.
memememema ago
Already here since the 80's.
ExplodingHead ago
We already sacrifice babies in the name of hedonism.
Oh_Well_ian ago
Kids are already pole dancing.
There are competitions and it's even on TV in some countries
TheyLie ago
My god this is fucking sick
mattsixteen24 ago
Just look at what happened to Europe. Degeneracy started there way before America. Pedophilia is basically legal there. The age of consent is like 15. All the court cases of young girls being groomed and raped by mudslimes and the judge siding with the rapist because they say the young girl consented.
Soyboy69 ago
As it should be.
That's an act against whites, if a white guy broke the law by as much as one day he'd be getting the maximum possible sentence.
dudelol ago
Its 12 in most European countries
Blehblehbleh73 ago
13 in Japan, supposedly
slickleg64 ago
Outdated Federal law, however most provinces wont allow below 16-18. Or prostitution below 18. It's far more complex than what weaboos believe.
ExplodingHead ago
No it's not. Only France has it at 15 or something.
dudelol ago
Could of sworn I saw france change it to accommodate muzzies
waucka ago
It's probably been changed de facto, just not de jure. Yet.
larryhuston ago
fightknightHERO ago
isn't bestiality already legal in Canada?
MetalAegis ago
Non-penetrative bestiality.. but still, it didn't seem logical to change the law when it was illegal before to let a dog lick peanut butter off your junk, what possible purpose could it serve to legalize it?
Broc_Lia ago
I actually think this part is probably true. Sexual attraction is an innate hard-coded behaviour in all other animals and I seriously doubt it's learned behaviour in humans. If someone's born with a screwed up sexual compass... they're probably not going to be able to redirect it.
I also think you're right about the rest. Reading that list felt like reading a newspaper, we're in for a rough ride.
No one is born gay, it doesn’t make any logical sense. If people were born gay, then whatever genes carry that trait would be wiped out in a generation or two.
Being gay is either spread through pedophilia, porn addiction, or just social pressure that if you’re a slightly feminine man or a slightly butch female, who is a loser in your own sexual market place, you can switch and have more success. It’s basically no different than deciding to be goth, or prep, or jock. It’s a social tag and a way you define yourself to be different than others as well as in an in group. You might not explain how you decided, and when you shop for clothes it might be just what other people wear or what FEELS right, but it’s all a social choice you’re making. Everyone is hard wired to fuck and make babies, period.
Homosexuality is pushed mainly on white people in white countries so that white birth rates plummet. Notice how the only way to gain social status and not be actively discriminated against as a white male is to stick your dick in another dudes ass. It’s degenerate. It’s evil. It’s designed to be part of the destruction of the west.
Broc_Lia ago
Not if they live in a society that pressures them to marry and have children. That pressure's gone now of course, so I'd expect their numbers to drop.
Also, it could be a recessive trait that is only rarely expressed, but can be carried by heterosexuals.
I don't buy that. Sexual attraction is a highly innate behaviour for most people. It's not something you can just choose for convenience.
Ah, and here the deception is revealed. It couldn’t possibly be the simple fact that rubbing your genitals feels good and certain people distort its original purpose in all sorts of ways. No, instead there were thousands and possibly millions of secret genetic gays that managed to somehow survive and reproduce because they felt forced to have kids and families. In fact YOU might be a secret gay and never knew it.
Everyone has an innate sexual drive which is there for reproduction. This is an obvious truth that is simply relativistic to deny. This sexual drive is easily distorted by your choices or surroundings. Porn is the most obvious example. You can get addicted to dopamine rushes and constantly be looking for new ways to give yourself that stimulating high. This will lead to you being turned on by things that you may have originally found gross or wrong.
We know that sex is for reproduction. There is male and female that are attracted to each other for this purpose. The burden of proof is on YOU to prove that this is not the case and that their is some gay gene or some other such nonsense. Simply questioning it is not sufficient.
You can also argue that being a punk and liking punk rock is genetic. You can argue everything and anything is genetic because after all you are created as a mix of genes that ended up liking and doing whatever it is you like and do. This philosophizing is just a way to distract from the truth. Who you have sex with is a choice and what your brain finds attractive is easily mailable based on conditioning.
I could go on more about how it’s so obvious this is all social fashion due to the asymmetrical way one is defined gay versus straight but I can leave it at this: There is no such thing as a sexual orientation just as there is no such thing as gender. These are all relativistic philosophical constructs used to distort reality. There are only a few facts. There are men and there are women that can procreate together. It feels good to rub your genitals together which incentives this procreation. Most everything else is speculation, deception, propaganda, or just retarded bull shit.
Broc_Lia ago
I mean... gay people marrying and having children is hardly a secret.
I'm pretty sure you'd know if you are gay. It's not rocket science: "do you find men sexually attractive." If the answer is yes then you're gay. If it's no then you're not. And no amount of porn will make you gay.
So far so good.
Easily? No. Our sex drive and sexual compass are one of the most selected for charactaristics in our brain. By design they cannot easily be altered. Minor details can be altered by experience, like being into feet or latex or something, but you can't turn a straight man gay by "dopamine rushes." He won't be getting a dopamine rush from other men to begin with if he's straight.
That's not how the burden of proof works. But fine:
We can take it as a given that heterosexuality is a genetically encoded behaviour, not a learned one. We both agree on this.
The mechanism for this behaviour is necessarily highly complex. It involves pattern recognition we are only now learning to replicate with machines and linking that pattern recognition to hundreds of different physiological responses.
The more complex a system is, the higher possibility of corruption. We know and accept that many genetic illnesses can occur by a single gene being corrupted, therefor it is insane to imagine that it is impossible for the pattern recognition system underpinning heterosexuality to be connected to the wrong responses.
No you can't. Punk rock is a recent invention and did not exist throughout the majority of our evolutionary history. By contrast, sexual attraction has been a part of our genome since long before we were even human.
If we were to speculate that homosexuality is a purely learned behaviour then we would have to throw out almost everything we know about genetics. I think that maybe, just maybe, the chances of homosexuality being yet another genetic disease is higher than the chance that genes can't be corrupted.
I’m pretty sure you’re just in way over your head here. You state things as if they were given truths that you don’t know, couldn’t possibly know, and in many cases are surely wrong about. ( I’m going to ignore the part about asking people about who they are attracted to because it has no point in the conversation and is basically just brain dead)
You act as if “being into feet or laytex” is somehow LESS of a deviation than rubbing your genitalia on a same sex person. You are extremely lost and confused. The fact is there are any number of reasons someone will have sex with the same sex, or with a couch, or with a goat, or with a dog, or with a banana, or with a fish, etc. None of these are caused by genetics until you prove that they are (because, yes, that is how burden of proof works, you are proposing some theory about why people do stuff that’s goes against what is observably true so you must prove it).
None of these is a “sexual orientation” because there is no such thing. Anyone that chooses to do any of those actions is simple making a choice based on a variety of factors that you will never know or understand. But I have no doubt you have the hubris to assume you can or even do know these things due to the all knowing power of scientism.
Then, you claim a bunch inane shit about genetics that is laughable. By your logic we must define every single decision anyone makes as genetically determined. In that case, Black’s low IQ is 100% genetic, the white race is superior based on the civilizations evidence, and being punk is genetically determined just as you were arguing against. This is not how genetics works.
I have a feeling you’re just a reddit shill, but maybe you’re just lost in the weeds and can’t find your way out. In the first case, go fuck yourself. In the second, stop making assumptions and stating things as fact that you simply do not and cannot know. Every single paragraph you wrote has assumptions like this. You might be drawing on what you believe to be true, or what scientism says, or what is accepted currently in the mainstream, but regardless of where it comes from it is sloppy thinking.
Broc_Lia ago
I'm not seeing any arguments here, just emotional outbursts. Have a nice evening.
Lmao, good reply. Can’t deal with me insulting you because of your dishonest and hubris filled responses? I suggest getting some thicker skin if you’re going to be on this site because I went easy on you little guy.
Respond if you can or run away and concede. You make assumptions about many things in almost every sentence and I thoroughly break down why you are wrong. You act like you know things you don’t and can’t know. If you have actual reasons and proof to privilege sticking your dick in another mans ass as a genetic disease over literally all other choices people make in their lives then by all means, bring it forward. If not, then stfu and stop making dishonest and shifty rhetorical arguments.
lettersofmarque ago
I fall squarely on the nature side of the nature/nurture debate. I have found that once I understand a person's true nature, they don't surprise me very much, and they consistently live up or down to expectations. Seems to me that humans can manage their failings but never cure them.
Broc_Lia ago
Sounds about right. I've seen a few people dramatically change their character through very hard work building better habits, but most don't.
mattsixteen24 ago
We are not animals. We are humans. They can help it! No one is born a pervert. There is no pervert gene. They made repeated bad choices in life which fed their evil passions. They choose evil.
Nosense ago
Pedos are probably born AND made, what with victims tending to turn into offenders later.
Discovering abuse and getting victims the proper treatment as early as possible would go a long way.
Broc_Lia ago
Humans are animals. We certainly can overcome our nature, but it's naive to pretend we don't have one.
mattsixteen24 ago
Can animals overcome their nature? No. That's why we are not animals.
Broc_Lia ago
mattsixteen24 ago
Certain nature does not equal pervert
Broc_Lia ago
So humans do have innate instincts, but it's impossible for those instincts to be anything you would consider perverted.
mattsixteen24 ago
No. I'm saying that we have a fallen nature that can be overcome. That's why we are not animals. Animals can't overcome their nature.
Broc_Lia ago
Fair enough. Different definitions of animal I think.
fightknightHERO ago
just imagining this shit makes me want to go BERSERK
Titanbikes4ever ago
There's the pedos on here, complete with pedo sub
larryhuston ago
And here are the ones who will support this strategy;