xenoPsychologist ago

i dont know what a bunch of uppity redditards have to offer us other than subversion. oy vey, goyim. you have to let all these poor somalian moslems into your country. im sure theyll integrate just fine.

19237485? ago

The same old works

RM-Goetbbels ago

Shut the fuck up cunt lap.

I like the "Same old... Same old..", it means we don't have to train fucknuts like you for awhile.

  • there is ALWAYS a transition period for cunts like you. You always come in like assholes wanting to change shit or do things your way. We were just fucking fine before you and we'll be fine when you show your cunjt face out the fucking door!

johnmars3 ago

VOAT is not a movement, but a lifestyle. I am very happy with it just the way it is.

If you want disciples start a church and fuck off.

xenoPsychologist ago

he wants somalians.

Tekedo ago

Could it be a cost issue? Doubt this site makes a whole lot of money, and a surge in visitors already takes the site down.

I bet it's partially cost, but they should look into new ways up monitize if that's the case.

Rotteuxx ago

For a 4yo account you're pretty clueless about this place.

Tekedo ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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Creggieb ago

New people prove themselves to old Is flawed but Let everyone in is worse. I dont believe I was invited, or screened though. Have things changed?

Jeckle ago

Whites only.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Next update has invite code generation.

Problem solved.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Uh.....the problem is we don't have an update.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We're still working on it.

What're YOU doing to help, hmmmmmm?

xenoPsychologist ago

oy vey, you dont want all those poor somalian doctors and scientists to swarm your website? you must be super racist!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I mean

I am...

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I'm bitching about it like a motherfucker. You know, the sqeeky wheel thing.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

That doesn't make the thing, already in progress, happen faster.

Rotteuxx ago

For some reason my login doesn't work on the preview site, any clue when he copied the database for this run of testing ?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

no but ill send you an invite code lol

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I guess that depends on how squeaky the wheel gets.



BillyLuath ago

To quote Wiki:

In nonrelativistic classical mechanics, a closed system is a physical system that doesn't exchange any matter with its surroundings, and isn't subject to any net force whose source is external to the system.

A closed system in classical mechanics would be considered an isolated system in thermodynamics. Closed systems are often used to limit the factors that can affect the results of specific problem or experiment.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

It limits gaming and shilling.

CowWithBeef ago

Also content, growth, and reach.

Fancy451 ago

Cost, attention and reduction of quality.

TomTheGeek ago

Anonymous users can still read, they just can't vote or submit content.

And growth for the sake of growth is bad. If you want to ruin something just add more people than the system can easily accommodate. Once resources become scarce the inhabitants turn on each other and civility takes a back seat.

xenoPsychologist ago

they prefer the swarms of somalians. its active subversion.

Fancy451 ago

If you want to ruin something just add more people than the system can easily accommodate. Once resources become scarce the inhabitants turn on each other and civility takes a back seat.

Sums up reddit pretty good. Too much thinking was going on there.

Goys-R-Us ago

Once resources become scarce the inhabitants turn on each other and civility takes a back seat.

Fuck off you slimy jew piece of shit.