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Allan_Caplan ago

All emotional and no fucking logic or reason.

not me, i really just want to lose as a friend... I never said anything towards you or anyone... you are just pointing fingers which com from your hostility. and i honestly know you quite well. downvotes wont hide truth

look downvotes wont hide truth, the sad part is and now know how many alts you run

(ooo fuck there a dog fight outside)

anyways, beat and I have made up already, he said he was wrong. GG said hope between ourselves... I said no way, you are to controlling.... but i love you as a bro, but would leave it open.

ffs kat get over it, ive said how times to come over? yeah you probably would not remember.... I love ya, im just scared to lose your friendship.

you know how to get ahold of me, i mean really . really just dont want to you lose you as a friend

and I dont want to wait 2-3 months to hear back from you again

idk man, im going to leave it at this

you dont really have to respond to this, maybe with a "10-4" all ya have do, till you think shit out and I will delete this, just know i care about you


Gothamgirl ago

Call her in the middle of the night? Where do you get this bullshit from? He called zyklon and it wasn't the middle of the night you fucking liar.

Gothamgirl ago

Physical proof of what exactly? Him calling for zyklon?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SeanBox ago

...I did ask...

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

It took a while, but looks like you finally saw the light. Alcoholics are bad news: always and without fail. They are so goddamn needy because they have no interaction with women irl.

Dismember ago

This was foreshadowed with the "use it or lose it" post by the admin a few months(?) ago. In that post you'll find my comment saying that I would start using this particular account again, so I didn't lose it. Ironically I lost my main account now because of this but I planned on ditching that one anyway.

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

i dont anything you from kat, im just tired of this. i told beat the same fucking thing.

yiou i fycking care about you okay>

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

your pic of my phone number from your account

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

there might be shit shit going on. i wouldd never harass you

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

a couple pms mans... all i need.... maybe it was GG idk. you know i would never fuck you over

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

probably because im legit man, i still open until after this shift

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

also dont threaten me

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

i care about you, myself dont matter

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

kat dont do this, okay i care about you

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

nawi never did anything bad... if you want to threatening me going "omg" here he is" everything I did was outside of voat. bannable from voat. I dont want want this.. please stop or i will talk with will putt... im really not scared. It only shows your character


kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

look kat, I known you for close to 6 months now. I DONT KNOW where you getting this shit from

you know I fucking care about you okay... have i ever fucking lied to you?

no because I care about you, and still do.

dude breath

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

@SeanBox this thread is gold

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

the only thing gold is going seanbox throat is rustoleum

SeanBox ago

Thx. I got a good chuckle.

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

really if anything i was trying to comfort her over what is going on.... I have zero want to get with her. I was only there as a friend

HollaKost ago

i was trying to comfort her over what is going on..

What is it that's going on?

ilikeskittles ago

Leave @zyklon_b’s wife the fuck alone.

Gothamgirl ago

In order to leave me alone he would have to be fucking with me. Which his not and never has. How dare you make false allegations to stir up shit between me and zyklon. Our relationship, and my husband is not your business to start with.

HollaKost ago

Silly hoe already cheating and causing problems between her husband and his friends. No wonder so many men before him have discarded you!

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

beat and i are tight... they stressed the fuck out right now. Back off kat

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

physical proof? lol I like to see that, i love ya kat but i wish to see that

Nosferatjew ago

Nosferatjew ago

sguevar ago

Thanks for the ping.

Will save this post for further consideration.

MrPim ago

Im curious. Why do Ban Hammer people keep linking to or pinging from this thread? Is it of some interest? Not that I care that you are, but I do find it interesting

Nosferatjew ago

I'm not a "Ban Hammer" person. Those 2 pings were for users with whom I've had conversations about this specific issue.

MrPim ago

Right on. Its all good. I talked to sguevar(or however thats spelled)

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

and to be honest i have zero attraction towards her

WHERE THE FUCK are getting this info from?

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

the only time i ever talked with GG is because of legal shit, only as a friend. Beat is my bro... this fucking statement is ridiculous btw

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

I never did, please stop

Nosferatjew ago

Which is not a violation of the site rules. Have you ever read the site rules?

0fsgivin ago

Was he one of the many people on her making shit tons of alts to upvote his own comments and submissions?

MrPim ago

I do not know. But im pretty sure hes been gone longer than that last ban fiasco.

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

im only responding to to you man. I bring truth. you know i love ya.. ffs everyone does, this isn't a secret

and they all know i never would do anything to you. This is why i'm not scared. I care about you you kat, I will forever because I have nothing but love as you shown me. WTF dude

Nosferatjew ago

No where in the site rules are Dial's actions in any way prohibited.

0fsgivin ago

Yah but it should be also it makes you a faggot.

Know how many voat accounts I have? ONE. And it's never been banned.

Because every time I've lost an argument I didn't go make an alt and upvote myself to make it seem like more people agreed with me. Or leave a comment in that thread pretending to be another voater who also agrees with me. Because, im not a stupid less than worthless faggot.

Nosferatjew ago

Having more than one account does not make someone a faggot. The site allowed for it since the beginning.

Because every time I've lost an argument I didn't go make an alt and upvote myself to make it seem like more people agreed with me.

Never did that.

Or leave a comment in that thread pretending to be another voater who also agrees with me.

Never did that.

Nosferatjew ago

I have the same problem with all but 2 of my accounts.

None of these accounts have been deleted, most of them have zero activity, and none of them are in violation of any of voat's rules. I have the correct passwords for each account. These accounts are also not on the banned account list. I've checked.

I've tried contacting Putt about this twice over the past week, but have received no response.....

My concern here is that, if this isn't a glitch, or just temporary while the site is being updated, that it might be a of way of banning accounts without having to put them on the ban list. With the site on lock down and becoming invite only, this could mean that admins could secretly ban users they don't like, and never allow them to come back, without anyone else on the site knowing they were even banned.

MrPim ago

Which is my concern and why I started this thread. Owlchemy has been gone for quite a while, so I have problems believing its a dev glitch.

And I am ASKING. Maybe there is a good reason Im not aware of. So I asked tbe Only person who can possibly know. But I dont think Ill get an answer.

Nosferatjew ago

Yeah... don't hold your breath.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @kevdude.

Posted automatically (#48080) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@GeneralDouche: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @kevdude)

virge ago

Let Act 2 begin.

MrPim ago

Nothing will begin. Putt will ignore this as he ignores all inconvenient questions. For all I know theres good reason behind this. But we'll never know because Putt will not answer.

kljasdfjklasdl43 ago

you listen carefully.. never had i said anything as such to you ever

jklsjas8347895 ago

i really dont know why you acting this way man

jklsjas8347895 ago

one example

jklsjas8347895 ago

lmao we are so much alike, you are scared to see it. I get it

look, remember how I said if we only far away... how fast. Its time I make it that fast I ain't losing you

lets figure something out

jklsjas8347895 ago

i want to know you, thats what you dont understand

jklsjas8347895 ago

idk man give it a few days, i'll talk with you later okay

stay strong

jklsjas8347895 ago

im not childish, nor do i present myself that way... you know i want to make this work

and i dont give a shit all voat knows

jklsjas8347895 ago

i care very deeply about you .... I dont know why I just fucking do. Ever since I first met you... I cant explain it. I was fucking devastated last night.

jklsjas8347895 ago

i know.... i want to correct whatever the fuck happened, i told you sound exactly like me. it fucking scares me especially this comment

I'm here for you, i will always be here

klasdfk48945 ago

im fine okay.... its my heart

please understand that

klasdfk48945 ago

and i really hope some day we will get back together in some capacity that will make us laugh. I really fucking care about you dude... but this currert shit is fucked up.

they both are just so fucking stressed out, i tried to help... its all i did man, and if I can cant do that idk, im not a man. idk bro, i cant do it because they beat wont listen. GG i can reach, but beat doesnt want me there..... controlling. this is hard for me man..... I know I dont want to fucking lose you

WickerMan ago

I think after the "use it or lose it" sticky dead subverses and unused accounts were disabled. I might be wrong.

MrPim ago

You could be right but Owlchemy was a daily and well known user. I doubt that's it.

WickerMan ago

Yeah he was a good guy with good posts. He was pretty open about his switch to Poal. Maybe Putt will respond.

MrPim ago

Putt will not respond. In days where Putt was active I wouldnt expect one and now bes totally abdicated. My choice of title was silly at best. Putt will not respond. @PuttItOut is a spineless faggot and a brainless retard incapable of running Voat. I actually hope I just pinged the CIA because my critique still stands. You homos cant run a 10 meter race.

klasdfk48945 ago

i just hope you are okay

MrPim ago

Im not sure how Voat handles it as Ive never forgotten this PW. But usually thats a temp lockout.

heygeorge ago

I think that inactive accounts have been locked out. I’ve been meaning to check some of my old throwaway alts to see if any of them still work, but that seemed like effort.

Remember Puttsy’s post from a couple months back about ‘use it or lose it’? I do.

Dismember ago

This is what has happened. "Use it or lose it" is exactly why I started reusing this account, in fact it is my very first comment here on this account since I deleted it 3.7 years ago(still not sure why I was able to just start using it again, but that's besides the point).

heygeorge ago

You sure it’s not a vast conspiracy based on the dramatically feggit @mrPim?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about @puttitout, it’s that his mind does not have time or inclination to process what the batshit whiners are going to flip over.

klasdfk48945 ago

i really dont know wtf is going on between them... im out man... Beat is attacking me etc... im fucking walking away, I love them i wish them the best

klasdfk48945 ago

naw, those got banned from protectincting dial from downvoate brigades

im saying 30+ account were locked out that niggiragly didnt do shit

I hope you are doing well


MrPim ago

I dont think theyre there. And I dont expect an answer from Putt. I created this thread only so others would know this. Id like Putts response. For all I know Owlchemy is full of shit. But unless Putt adds his refutation we wont know.

I kind of consider his non response an answer. And the DV burying of this thread another

MrPim ago

Itll take a minute to go through all the banned spammers. But I dont believe so. They also get that message for their alt act as well. If i thought it was any legit reason I wouldnt have created this thread.

klasdfk48945 ago

i found about 30+ of my accounts locket out,who fucking knows

MrPim ago

That account is not deleted.