Intrixina ago

A sexologist is a term for someone who thinks they know about sex, but in reality are just degenerate cunts. There is no qualification for a "sexologist".

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Whose the jew in the picture?

DamonAxemaker ago

If they can't have Gen Z on their side they will rape and ruin them

IdoubtIt2 ago

Then we need to protect them. What are we if we cannot protect the most vulnerable among us. Seriously, not one jury would find someone guilty of taking these sick fucks out.

spaceman84 ago

So what are we to make of the Ninja Turtles and their fans?

HonestBrah ago

what is the context?

Uncle_Slob ago


Greensbr ago

I've got a hip new way to educate. It's called torture.

DontBeRacist ago

So much JEW in one picture. The only thing left is for a rabbi to certify it as kosher.

randomfuckingidiot ago

This is why my house is straight 1990s. No phone from birth fuck that

Pointyball ago

Disgusting Pedophile

allahead ago

He's trying to re-frame the word pizza to have a different meaning in the mainstream in relation to sex instead of the current relationship to child molestation.

square, round, thick, thin, stuffed crust, pepperoni, stromboli, pineapple — none of those are wrong

Yes, yes they are you fat fuck.

blumen4alles ago

I got into this one last night, made a couple posts about it:

So Does Anyone Have The Source For This? I saw it at Little Caesars

File Named As Found: "MO-al-vernacchio-stuart-goldenberg-900x1350.jpg" ----- goldenberg, hmmmmm

Now if you go to the online version of the article, here (archived version). Check out the file name for the photo. It literally says goldenberg. These filthy pizza pedo jews are showing off to the rest of the world that they fuck/kill/eat children.

They probably even adopted the whole pizza thing as an insult to Italy for fighting alongside Germany.

Ovens to preheat! Ready the gallows!

LightestHour ago

Cook at 425 degrees Fuhrerzeit for 10-12 hours

bubby963 ago

I love pizza

Fucking hell could they be any more obvious. That nose too

Iornukrum ago

Can anyone make out the year on this issue? Maybe they did the same as 4chan: took the clue about pizzas and ran with it.

ZKX ago

Ok. So don't buy grey goose. Got it.

IIsAShloff ago

Google "Al Vernacchio pizza". This sick fuck has a TED talk and lots of imagery of pizza. Pedophiles are getting bolder and we need to act

Hebrew-Virus ago

That time is fast approaching.

AntiMason ago

We should give him to the Iranians so he can teach their kids about porn.

bfriend13 ago

Looks like Patton Oswalt.

rejectedfromreddit ago

I thought the same thing. Maybe it's a clue?

Splooge ago

They both certainly have the same views and taste.

PlsNoStepOnSnek ago

I swear I remember seeing the triangle pedo symbol on one of those buttons, but I can't find it now.

oioiiooi ago

Isosceles was a pedo.

ForTheUltimate ago


GetWoke ago

Pizzagate is fake, turn the page goy

shrink ago

Christ, I guess getting three words into a post is just the upper limit for some people.

waucka ago

Untermenschen? On MY Voat? It's more likely than you think.

GetWoke ago

I guess nobody recalibrated their sarcasm meters this morning

19124632? ago



We get, you're a pedophile. Advocating for children to watch porn was enough to tell us.

selpai ago

Holy shit... It's that obvious huh?

Gumbatron ago

Remember, they want you broke, dead, your children raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.

  • Sam Hyde

NotADilophosaurus ago

That quote stuck with me and I reflect on it regularly. Once you realize it’s the absolute truth every move they make begins to make so much sense

randomfuckingidiot ago


Hes right fuckin there!!!!!!111 how can people not see this

NotADilophosaurus ago

Duh cause its alllllll just a conspiracy you nazi shitlord. Geez you paranoid WHITE NATIONALISTS Think its all a big conspiracy doncha?

Ocelot ago

I can't wait to kill all the traitors and smack all the former naysayers.

Dortex ago

Did you know u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it? Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

He hasn't been banned yet for some reason. :(

DayOfThePillow ago

I'm wondering when this is dated, is the sick faggot soon to be roped really using that term recently?

blumen4alles ago

Online version is dated 6/1/18, not sure about the printed version. See my other comment for more info.

Blompf ago

... so they know exactly what they're doing with that sticker then.

fartyshorts ago

For sure. Just look at the Ars writer who just got busted.

DayOfThePillow ago

It seems that way, ropes too good for this sick fuck, disembowel him and make him eat his own entrails seems more fitting.

IdoubtIt2 ago

The fact that it’s in our face. And it feels like we can’t do shit about it, they know it and they’re tucking it the fuck up! Seriously, I’m not a violent person. I don’t advocate killing gays (they need help) but this guy...and pieces of shit like him? Where the fuck are the ovens AND WHY THE FUCK ARENT THEY PREHEATING!!!!!

andrew_jackson ago

You might be pleasantly surprised, Patriot. The Overton window is shifting. A lot of the difference is due to hard working average dudes who are willing to volunteer for things like neighborhood watch, etc.

Battlefat ago

Children who can identify degeneracy on sight are raised right. In equal measure, children who are porn literate are abused and in need of rehabilitation

TruthWithPrevail ago

Owen Benjamin has a recent video about how he was abused as a child and the whole town had a pedo monsenior running the town church or something. He knows all about child grooming.

Search “Owen Benjamin Sven computer”

primaryappellation ago

How to actually prepare a child for what their friends might show them "There are a lot of people out there that are ruining their bodies for money and attention, while pretending that it's completely normal"