File Named As Found: "MO-al-vernacchio-stuart-goldenberg-900x1350.jpg" ----- goldenberg, hmmmmm (
submitted 5.7 years ago by blumen4alles
SilverAirplane 5.7 years ago
I'm perceiving a peculiar pattern.
blumen4alles 5.7 years ago
Yeah they all used to hide in plain site. I guess they still do to the majority.
googoogagaimababy 5.7 years ago
Is this a phot or a painting? There’s something about his face that feels like a caricature. And the colors. This picture confuses me.
theoldones 5.7 years ago
degenerates always like having good photos on hand for PR. these cunts will spent 10K for media editors if it means their child-fucking video had better audio quality
Gumbatron 5.7 years ago
Are the folders in the back all labeled "Sex Etc 20XX"?
YugeDick 5.7 years ago
from what website and image URL?
from one image we can probably start tracing back up the trail to the head pedo
very quick for an old person - see URL here
As found...
Pizza(((gate))) is just a conspiracy though.
SilverAirplane ago
I'm perceiving a peculiar pattern.
blumen4alles ago
Yeah they all used to hide in plain site. I guess they still do to the majority.
googoogagaimababy ago
Is this a phot or a painting? There’s something about his face that feels like a caricature. And the colors. This picture confuses me.
theoldones ago
degenerates always like having good photos on hand for PR. these cunts will spent 10K for media editors if it means their child-fucking video had better audio quality
Gumbatron ago
Are the folders in the back all labeled "Sex Etc 20XX"?
YugeDick ago
theoldones ago
from what website and image URL?
from one image we can probably start tracing back up the trail to the head pedo
blumen4alles ago
very quick for an old person - see URL here
blumen4alles ago
As found...
Pizza(((gate))) is just a conspiracy though.