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Vindicator ago - sent right before a 2nd PM from her with her boobs. I deleted that PM as well. I have a gf and unlike srayzie's husband we both believe in exclusivity and that applies to strangers sending unsolicited nudes.

So your big reveal is that you deleted the pics ES sent to us to try to get her demodded and stop Q posts in v/pizzagate, and she re-sent them to you? The night she was all whacked out over being groomed and humiliated? A child rape survivor who was trained by the age of 10 to come on to men for survival -- you're taking that as her firting with you?

Excuse me while I vomit.

And you think it legit to use what was done to her against her publicly in your campaign against Crensch?

I didn't actually think you were capable of this level of depraved indifference to human beings, Kev. It's foul.

You are voluntarily and publicly exploiting what ES did to her -- a vote manipulating, site rule-breaking predator who should have been banned but whom YOU knowingly allowed to continue prowling Voat, and continue to allow to do so. You protected the predator, and exploited his target for your own political ends.

You really think you're going to come out looking good in this scenario?

@Peaceseeker @PuttItOut @Dismember @cynabuns: This is the guy "Protecting" Voat.

PeaceSeeker ago

I think that message from /u/Crensch to /u/kevdude is 100% the most important PM that has leaked since this whole thing started. Especially so since /u/Crensch all but confirmed its authenticity.

Libido Doninandi. It now seems to me that's what this whole thing has been about. Either we control our passions with reason or our passions control us. I was amazed and confused when/u/Crensch first started acting irrationally. /u/Crensch, of all people? How could it be? Now it is clear. He stopped acting reasonably because his passions took over. He admits as much in the PM:

I'm a bit unsteady atm - I don't usually get overcome by...whatever just from a pretty face and tits but she is a smokeshow. I'm pretty proud of being unflappable when women are concerned - I'd lose the game to this one.

This is Libido Dominandi, Vin. Could it be any clearer? Set aside your support for /u/srayzie and GA and you're opposition to the shitposters for a second and realize what is going on here. I too support GA and want them to manage themselves as they truly desire, but this is not the way

Crensch ago

@virge see parent, then see responses by @Vindicator.


argosciv ago

Don't worry, saw the first and eagerly awaited the continuation, saw both within seconds.

Fucking stellar, @Vindicator.

It's about time people start to understand what the fuck's been going on here rather than dismiss Crensch, myself, yourself and others.

Vindicator ago

I hadn't realized it until I went back and dug it up, but the CSS and Anon sub fuckery he was pushing me to do with ES is virtually identical to the shit Triggly and Zyklon pulled. He even said the code was from Triggly.

argosciv ago

And with that in mind, who do you think has the knowledge or connections to fabricate PMs, alleged to be from @Crensch?

Crensch ago

Sorry to derail but I was looking here and saw this again up above:

I think that message from /u/Crensch to /u/kevdude is 100% the most important PM that has leaked since this whole thing started.


Really? That's the most important?

These guys really NEED me to be emotionally compromised. Almost every shill or faggot I destroyed NEEDed that from me. They NEEDED me to be unstable, or angry, or something... why?

Is it projection? Is it insecurity? A dissonance? Stubbornness?

I MUST be labeled in some way that allows them to use their pre-defined prejudices against me?

Vindicator ago

I think this is ugly stuff that reveals Clownworld Voat...that's a LOT of cognitive dissonance to choke down. It's much easier to label and dismiss you than to face the reality. And those who don't want that reality exposed know just which buttons to push to give otherwise well-intentioned people an "explanation" that will allow them to go back to sleep.