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Crensch ago

So you CAN post like I do. You must be one upset dude.

Aww, she can lie and claim I sent her dick pics, but when I push back I'm the ass hole. What's wrong cuck boy? Can't ban me from this sub for criticizing m'lady?

Did I ban you from any of my subs? Do you ever accuse me of anything legitimate? You're dishonest, and you continue to be dishonest.

Who, you? You are powerhungry faggot. You have been stabbing me in the back for weeks because I don't have the power to siteban the trolls who were fucking with your online girlfriend. Get fucked.

You didn't even lift a finger to help against zyklon. What he did to srayzie was awful, but ProtectVoat failed to protect anything at all... BUT zyklon.

Aww. This is a user moderated site.

Funny, I don't see that anywhere in the Voat user agreement, rules, guidlines, or really anything at all. Why don't you show me where that is?

Then don't do it. Or go to reddit where mods rule.

I think it's more like time for you to piss off. You have no power, no moral high ground, and no logos to back up your horseshit.

U mad? Good, because I haven't even gotten started. You have sat with your little echo chamber ripping me down for weeks. Now it's my turn.

Go for it. I hope you find real pics of my cock and share them somehow. Show everyone how hot srayzie is. I'm sure it'll just RUIN us.

Not going anywhere.

You've lost so much ground you're foaming at the mouth.

This isn't a call to arms. It is marking the moment where you killed Voat. The low IQ weak-willed refugees maybe outnumber the people who normally cared, but whatever.

I killed YOUR IDEA of what Voat should be. I told you I would. You could have had equal standards for subverses or left mine alone like FPH, but you didn't. You kept on, despite my telling you exactly what would happen.

At least you admit that I killed YOUR Voat.

No, if she had them she would have given them to you, along with all the other PMs she selected to create a distorted narrative.

She might have them, but I sure as fuck don't want them. Fucking gag.

Says the guy who is still throwing a tantrum because his online girlfriend's husband made her tone down her internet usage.

You sure seem to know a lot about her and her family. Could you tell us some more while trying to pretend you weren't the one trying to sext her?

ESOTERICshade ago

I have read enough of this bullshit. I don't care. I only know what I know. I DO KNOW that @kevdude has always make the best decisions and done the right thing as best he knows how to do. I have dealt with @kevdude many times and he is a good person. I also deal with @vindicator and vindicator is fair and reasonable. You @crensch, are a piece of shit internet trash. You can burn in hell crensch. You are fucking ignorant and a piece of dirt. If I was @puttitiout I would ban your mother fucking destructive ass from Voat. Fuck you and die crensch.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You mad?

ESOTERICshade ago

You mad?

I happy as hell. How bout you?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not too bad today. Giggling my ass off, actually.

ESOTERICshade ago

That was pretty good. Thanx for that. I love you sweet baby :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


ESOTERICshade ago


everything will be ok. Hang out for the ride

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're still so far behind. Stop drinking so much, talk less, read more.

Maybe you'll catch up, in a couple months.

ESOTERICshade ago

Stop drinking so much

How did you know I started drinking again? Is it that obvious?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago
