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dudelol ago

A literal who?

Crensch ago

The OP here still hasn't figured out that the userbase of this website has changed in the past 3.5 years, and he thinks he can call an army of angry anti-Redditors to attack any mod that seems like they MIGHT become like a reddit mod.

He doesn't like the fact that his dead-child-posting and child-threatening shitposters won't have free reign over this site anymore.

dudelol ago

Voat is stuttering. No enough newfags

RockmanRaiden ago

Voat should open up. I have newfags waiting.

dudelol ago

Yep. Not sure what putters is doing.

SandHog ago

Curing cancer. It takes time.

kestrel9 ago

All the exits and entrances are on lock down during the Voat Awakening