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RaptorJesus ago

Unless you are a certain race in which case you get infinite gibs.

Scald85 ago

Only 1% of the labor force works in residential real estate construction, but big families spend most of their net income on housing. The real estate business is better described as demographic engineering. The scariest part is that most normies are absolutely in on it, and the bankers are happy to work with them.

derenotrat ago

This one, right here, gets it. Spot on.

Scald85 ago

And neocon Cold Warriors sneered at ugly but functional and cheap Soviet apartment buildings, the one single thing the Eastern Bloc got right. Even North Korea has more of a demographic future than South Korea simply because it rejected the death cult of real estate. It's literally more damaging than doing everything else wrong (communism) combined.

derenotrat ago

The buildings themselves aren't the problem. The quality of housing now is cheap shit and cut corners compared to older homes, because it's not intended to be long lasting, it's intended to be disposable. The problem is the manipulation of prices and reasons for more development. There is no reason for the cheap homes today to be the prices they are, while older homes were more affordable in their day. It's the fact that you now partially pay a lot more if you want to live somewhere you won't get shot on the street or get your door kicked in for being whitey. You still pay ridiculous amounts for a place in the hood because the property values are low, but the property taxes are higher than they should be for that very reason. Whites and blacks get fucked, but these companies make tons of money herding everyone around, and building more and gentrifying shit areas.

Niggardly_Jew ago


Pointyball ago

Only if you work. Otherwise we pay you to have more welfare babies.

Shishamo ago

Cut welfare and the population will even out.

Shieldmaden ago

If you live in a 1950s sized house, with 1950s appliances/technology, most moms can easily stay home with as big a brood of children as you want. Stop buying into this brain cancer that you need to live like some sort of Instagram spendthrift mirage.

slwsnowman40 ago

No it doesn't. The most expensive child is the first one because you have to buy so much stuff if you can't get hand-me-downs from friends and family. The second child gets those with some items replaced and additions for their personality. We had clothes that lasted 4 kids before finally falling apart and being unusable. We still have baby toys from when my oldest was a baby.

If you raise them right, they'll avoid the most expensive part of having kids - college. And college certainly isn't worth the cost.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

That is because we are all in fierce competition with each other. Some humans are so stressed out or strung out that they can't even stand the sound of children in the restaurant where they eat.

blueblur ago

Kinda makes it hard to “be fruitful and multiply” doesn’t it.

LazyJello9 ago

Shhhh my little girl is asleep and you losers complaining might wake her up.

Sosacms ago

Uh... When did having kids not come with additional responsibilities, costs, and struggles?

Don't we also have a lot of social/tax programs to financially incentivise pumping out babies they can't support?

Soyboy69 ago

Don't we also have a lot of social/tax programs to financially incentivise pumping out babies they can't support?\

Yes, our money that we could have spent on our white babies is taken from us and given to niggers.

hillbilly_guy ago

It doesn't if you're non white.

Niggertown ago

Children have always been a hardship unless you work on a farm.

Rellik88 ago

Illegals, niggers, and taco niggers have 10+ kids and live just fine. I have 4 white kids. Just do it! Fuck money have kids!

derenotrat ago

Quality over quantity. If their methods were so great, we and the rest of the world wouldn't see them as the nigger burdens from corrupt countries they are. Their kids also wouldn't be the maladjusted, ill-behaved criminals so many of their people produce.

That and some people really should not have kids, because it's something that they're really bad at because they didn't really want them in the first place and only had them for reasons. They just ruin their kid's lives and produce some of the problem people mentioned above.

And before anyone calls me schlomo because I didn't say have kids regardless, ask yourselves how it's still going to help encourage anyone to have more kids when the reasons, which are clearly deliberate to discourage whites from having children, are still there and will probably be ramped up if people did have more? If your only solution is "just make white babbies!" without actually going after the problems that discourage or prevent people from having them in the first place, then nothing is really going to change. Yes, have more babies, but be smart about it.

Tistime ago

Life would be kinda pointless without the two that I have. I doubt I would still be here without them, and they've really been my only reason to do and to be. I plan to be around for them as long as I can.

Simonsaysgoat ago


Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

We didn't create this its the fed and their monetary policy. Adam Sm8th said that unless workers are paid enough to support 2 children that there will be consequences like these. At least populists are putting an end to immigration so that the wealthy will not have a cheap solution to their policies.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

“‘We created a society where having children creates financial hardship’...UNLESS you’re brown, Muslim, or single mother, in which case you are financially REWARDED!”

82328874A66E ago

Of course it is, and by design.Of course if you ask a liberal they will tell you it's a capitalist conspiracy caused by declining wages. If you ask the MSM they will tell you that raising standards of living cause decreased fertility rates, implying that people are greedy and the more opportunity there is to make money the less they'll focus on family.

The astute will notice that the liberal and us have some common ground here. Believe it or not, there is a significant wing of liberals that know uncontrolled immigration is a corporate tool for suppressing wages. They know that low wages are why working families can't afford to have more kids. Even they sense that this is some sort of oppression coming from the financial elite. It's only their commitment to the cult of racial equality that prevents them from seeing who that elite is, or from supporting effective measures to address it.

We are stupid for not tuning our message to appeal to their sense of a conspiracy from above. If the Jews lost control of the left and the right on this issue they'd have no hope of manipulating the outcome.

aiisreal ago

Yes and they use terms like "child labor" to keep children from making money(market disenfranchisement at an early age so later they don't question why they can't buy startup stock).

School is unpaid child labor.

Soyboy69 ago

Unpaid and unproductive child labor.

aiisreal ago

It's even worse, it's counter productive. They teach kids to work hard then that their work is useless as it's thrown out at the end of the year regardless.

Good for the owners who steal everything, whereas the workers forget everything they build and have taken from them.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Its only a hardship when you keep buying bullshit (iPhone, video games, those gay funko pops)

Gorillion ago

Only if you're white.

Blaxsploitation ago

The financial excuse is bullshit anyway. I can guarantee that anybody with any mick/kraut blood on this website had ancestors that didnt have a quarter of their wealth yet still had 10+ kids. From both sides of my family that was the case, so really what does a person have to worry about when it comes to having kids (besides drag queen faggot subhumans)?

Razzoriel ago

What if I told you there is one investment in the world that you can put your money and dedication in, and the rate of success over your investment is so high and predictable, it'd make you throw away all your money from stocks, silver, gold, crypto, whatever. It's called honoring your past and creating a future. The only way to do it is finding a worthy partner and having children. There is a very, very specific reason why the world and all big-money people are telling you to not do it.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Not only that, but there's no security left for anyone, except for maybe a few boomers because they just refuse to retire and die like normal people. Companies have no loyalty, and can't look far enough into the future to see past past the quarterly report.

I just got shitcanned from a job where I was making ≈$75K/yr. One of the top performers in the whole building, as far as throughput goes. One day, out of the blue, some pencil pusher called me into a room where some 450lb HR hog told me my "position has been eliminated". Been nice knowing you, here sign this, now gtfo. My entire department got axed, along with about a dozen others in various other departments. (No women were let go during this "restructuring", and neither were any non-white men. Really makes you think.) I'm not sure of the demographics company wide, but they cut roughly 40% of their entire workforce in the USA. Strangely enough, the branches in both China and Mexico are doing wonderfully.

In a day and age when a woman can flake out at any given moment, ruin your life, take half of everything you own (at a minimum), and march off into the night, why even bother? In a day and age where a company will just toss you to the street on any given day, with zero notice, with or without reason, how is one supposed to plan for the future? How do you give yourself over to a world without loyalty? How do you resolve to adhere to a commitment, when nobody else in the world will honor it, and when its through, essentially punish you for bothering in the first place?

How can you bring someone else into a world that is structured in such a way? Just give 'em a remote, tell 'em to flip the channels until sportsball comes on, and hope for the best?

Fuck that.

fishmantis ago

Yeah, when things are difficult, you should just give up. That's what our ancestors did.

madscientist3469 ago

Why do anything? Everything worthwhile in life is fraught with risk and potential for death and dismay. You must be the hero that confronts the unknown and turns it into order.

This is the danger of the red pill. It's so easy for humans to over simplify everything and turn it into a dichotomy. Once learning the fundamental opportunistic nature of women, many men become convinced every woman is the same. Every woman will leave for the bigger stronger chad once given the opportunity. This is not so. Yes, all women have the same biological drives, but there are good women and bad women, just as there are good men and bad men. There are still women who value family and commitment. Find one, make some offspring, and better the world. Because if you don't, your kind will be outbred by shitheads.


All your questions can be answered by picking a good partner.

If you are unable to tell a decent person from a shitty person you need therapy to walk through some of the mental issues you have and try to make you a little less socially retarded.

Find a girl who understands marriage means something. Have a lot of kids. You take care of them while they are young. Your children will take care of you while you're old.

RealBiggly ago

Yeah, life is a box of hand grenades, you just have to pull the right pin and hold frame bro?


... No.

You are either well socially adjusted and can judge a good character. Or you are poorly socially adjusted and cannot read and understand people and their intentions.

If you set yourself up for sucess, then you'll be sucessful majority of the time.

Black pilling yourself and deeming yourself too good for a relationship is retarded and childish. You'll have no children and leech of the government when you're older instead of have a family to care for you. A waste of resources and a waste of space.

Listen to your instincts that want to pass on your genetic line. Fighting it is missing out on one of the most valuable pieces of life.

RealBiggly ago

Right. That's why I got butt-fucked with "child" support for a child I wasn't allowed to see, or even know where she lived.

Silly me for not realizing the mother was a crazy whackjob until AFTER she did all the crazy stuff, huh? I should have known better, all my fault, me and my toxic masculinity and stuff.

Hey, you should write a book or sumpin? Explain to the 40% to 60% of guys that get divorced-raped how they should have pulled a better pin on a better grenade. Now that you've explained how simple and easy it is, it seems achievable, ya know?

Fuk, if you're that perfect you could start your own religion..? Hey, I could be your first disciple! We just need 11 more, then we could travel the world, teach em your wisdom?

Can we? Huh?


Good idea. I should write up a post explaining the proper way to date and find a good partner.

jimibulgin ago

There is a hell of a lot more security now than there ever has been for any of your ancestors since the beginning of time, with the possible exception of a brief period in America after WWII. Quit your bitching and raise some children (unless you are a nigger or a Jew...)

EarlPoncho ago

good goy

KinkRaven ago

This is true and not true at the same time.

The narratives push that children are expensive, however it is really about allocation of resources. When you start a family, long term savings drives you more than buying a new iPhone or Xbox.

And it is only the first kid where you have some initial capital expenditures, however smart shopping and understanding you don't need 90% of the baby crap, the costs after the 1st one is not that significant.

Don't believe the hype, have a family and you'll be thankful you did.

PatriotLady1 ago

We've been manipulated to believe we can't afford children, and it's evil to have them because muh overpopulation.

slwsnowman40 ago

If the world is really overpopulated, why are we feeding Africa?

TheAntiZealot ago

Feeding & importing. Especially into Europe.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

It's basic Darwinism, the west has had it too easy so they are no longer fit to survive in the struggle

Landwhaleonline ago

Overpopulation is bullshit. People just choose to cram together in the smallest areas we call "cities."

ImmaLueserBaby ago

They're not as expensive as you might think. Sure, you need some gear, but the older generations are probably itching to shower you with more than you could ever need. Then you reuse what you have with the second, third, etc. Move to a good school district, get a charter voucher, or homeschool. You'll save money because you won't be going out to eat all the time or shopping on a whim. Kids have more fun playing in the dirt than using expensive toys. Don't believe the (((lies)))

Wattersun ago

Who is going to watch them every day for a few years until they are old enough to go to school? Daycare costs $1200 a month on the low end in the US.

crazy_eyes ago

Their fucking mother can watch them. How about you get yourself a skill that people will pay you to perform?


Are you actually retarded? Your wife should be home watching and raising the kids until they are 18. You don’t need your wife’s salary just to pay for what your wife would do if she didn’t work.

ninjatacos ago

There are cheaper options than that if you try to look. My wife found someone who will watch our first white baby (here in Jan.!!!) for $100 a week. We want her to be a stay at home mom, but that's in all honesty a few years from being financially feasible so this will work very well for the time being. By the time white baby number 2 arrives we will have paid off enough debts and I'll be making more money so we can raise our kids ourselves, the way God intended.

ImmaLueserBaby ago

One of the parents. Or someone works part time and has Grandma 1 watch on Monday, Grandma 2 on Tuesday. Or works from home, or nights/weekends. Or mom who stays home also watches another person's kids at the same time ( There's also nanny sharing where 2 families split the cost of a fulltime nanny.

PatriotLady1 ago

FFS get your woman to stay home and raise the children. They don't need 'socialization' that's a jew lie.

waucka ago

What do we call it when we put the government in charge of healthcare? We call it 'socialization', and we all know how that turns out. Interesting that they use the same word for what happens to children in school...

un1ty ago

It doesn't.

The only financial "hardship" is not having a brand new stupid Apple product for $1000 or a car payment for a 2019 model. You make a few sacrifices in the material world in order to make sure they have what they need. The core necessities that are always there only increase slightly.

RealBiggly ago

Except "child" support will rip the living guts out of your finances for the next 20 odd years. So there's that?

un1ty ago

That's incel talk.

Just be a good father and husband - no need to worry about divorce. I've been married going on 13 years - we've had break-the-walls level arguments, but you get through them. The thing to remember with relationships is one main thing:

This isn't a "you vs. them" problem, its an "us vs. the problem".

As long as you're a team, you can't go wrong.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

You have to find a woman who fully subscribed to that idea of being a team with you. Hard to find in today’s social media environment

un1ty ago

Hard to find in today’s social media environment

There's your problem.

Phantom42 ago

Correction: Nonexistent.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

almost nonexistent, very close to it

Phantom42 ago

Corrected Correction: In America, nonexistent.

RealBiggly ago

First, incels don't pay "child" support because they're, you know, incels.

Between 40 to 55% of 1st time marriages end in divorce, across the Western world. Higher still for 2nd and even higher for those turd-brained that do it 3 times.

70-80% of the time the divorce is instigated by the woman.

It would probably be more even if it were not for the fact the men know they will be divorce-raped, but even knowing they WILL be divorced-raped, 20 to 30% of divorces are from a guy so desperate to escape he was will to take the raping.

With today's "no fault" divorce it doesn't matter one whit how well behaved or perfect you are - indeed perfection is boring so could even be a cause of the divorce. The more sexual partners a woman has before marriage the greater the chance of divorce, as they don't pair-bond after too many dicks but boredom, meeting some other guy, whatever reason or even no reason, women divorce a lot.

Why not; they get everything.

Which raises the next point, but it's part of the whole divorce-rape point earlier really. Marriage offers the man jack shit.


As a legal contract it offers the woman everything. *Your *everything.

If you're lucky, a good marriage can be great - but what are the odds? (Hint, scroll up)

un1ty ago

Incel talk, as in someone who thinks that everything is terrible and forget about it because it'll just fail and she'll cheat, blah blah.

Marriage is a contract, yes, between you and your partner (and the state). Get a prenup if you're that worried about anything.

RealBiggly ago

Dude NOOO!

You really need to spend some time with the MGTOW guys. First, pre-nups mean nothing. They are routinely ignored by judges, as the woman simply claims she signed "under duress" (which her lawyer will tell her to say). Prenups are like a misleading map; worse than useless.

Talking of lawyers, as one in New York put it (paraphrased as this was a couple of decades ago), "It would actually be malpractice to not advise the wife of the 'Silver Bullet', the power she can gain by making an accusation of abuse to her or especially to the children or both".

Remember "family court" is civil, so you have no right to a jury of your peers, to cross-examine or demand any actual proof of any accusation leveled at you. The judges understand full well that most accusations are entirely false, but will always "err on the side of caution" (fink of da chilreen!) and "caution" means YOU get butt-fucked, because "women and (their, not yours) children first." Nobody gives a flying fuck if you're innocent or not, and the woman will never, ever, be punished for lying.

Quite literally when a male breadwinner walks into "family court" the only questions of real fact the various court employees are interested in are how much money can they squeeze out of you in legal, consultant and other mandated fees, before you're bone-dry, kill yourself, kill the wife or kids or track them down outside the court and kill them?

It is also well-understood that "child" support is just backdoor alimony, so even if you were never married or only married for a few months, she'll get 20 odd years of "child" support as vagimony. Of course if you WERE married for any length of time she'll also be entitled to your future earnings, even your fucking pension - for life.

Consider further, The Wall.

What's the wall? It comes in 2 stages. Stage 1 is where they lose their looks, with floppy vag, floppy tits, flabby ass, cellulite, deeply-wrinkled face, sour-puss expression, extra-heavy make-up and develop various "health issues" (inc herpes, recurring 'fungal infections' etc etc). This begins around the age of 30 and accelerates fast.

Stage 2 is "menopause", where they get even more irrational and cranky, completely lose interest in sex, and feel the need to "find themselves" (again) such as divorcing you and spending your life-savings to go visit Tibet or India, because it's amay-zing! and she 'needs' it. This hits around 48.

Did I even mention how sex is way more frequent before marriage, but once you've signed that life-time of servitude the sex pretty much dries up?

Or the "grenade effect" where they gain 30lbs within 2 years of marriage?

Jokes often contain deep truth, which is why they're funny. Some comedycunt:

"Is this the guy I want to pay me alimony and see my kids every other weekend?"

Ha ha.

If you're a man getting married in the West today, you're the joke.

un1ty ago

Ok guy, whatever. Again, I've been married for 13 years and only about 7 years of that with children. I married someone who I trust and who trusts me.

There are exceptions to the ridiculous idea that all women are evil succubi simply wanting to ride a cock carousel and take men's money. They exist, yes, but are far and few in between.

RealBiggly ago

It's why it deserves to die out.

We are the same in terms of marriage, mine will be 14 years this year. But I'd never marry a Western women.

killgriffithvol2 ago

Incel talk, as in someone who thinks that everything is terrible and forget about it because it'll just fail and she'll cheat, blah blah.

This is the new norm. And men aren't the ones to blame for it. I can't blame someone for not playing a game that's rigged against them, especially when getting financially raped is the outcome if she chooses for any reason at all.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, as if a prenup can't be undone in this world.

EarlPoncho ago

dont get divorced then dumbass

RealBiggly ago

Yeah, just gotta hold frame bro!


ratsmack ago

This is the main reason white baby's aren't being made... tax the whites to support the brown people here and move high paying jobs to offshore, low wage brown countries.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Modern white people are great at running away from hardships. I mean we're only talking about our entire existence here... "but it's too hard!"

Seriously... what generation in the past 5,000 years hasn't had significant "hardships", yet rose to the challenge? That's just part of what it takes to get better.

Steinmacher ago

it's the root excuse for deciding to not have children.

sucking the joo population lie is why people don't have children. quit spending money on shit you will throw away and have some kids - and raise them - that is the investment that will carry on well past your inevitable death. It will be difficult and filled with adversity. Yet it will be a thousand times more fulfilling than anything else you can put on your bucket list.

fucking pussies... wahwah... I ain't got enough money... with your $1000 Iphone. fucking priorities.

chirogonemd ago

Yep. "How will we be able to do four vacations out of state this year, and one out of country, if we have kids!"

Not to mention, feeding our three dogs grass-fed elk costs so much already! Also, at 35 years old, I still insist on spending $500 per month on higher end fashion.

It's all an issue of priority. All of the people in our grand parents generation were having kids, and they were doing it on less money than we make. They made it work. Mostly because they didn't think it was worth committing suicide if you couldn't afford Netflix.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

A $1,000 iphone isn't a problem: the problem is real estate debt, education debt, and medical insurance.

-Want your kid to live in a negro free school? Pay $1,000's more a month to move to the "good" school district.

-Want a job to support your kid that requires a college degree? Better take out massive student loans to pay for artificially inflated costs.

-Want to have a kid after all that? Get ready to be raped on health insurance and child care costs.

I am sure people will chime in about how they are special and different, how they went to a trade school in an all white part of the country and how they have their wife stay at home to take care of the kids. Great, well guess what not everyone is in such a situation. And just because a few white people are an exception doesn't mean that the markets aren't being rigged for demographic replacement. Even if you hide on your proverbial debt-free all-white Island in a remote part of America, when the white population of America is squarely in the minority our "democracy" is going to start voting away your wealth and your rights en masse regardless of where you live.

Remember while it is very expensive for you as a white man to have a child, it's actually profitable for non whites to have children. They do not care about putting their kids into good schools so they get on section 8 and never pay for housing, they don't care about education so if they aren't given free affirmative action rides they just don't go, and health care and child care is of course paid for by the US government.

Yes I agree with you that despite all those obstacles we need to push on and have children. But we cannot realistically hope for that message to reverberate with enough white people for it to stick. Your only hope is that the mechanisms of white replacement are dismantled and destroyed. I think an oft repeated Sam Hyde "quote" would sum up my position on this matter.

There is a white population that exists in America outside of this bizarre system, they are called the Amish. And with very limited technology they are able to provide for over a half dozen children per family. Take down the systems that oppress us and every white family will be able to do likewise.

Hebrew-Virus ago

...quit spending money on shit you will throw away...

Quit spending money on shit period—regardless of having kids or not. Warehouses full of shit will not make you any more valuable to existence (yours or anybody else's). Buy stuff that is practical/useful AND that you will actually use. Buying shit to try and placate a sense of inferiority will not work; you will be better served spending your time/money improving yourself.

BushChuck ago

WHat about guns and other tools?

slwsnowman40 ago

Those are practical and useful.

Hebrew-Virus ago

Exactly—but only if you know how to use them, actually do use them, and are willing to use them (if you know what I mean.)

slwsnowman40 ago

You don't need to use them that often to benefit from having them.

Hebrew-Virus ago


WhiteChickens ago

Every man I ever knew either had judgments against them or went to jail for child support.

Easy decision for me, especially considering in IT, I was never employed for more than a year or so until some other company won the contract and had the right to shit can anyone they wanted.

I think some men just want to have kids, then they protect that onto everyone else. I hated kids when I was one and the white race is a bunch of cowards so I don't feel any particular duty.

If I had kids now, I'd be 70 by the time they left the house, I'll be lucky to have some kind of retirement as it is.

No thanks, wake me up when you want to fight the power. I'm too old but I'll still fight if you will.

If not, go fuck yourselves, you have no business talking about excuses, try reading the founding fathers. What's your excuse for that?

Steinmacher ago

Just more excuses...

WhiteChickens ago

What's your excuse for being a dadbod coward? lol

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

You're right about the Child Support paymemts. My goal is to become independently wealthy, convert to Mormonism, and build an independent compound for my harem and seed.

BushChuck ago

A lazy, entitled boomer.

How refreshing.

WhiteChickens ago

Genx, we're the ones the boomers dragged through custody hearings and left home alone all day with our "nigger" friends.

BushChuck ago

You sound like a fucking boomer, mate.

That angst thing ended in the 90's.

WhiteChickens ago

Again, genx, the forgotten generation. lol

crazy_eyes ago

You're full of excuses and rationalizations for your failing. It's not like you could move to a nice area and give your kids a better life, that's too much for you to handle apparently

WhiteChickens ago

Failing to do something I never wanted once in my life? lol

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Go to bed, Gramps

WhiteChickens ago

I'm like 40 you little fucktard. lol

undertheshills ago

Yup our bloodline is the only thing that could be argued to be important. An unbroken chain of breeding back to the primordial soup is responsible for your existence. If you do not of have children you are the first in your bloodline going back billions of years to fail at reproduction, a terrible loss.

Flint138 ago

This is a result of 2nd wave Feminism. When both members of a married couple became the norm, the market adjusted accordingly. Speak out against the results of feminism at every opportunity.

Futt ago

This is the answer right there. And it's not like they didn't know this going in, in fact they were counting on it. Hard working conscientious people are generally conservative, don't want them to breed now do we. And now the state can take over child rearing since there is no parent at home any more.

The argument was that women needed to be able to have a career so they wouldn't depend on a man for their income. Well congrats, you are now able to have half the income you need to survive, you'll still need a man to make ends meet.

OrdinaryFaggot ago

Yeah, doubling the labor pool while increasing parenting costs by outsourcing and taxing motherhood wasn't going to be good for family finances. But who could have seen that coming?

FormerBaltimoreRes ago


RealBiggly ago


HitlerDinduNufin ago

I don't have kids. Im 33, my GF is 28. Having a kid may be a possibility in the future, but really, considering how much it would cost just to put them through a decent school (no niggers), it's not financially feasible in the near future. Unfortunately, the longer we wait, the harder it will be both in terms of conception and rising costs.

It's especially insulting as if we were just a pair of irresponsible idiots who had kids at a young age with no money, the state would pick up the tab and create a whole new generation of dependant fools.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Homeschool is free, you retard.

slwsnowman40 ago

How much are you spending on phones and other optional (eating out) items? Where did you go on vacation last? Why can't you move to an area with reduced number of niggers?

The state only picks up the tab if you ask them for help, then they put their own restrictions for as long as you need/want the help.

Stop being selfish and think of all the people in your family tree you'd be letting down by not having kids. Sure, most of them are dead, some probably died a horrible death, but by you not having kids, you make their sacrifices to have kids mean nothing. Think of how easy it is for you today to get a meal compared to several centuries ago. Think of how easy it is today to do anything compared to several centuries ago.

BushChuck ago

You "GF" is 2 years away from the wall.

Get out of the city, and stop buying shit you don't need.

crazy_eyes ago

You're worried about the costs? What you might not be able to buy the latest gadgets or go to some overpriced vacation destination. Oh the horrors

gazillions ago

Everyone was poor until after the second world war. "Financial hardship" meant you saved up every single penny you could and that was more way more important than spending.

At least the idiots are living their life now and not waiting for more better consumerism bucks to allow them to have a life. If there government bucks were cut off tomorrow, they'd find a way to get along.

Redpilleveryone ago

Your entertainment budget becomes your kids budget. They are far more entertaining than whatever you are doing now.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

I don't have an entertainment Budget. Money goes on savings and small investments (none going great).

NotHereForPizza ago

And @simonsaysgoat

Please don't put off raising children. The younger you are, the easier it is.

She will start to act differently soon. The wall is approaching her quickly and, believe me, her ovaries know it.

teamviewer ago

Holy shit that's accurate. Women flip a switch when they hit around 30 years old.

Phantom42 ago

They go from bitchy to bitchier.

What a fucking amazing turn of events.

Women are worthless, and this "have more babies" shit isn't ever going to work.

When you people are serious about "winning", speak.

Until then, remember the only option is to send the entire world to Hell.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Not putting it off. Just being sensible. we haven't been together for very long, just a three or four months.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Noted, ive been talking to her about it and am pushing for next spring.

Redpilleveryone ago

Don't talk just do ;)

Simonsaysgoat ago

I'm doing what I can when I can

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Just wake her up with your dick nutting inside her

Simonsaysgoat ago

Lol I actually do try to have sex with my wife in my sleep apparently haha. I'm very attracted to her physically and she is just an amazing person

Native ago

If you don’t have kids then you can’t worry about the fucking future. Stop being a little bitch. Who knows what will happen in 7-10 years by the time your kids are old enough for school. You could become a millionaire and by the time you’re ready it’s too late.

Fucks sake, men and women were having kids during WW2 and complained less than you in your AC apartment house.

massiveprivilege ago

GF is 28

Dude she almost lost all of her good, healthy, strong eggs. Weaker ones remain. Its no joke. Chances of weak, sickly children or even deformities are pretty high. You have no idea what a burden "special" needs children are. Get on that really soon or plan to get a younger girl.

Redpilleveryone ago

Not true. Don't listen to this teenager.

massiveprivilege ago

Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. They don't create new ones. Those eggs are "used" whether they are fertilized or not. If they don't get fertilized they are flushed out. At first the strongest eggs get prepared for pregnancy but over time worst and worst ones are being used. Past 25 years of age women are already getting into the risky territory with child birth but past 30y risk of giving birth to "weak" children rises exponentially.

But don't trust me @HitlerDinduNufin trust your own instincts, your own biology. There is a reason why a younger girl is found more attractive. Its nature. Young gives healthier and stronger offspring. Do you really want to risk having to raise a retard? Don't let roasties and white knights fool you. Either have kids with her asap, decide not to have kids at all or plan to dump her in the future and get <25 year old girl to have children with.

Redpilleveryone ago

No white knights here. We need white children. Risks increase but they are also correlated with the overall health of the mother. Smoking, birth control use, etc. there are many factors. If your wife is not a degenerate/damaged goods you should always take the risk and have kids.

ninjatacos ago

^ this is correct. The "increased risk of birth defects after 30" is a complete load of bullshit. The increased risk from 30 to 40 for having complications for the child is like .5%. The real issue is in the mother being able to recover fully from the immense trauma that is giving birth the older she gets. So if you want more than one, get to fucking you pussy!

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm of the strong opinion that "special" needs children shouldn't be kept. The lives of the people around them, from first hand experience, are often very vividly worse than if they were to have not kept the pregnancy.

Obvjously, this could be easily avoided if people don't wait to have as many kids as possible.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I'm in the same boat and almost the same ages

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Best of luck to you Brother. Thinking of getting wed?

Simonsaysgoat ago

Were not too concerned about the paperwork side of it, we just live it. We do plan to get married on our land once our home is built so maybe in a year or so

HitlerDinduNufin ago

I envy you. I wish I had property.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Its been 2 years of every penny I have and living in a trailer. I have 1 month before I'm done paying and can start building....slowly

BordelonLoop ago

for White people.

HighEnergyLife ago

It's because nothing we do for jobs is actually useful. Children were helpful labor on farms, but jobs now are abstractions and absurdities. Your statement is the economy telling us we are wrong. It seems that if it's not worth having more people do it, it's not worth doing at all.