nathanrosegoldberg ago


Brainpod ago

Unfortunately the majority of people of whom we need to wake up are still there and we need to reach them somehow. We should all be flooding those other sites with links to the new sites and get the masses to move over.

boekanier ago

They are not yet aware of any harm. When will they wake up?

Delacourt ago

This, 100%.

9000timesempty ago

More than most people are idiots with their heads up their own asses.

"just stop using them" isn't going to work on these since, well you know, THEY WON'T.

They need to be investigated and repremanded. If not then on fire they go. It's the only way to snuff out the Marxist scum.

fuckinghell ago

What about Gamergate 23.4?

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BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Bitchute doesn't have picture in picture or screen off headphones mode on mobile. It's desktop only functionally because I tend to listen to YouTube more than watch. I use mobile more than desktop, so bitchute for me only acts as a place to watch bitchute exclusive videos.

19041431? ago

So what is the viable open source alternative to YT on PlayStation?

Their browser sucks balls, I can't use it. YouTube is the monopoly app.

RebelJohnny ago

I did. Didn’t work, they still exist.

The only perfect solution would be to nationalize them and hang their Jewish founders from a lamppost.

blueblur ago

Here’s another suggestion. Start posting links to the alternatives (bitchute, Voat, gab, etc) to the mainstream platforms. Flood their channels with our alternatives.

madscientist3469 ago

this. If we all walk away quietly, we don't bring anyone else with us. We need a mass exodus from those controlled platforms, so we need to start posting content to alternatives and putting links in the traditional platforms. We also need to come up with compelling reasons to convince leftists that staying on platforms that control their information in these ways is not beneficial to them. Simply showing censorship of conservatives doesn't work, because they don't want to hear conservative messages anyway. We need to show them how it eventually WILL negatively impact them by staying there.

blueblur ago

Is it effective to just segregate ourselves from them? Or should we be voicing our opinions on “their” platforms? It’s a nice thought but is it realistic? If we create echo chambers does that help anyone? Should I move out of California and just let leftists have it? To me it feels like giving up and retreating.

lemon11 ago

Is it realistic to stop receiving grief from something by staying away from it? Yes.

YugeDick ago

I publicly shame people for using the major sites. Like, "Google? Who uses Google anymore?" Or "I would never allow my kids on Facebook not after they ____."

They're usually genuinely surprised to find out there's alternatives.

Delacourt ago

This is a great way to go.

Nukethenarrative ago

The moment bitchute starts allowing me to listen to videos with my phone screen off like YouTube does I'll cancel YouTube and go exclusivily to bitchute.

Anoxim ago

I use tubemate.

Nukethenarrative ago

Does it work on Bitchute? Or only Youtube.

capnflummox ago

I'm not certain Gab qualifies as open source or even a viable platform at all.

Here's a clue, if it currently exists right now... it's not the thing we want.

we_kill_creativity ago

What's wrong with Minds? It exists right now. Are you actually saying that anything and everything that exists right now is bad?

lemon11 ago

The problem I have with Minds (and Gab since the boomer invasion with dozens of daily "good morning" posts) is that there's no real conversation in the comments, even when there is partcipation, and it's difficult to find anything relevant. It's like they're afraid of voicing criticism.

Also, people seem to use minds like a glorified feed reader for people like Styx who use it well and post things, but I can just get a real feed of his videos from wherever he posts them. Both sites have a topics or tags system which is useless to find other and recent posters, or maybe there aren't any posts worth looking at, I can't really tell. There's no way to quickly see what's going on, an overview of activity, without spending hours scrolling and waiting for shit to load. It feels like I'm throttled because they don't want me there, so I don't go there.

Maybe this is exactly what Facebook is like, and if so that's the primary reason I am not attracted to Facebook.

capnflummox ago

Are you actually saying that anything and everything that exists right now is bad?

Here, this is exactly what I said:

it's not the thing we want.

we_kill_creativity ago

That was a pointless response...

Of course I already read what you wrote the first time. I was attempting to clarify it. And, since you didn't say anything about why Minds "isn't what we want" then I guess it's an ok place.

capnflummox ago

It sure was. But sometimes people need to hear things twice in order to understand it.

And, no, you weren't 'attempting to clarify it'. You were projecting your own thoughts into my statement.

I have no experience with this 'minds', nor did I comment on it. However, I did lump it in with Gab so, yes, my original statement still stands: it's not the thing we want.

we_kill_creativity ago

I have no experience with this 'minds',

yes, my original statement still stands: it's not the thing we want.

You come off as a retarded 10 year old. I won't respond to anything else you say after this. You're worse than worthless.

capnflummox ago

Because you're a stupid moron that cannot understand simple things.

Enjoy your loss, loser.

Bottled_Tears ago

I did. Just waiting for everyone else. I seem to be one of a kind my age.

Delacourt ago

What OP doesn't get is that everyone on here knows there's alternative options. The problem is that we're the only ones who know about them. We're the only ones that use them.

I'm not annoyed with YouTube just for deleting content, since anyone with a brain would have backed it up beforehand. I'm annoyed because YouTube is manipulating what the public see by selectively censoring content.

Voat, Gab, Bitchute, and Minds are great, but they're all echo chambers. You don't reach anyone new here. We're just preaching to the choir.

RebelJohnny ago

The problem is that we're the only ones who know about them. We're the only ones who use them.

It’s called the network effect and it’s a know market failure, which is why social media gravitates toward monopoly and they have to be nationalized and brought under the 1st Amendment.

madscientist3469 ago

Really? Which other private companies would you suggest the government seize?

Delacourt ago

I've been looking for the name of this phenomenon. Thanks man.

somebody112 ago

BitChute is a shitpile, I was trying to use it last night to post a video, fucking thing crapped out like crazy, I had to log in no less than 12 times to "successfully" post the video. Now it's hidden and I can't unhide it because the site keeps crapping out.

I am a programmer and I can literally make a better site than this piece of shit. I have decided to do so because of this youtube thing and the fact that bitchute is unusable garbage. Unlike what voat goats told me that I should just use bitchute over and fucking over.

The site looks like shit, and it's so buggy and flaky that it doesn't really work.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ButtonQuail ago

I am a programmer and I can literally make a better site than this piece of shit. I have decided to do so

Do it!

jimibulgin ago

BitChute is a shitpile

Yeah, well, so is Youtube. So choose one.

somebody112 ago

Youtube is actually functional, it actually works and does what it says on the box. Bitchute has big claims but is barely functional. We need something that actually works.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Absolutely 100% giant ditto

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Gab sucks.

But yeah I'll be watching a lot more bitchute. No question about that. I was watching a lot of youtube videos before the purge but no more. At least one steady viewer has switched off. I can say that.

we_kill_creativity ago

I've only really used Minds. It's perfect for what I do and like to see, but I don't want to shill for it, so I always make sure to mention others I've heard of. What sucks about Gab, just curious.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I don't like gab because it has bots that message you like its a dating site. When I made my gab account I never posted any content to it. But every day for a week new people were subscribing or following or whatever. And they all had names like, "cutegirl72" etc.

NPCGator ago

Those were porn bots, they were really bad for months but I think they finally figured out a way to catch most of them and it pretty much stopped before I deleted my account there.

Gab does suck though but not because of the porn bots, it's because Torba is a lying POS.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Don't you love it when people send you a YouTube video saying you have to watch this? Imagine how much time you spend watching videos that someone else thinks it's interesting it's usually just a yet another video confirming your bias already. But then again it's easy for me to say this because one I don't have the time for it + 2 I have small children that want to watch what I'm watching if I was watching something which I don't + 3 I barely have internet where I live to read the news let alone watch a video so it's no big sacrifice to me but this idea that these Jewish run CIA fronts we're or are going to be fair is the epitome of clown absurdity in what type of world do you think you AR living in a normal World? hell no we are living in the Clown world baby