BrotherNathanael ago

They wrote that I am criticizing a "protected group."

Why JEWS? Why aren't Irish Catholics a "protected group?"

Because JEWS are so special snd so hostile to what's left of Western Civilization.

BrotherNathanael ago

JEWtoob BANNED 156 of my Vids today.

Eileen Hershenov and Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL HATE your freedoms.

I'll be posting regularly on my own Channel @

I'm already on BitChute. +bn

jthun2 ago get a subscription, as it is just about the only site out there that isn't run by Jews.

fightknightHERO ago

Cato's speech second channel also got shoah'ed

looks like we might full on stay on bitchute...

Civil_Warrior ago

Wait until we purge the jews. Oh ecstacy!

InSideThePerson ago

They suspended me.

Kalergi ago

Election year purge early. They learned from last time. Beat the rush, do it during Summer when many are outdoors.

gazillions ago

Flood it with anti white and anti Christian ravings. Drown the fuckers in their own poison and let them left see themselves for what they are.

Jstone1313 ago

Vertigopolitix's channel got entirely shoa'd, even after following every fucking rule. His newest channel, "the last white man", is being hit hard, too. He doesn't think itll last long

nrlftw ago

Owen Benjamin had a lot of vids removed recently.

Blompf ago


well-oil-bee ago

I hope there are archives of his videos somewhere. A true gem.

celestial-skylord ago

The kind of content that will be prohibited under YouTube’s new hate speech policies include videos that claim Jews secretly control the world, those that say women are intellectually inferior to men and therefore should be denied certain rights, or that suggest that the white race is superior to another race, a YouTube spokesman said.

Truth is Hate. HONK HONK


Well, Jews don't secretly control the world. It's not a secret! Everybody knows that Jews control the world. Truth in reporting, Honk Honk!

thelma ago

Niggervirus and alt ?



VitGet ago

The daily shooter hasn't posted for almost a week now...

He was getting mad at YouTube and afraid of being shut out in last few videos.

The daily shooter is a california trench warrior making gun gear videos

Omnidempotent ago

Marie Cachet's channel is not being removed as far as I know, but she is Varg's wife and this could serve as an alternate way of reaching Varg himself.

capnflummox ago

Happy One Month Account, dude!!! Now, please start advocating for internet immigration. Please do it by pointing out how a rule needs to be changed for a "crisis".

Fuck off with your crisis acting, dickbag full of kikes.

DayOfThePillow ago

Fuck off faggot, doing more to help than you. Go get pegged by your wifes boyfriend, you can tell him how old your account is whilst he rams you up your shitter

capnflummox ago

No you're not. You're acting like a complete fuckstain with your brigading for immigration for cucked jewtube faggots. This is how faggots breed. Like you.

Crisis acting little kike.

And don't project your faggot fantasies here, dipshit.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

(((They))) control the domain registries and payment processors needed to create a viable alternative.

FreeeBird ago

Bitchute is a good start

fuck_reddits_feefees ago



Patrick Slattery

Jared George (The Great Order)


James allsup

Steven Crowder

Count Dankula

I know I'm missing a lot but that's what I can think of off top of my head.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Delacourt.

Posted automatically (#46103) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

GeneralDisposition ago

Many more that are a different genre. Mystery history; demonized. Things they don't want yoy to know;demonitized. Both channels may soon be shoa'd.

Delacourt ago

Thank you for this list.

DayOfThePillow ago

Thanks, if they have any independent websites you know of reply to post of links and I'll add them to it.

Ethnocrat ago

We need another Saint Tarrant To walk into YouTube headquarters.

think- ago

You are glowing, member for 3 months with 16 ccp.

Delacourt ago

Thank you for pointing this out. We all have to watch out for glowniggers.

think- ago

My pleasure.

Ocelot ago

Yes goy, remain nonviolent, doing fuck all while your women and children are murdered and raped is the best course of action!

Delacourt ago

Terrorist violence doesn't work. All it does is give the censors a convenient excuse. These YouTube videos were taken down directly in response to the Christchurch shootings.

Stop abetting your enemies. Wake up.

Ocelot ago

Maybe not, but that doesn't mean everybody who wishes for such violence is a glownigger.

Sancus ago

This is one of those never-ending circles that will always permeate Voat.

All day everyday: This country has problems and we need to do something about it!

Response 1: How about a violent solution? Somebody else: ^^ GLOW NIGGER TRYING TO INCITE VIOLENCE TO GET VOAT SHUT DOWN

Response 2: How about a non-violent solution? Somebody else: NON-VIOLENT SOLUTIONS WON'T WORK BECAUSE (((THEY))) CONTROL EVERY FACET OF THE GOVERNMENT

So everybody, what IS the solution?

Tacops777 ago

Alien niggers we need them to send ships so all LIT AF bush niggers from down under down south can have an excuse to get the fireworks going.


Approved ago

Not implementing your war strategy on a public forum.

I highly doubt anybody's general staff conducts strategy meetings through craig's list forums.

Sancus ago

So in a roundabout way, you're saying that the solution is a violent one... As long as it's done in a private forum, meaning support will be low and thus the solution will be ineffective. Next!

Approved ago

Nope. I'm saying change comes from within.

If each individual made a private, unannounced, personal decision to build a shrine to Saint Tarrant in front of Google/Twitter/SPLC HQ in Minecraft, and quietly and methodically went about preparing, planning, and executing thier personal decision to change for the better, then you'd see results rather quickly.

But sitting around blathering about your minecraft exploits on the internet is about as useful as adding another 1,000 cat pics to instagram.

Sancus ago

"You'd see results rather quickly" - because I said so with no factual basis.

Why are you, and why should I be, so convinced just because you said it's true?

Approved ago

You have a brain. Use it to put to and two together.

Don't be convinced of any-fucking-thing because some random stranger says it's true; be convinced because your basic common fucking sense tells you it's true.

And if you don't have basic common sense, well then too bad, so sad. Sucks to be you, but I don't give a shit, random stranger.

Sancus ago

Use our own brain. It's unreasonable to define a zero-step-plan, assert that it works despite nothing similar EVER having been done before, and then get upset when someone suggests you're just stroking yourself off.

Approved ago

I'm not upset. You have a nice day.

chirogonemd ago

Name: Ethnocrat

Haha. Like someone trying wayyyy too hard to find an angle to fit in on Voat.

Tacops777 ago


think- ago


Broc_Lia ago

No, we don't. We need people to uncuck themselves and take silicon valley's dick out of their ass. There are other platforms out there, we don't need youtube.

Delacourt ago

Exactly. Doing Ethnocrat's bidding would feed YouTube exactly what they want - a persecution narrative. It's stupid.

ratsmack ago

Let's not do that... it doesn't help.

Delacourt ago

You're absolutely right and this kind of bullshit needs to be called out more.

Tacops777 ago

NOTE : User Ethnocrat possibly FBI calling people to be violent rather than MAGA and Red Pill.

think- ago

Yep. Look at ccp, account age and comment history.

Tacops777 ago

Ask the CIA AND THE FBI they have tons of kids ready ti get LIT AF while completely Mind Controlled and Drugged up on Ritalin. Ps : Do not read TRANCE by Cathy Obrien.

Zagotofka ago

Saint Tarrant r'soles ..

The alleged March 15, 2019 Christchurch Mosque Shootings was bs from beginning to end .. propagation of falsehood in relation to a capital crime is a capital offense, Jews attacked the US Sept. 11, 2001.

There were no hijackers the planes that struck the WTC Towers were piloted by remote control, using hardware developed by Rabbi Dov Zakheim, who with Zionists Jerome Hauer and Michael Chertoff engineered the whole project.

Since Jews attacked the US on 911 AntiSemitism is a patriotic duty and a moral responsibility, thus true patriots insist the Jews who perpetrated the attacks be charged and brought to trial under US Law, where after conviction they suffer lawful execution.

Hey_Sunshine ago

No one believes you. Imagine if he had blamed jews in his manifesto, he'd be labeled an anti-Semite and immediately get buried. It's plain to see. Sloppy job mossad, your nose is showing

DayOfThePillow ago

Just downvoat until it disappears, not even worth replying too, sloppy job +1.

Jehoshaphat ago

Her name was Nasim Najafi Aghdam and she was a terrible shot.

Not advocating for, just sayin.

Goys-R-Us ago

I think it was an AI creation myself. Too weird looking.

Tacops777 ago

Sup goys r us.... somebody somewhere at Voat (possibly the agency that runs this shit, most likely fbi niggers) just deleted my posts. This is no better than reddit. My shot is being wiped. Warning. Between the PIA PUTTITOUT and comment going away it all smells like Ellen Pao got a delete button for voat...

Goys-R-Us ago

You mean the glow in the dark niggers?

I think Puttitout shared his account with some clowns.

Tacops777 ago

We agree right.... Who the fuck is TED KIM ceo of PIA??? A Chink??? No trust. Fucking off outta here. People with real intel are locked up. Dickheads from the cyberwarfare center in Augusta have filled the place late (They came in through the bs of Qanon invented by zionists in the military for sure. It has to be. "Israel will be last / Trust the plan!"

pimplepeter ago

good speculation lol

Revelations2_9 ago

TheSeer ago

Broc_Lia ago

Those are epic

ConcreteGaloshes ago


ArielQflip ago

Ovation Eddie was scrubbed last night, but there's a OvationEddie2.

Delacourt ago

Who is he and what did he do?

ArielQflip ago

Search, you will find. Good stuff.

ravensedgesom ago

I haven't been able to download videos in recent days either like they could have done something to prevent that as well.

matthew-- ago

Ripping videos from YouTube is piss easy with the right browser extension. If you can watch it on a webpage, you can download it. Which videos? I'll give it a go if there's something that's changed recently.

ravensedgesom ago

My web browser extension hasn't been working the past couple days it seems like jewtube did something.

Chiefpacman ago

That requires paying the $3 a month, no ads and downloads.

313337 ago

Um, it doesn't cost anything to rip youtube videos and why are you still watching ads?

Chiefpacman ago

Conversion sites? Works well enough I guess.

the way that they compress the downloaded files, you can download like 20 hours of videos in 10 minutes. It seems to take a lot less memory too.

I don't watch ads. That's just part of the premium. There's some other small benefits, playing music with your phone screen off is a plus. Shitty thing is, I'm pretty sure they used to offer all of this for free.

redditugee ago

The new policy will ban “videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion,” the company said in a blog post.

Finally! Those creators saying that straight white men are the root of all evil are going down!

Wait... What? They're still up? And channels saying it's okay to be white are going down? How could this be happening?

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

So what they're saying is that YouTube employees are superior to everyone with whom they disagree?

Sounds pretty discriminatory to me.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion

So pretty much every political video by anyone Chinese or Muslim then?

DayOfThePillow ago

It's anyone who isn't anti-white, anyone promoting white culture etc. You know how it works by now. Other cultures not affected.

DayOfThePillow ago - Know More News - No White Guilt - Owen Benjamin - Patrick Little - Varg's Old Blog - Patrick Slattery

Keep replying to this with the websites of these purged / about to be purged. Build a list.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Delacourt.

Posted automatically (#46104) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

pimplepeter ago

great call

Omnidempotent ago

Also check bitchute to see if any of these guys have channels there. I know varg does.

Omnidempotent ago

Marie Cachet's channel is not being removed as far as I know, but she is Varg's wife and this could serve as an alternate way of reaching Varg himself.

Omnidempotent ago

I still have access to Know More News on youtube

DayOfThePillow ago

Putting it up because he was plugging it on his channel, he's up for the chop too I'm sure.

watts2db ago

youtube needs to lose any taxpayer funding or regulatory protections

matthew-- ago

YouTube gets tax payer funding? Wtf?

watts2db ago

they are iwned by google (ie Alphabet Inc) which is a government contractor

Chiefpacman ago

Even the most liberal youtubers seem to hate youtube right now. Copyright claims, biased trending page, slow responsiveness.

Too bad they won't collectively do anything

Heathcliff ago

They are taking down Owen Benjamin's videos now.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Owen is a jew race mixer shill

Heathcliff ago

Try harder shill.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

If after watching all of his video's, you don't see his hate for whites. then I feel sorry for you.


Simonsaysgoat ago

I know he admitted being Jewish and I'm all for purity but has he ever said anything that gatekeeping or moving goal posts, etc? Curious because of what ive seen of him he seems to hold little back.

slumbermachine ago

He has stated multiple times that he is a Caucasian enthusiast. His Granny is jewish, so he is 1/4.

DependasaurusRex ago

He has recently been going all out about the Jews and naming them repeatedly for their crimes. I have been watching him on and off over the last couple years, and just the last month or two, he has been going all out. It has been fun watching him grow.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

He says bad shit about white people a lot. I doubt he considers himself white because whites do not speak of themselves like that. He also said that anyone with white pride is as bad as the leftist virtue signalers. I think he's controlled op.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Saying people with white pride is bad is an instant "fuck you" from me. Though I'm way past him at this point lol

matthew-- ago

One of the best things about western culture (white people), is the freedom and ability to criticise. If there is no criticism, you cannot improve, and you end up like China.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Owen bans people he disagrees with during his live feed

TheSeer ago

So does Vox. You are now banned.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I haven't watched him before, so I wouldn't know.

ravensedgesom ago

without question also don't forget he has an imdb page. Nothing legit about that guy whatsoever.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Last week he was on video with his shirt off and started saying that he looked like some redneck scumbag but then he quickly shut up and got his anti-white mouth under control. He's a filthy kike. In the beginning he was likr "all jews" now its "most jews are good, hard working people. Its just the elites". lol

ravensedgesom ago

Yeah he is a turn agent that is his purpose. I've seen a clip of him talking about how freemasons are great people and stupid shit like that.

DayOfThePillow ago

Still showing for me, what's his website anyway add it to the list.

Heathcliff ago

Most are still on YouTube too, but in the Community section of of his YouTube page he posted a note an hour ago that videos are randomly dissappearing.

DayOfThePillow ago

Just added his site to the list:

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

YouTube server centers and headquarters deserve to be bombed. Nuff said.

ConcreteGaloshes ago

I couldn't imagine many people sticking around to start over.

Jewed ago

Press For Truth was just demonitized for Bilderberg coverage.

ForTheUltimate ago

oy vey shut it down

edgelord666 ago

I bet I have a much bigger fuck than you

Shortest_Skill ago

I bet you like to get pegged.

DayOfThePillow ago

Fuck, we're still invite only.. ffs

madscientist3469 ago

Apparently out of the loop here. How long have we been invite only??

Delacourt ago

WHY is Voat still invite only? I don't understand this at all. Was there ever a reason given?

Atomized_Individual ago

Puttitout is a soft soy cuck, afraid to deal with problematic multi account abusers, so he just blocks new accounts

invisiblephrend ago

because it's not like vote manipulation, community subversions, and (((bots))) aren't currently running rampant throughout reddit or anything, right?

Atomized_Individual ago

And Voat

Sancus ago

Though my account is young, I've been lurking for years. Even since I made my account I've seen a dramatic enough change in Voat to consider leaving. It's becoming infested with clickbait titles and echo-chamber circle-jerks.

DayOfThePillow ago

Name me 5 sites like voat that aren't an 'echo-chamber'. You won't be able to, your definition of echo-chamber is too broad. Free speech is allowed here that's not an echo chamber.

Sancus ago

If you think that an echo chamber can't occur naturally under free speech then you're a fucking retard and not worth my time making any explanations to you.

DayOfThePillow ago

See you can't name 5, your definition of echo-chamber is too broad. Everywhere is an echo chamber to you. Fucking retard. Go check yourself.

Sancus ago

Requirement for a thing to exist: a Voat user reciting X definitions of the thing at the demand of user DayOfThePillow.

Things that don't exist: those that don't meet the above defined criteria.

I never even said that Voat was an echo chamber, just said it was becoming infested with echo-chamber circle-jerks. Kinda like the one you just created in this comment chain you limp dicked bitch.

DayOfThePillow ago

Everywhere is an echo chamber to you, that's the point that has just been proven. You like like a liberal who see's racism everywhere except for you it's echo chambers. That was the point I just proved.

Sancus ago

But the fact is that you didn't prove anything. You're just saying that you did because that's all it takes to convince yourself that you're right.

DayOfThePillow ago

?? Everywhere is clearly an echo chamber to you, proved by the fact you cannot name 5 places that aren't. Give up already.

Sancus ago

Making arbitrary demands of another person is not a way to argue a point by the way.

DayOfThePillow ago

You argue like surcuck of applebees, not sarcuck are you? If you say somewhere is an echo chamber and I say I disagree name 5 places that aren't so I can gauge what your definition of an echo chamber is and then you can't name anywhere so I say your definition must be too broad it's not really making arbitrary demands is it, now go take your autistic medication or whatever, or just fuck off and stop being weird

Sancus ago

Look at you saying the same thing over and over ECHOECHOECHOECHOECHO

DayOfThePillow ago

Yeah you're either a liberal, non-white, or one of the unlucky ones born retarded, you lost the argument as you can't even provide evidence for you stance. Now you act like a 7 year old because that will win it right? Retard.

Sancus ago

Name 15 times I lost this argument. If you can 't provide 15 examples then it's obvious that I didn't lose this argument. I just need those examples to gauge what your definition of losing an argument is.

DayOfThePillow ago

Losing is a binary option, you either lost or you didn't. Retard confirmed.

Sancus ago

WOW look at you changing the subject because you can't name 15 examples of when I lost the argument. Pfff I knew I didn't lose it. I just needed to confirm by proving that you couldn't name 15 examples of it.

DayOfThePillow ago

Go help your mother with some chores or something, making yourself look stupid on the internet, whilst appearing to be a natural talent of yours, isn't a productive use of time. You lost and no amount of throwing your toys out the pram will save face now.

Sancus ago

I see you saying that I lost, but I'm really not seeing those 15 examples required to prove that it's true. Unless, of course, making arbitrary demands of someone in a debate is not a way to prove a point.

Choice is yours broski. I'm giving you every opportunity to produce those examples. Take your time.

DayOfThePillow ago

Just because I feel like you might not understand, although I'm leaning more towards a mental deficiency, we'll end on a summary.

A: All cars have 7 wheels.

B: I don't agree, name me some of these, a small sample group of 5 for example.

A: NO.

B: Not all cars have 7 wheels then.

A: Give me 15 examples of how I lost the argument.

Bye retard.

Sancus ago

ooooooh sorry, that actually isn't 15 examples of when I lost the argument.

What you actually provided is a conjecture, which logically requires exactly one counter example to be disproved. This isn't arbitrary and is a valid method to prove a point in a debate.

I'm going to have to take that as your admission that making arbitrary demands is an invalid method to prove a point in a debate.

TheKnightOfGod ago

You're a niggerfaggot, do you own a website where users can post anything? Including CP or threats? No, so stfu little bitch.

invisiblephrend ago

cp (child pornography, for you normies) is definitely not allowed here and i have no fucking idea why you would want it to be...

TheKnightOfGod ago

It has been posted here before. I don't want that degenerate filth.

Shortest_Skill ago

Hes saying that there is potential for that to be uploaded which will fuck your day up as a site owner.

DayOfThePillow ago

He means to fuck it up, they post it to taint the site in an attempt to get it shut down, trick's as old as the internet.

Shotinthedark ago

Because shills like to make multiple accounts when they are banned.

pimplepeter ago

yeah at this point it needs to stay closed til some more sites get up and running that are also free speech oriented. If everyone floods here it will dilute what's great about it anyway.

Shotinthedark ago

Your probably right on that!

Sheeitpost ago

Is it invite only because then it's no longer a platform but a group? Goodbye voat.

webrustler ago


DayOfThePillow ago

Because there will be loads of freshly persecuted people now floating around the internet looking for somewhere to talk. What better place than the wild west saloon that is voat.

Shishamo ago

They'll want to plug paterons and new social media channels.

capnflummox ago

So then you're for immigration?

Oh sorry... I didn't see your account age. 1 month. Happy 1 Month!!!

webrustler ago

Fuck off, we're full.

Sancus ago

The fact that people are downvoating you for this beautiful meme solidifies your point.

LightestHour ago

You can land on 4chan if you want.

DayOfThePillow ago

I'll give you the pillow and make room for one more!! ;)

Le_Squish ago

They can lurk.

Chiefpacman ago

persecuted people now floating around the internet looking for somewhere to talk.

to talk

DayOfThePillow ago

At least someone understands it, lurking outside the saloon like an underage kid trying to get a beer isn't quite the same.

Rotteuxx ago

Fair point but just think about what happens when immigrants come in mass and aren't forced to assimilate into the existing culture.

Chiefpacman ago

They would assimilate enough. Our immune system gets rid of the unsavory. No self respecting Hillary voting, card carrying feminist, will stick around a site that has NIGGER FAGGOT on every thread.

They won't tell their friends to come to a site that Time magazine called a right wing /Russian hacker site.

This is the beginning of voat still. The idea that free speech should continue to exist on the internet. We should probably let more in to gather a stronger footing.. Honestly, voat could go down tomorrow, Putt could commit 'suicide', and this place would die. We saw it happen during the voatocaust (lol).

The boat is still small. Something like 1500 somewhat active users? It's ultimately Putts decision.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

That's all? 1500 active users?

Didn't Putt just sticky a month ago about how the alphabet agencies had questions about 850 members on Voat and were actively monitoring those 850 people?

Fucking classic if that's true. Over 50% of the main users of this site has been determined to be ideological threats. Funny for us. Pathetic for our society and culture.

Chiefpacman ago

I think they're are probably 10,000 'users' but 1500 that are 'active'. And I think that's being generous.

I'm basing that on how many votes one of puttitout's stickied posts will get.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

If only they had somewhere to go.......@PuttItout

BentAxel ago

  • Dailymotion – Popular Video Sharing site like YouTube.
  • Vimeo – Best Video Streaming Alternative.
  • Metacafe.
  • Vevo.
  • Twitch.
  • The Internet Archive.
  • 9Gag TV.
  • Veoh.

This is starting to get tiresome. There are many, many others out there. Lets call this for what it is. People are angry over demonetization and being kicked off the Youtube platform because they pay and have a HUGE fucking traffic base. Crying about getting paid. Not about censorship. Not about being silenced. About Money. Oi Vey.

peacegnome ago

Being kicked off or even algorithmed (if it was intentional) is censorship. It might be legal, but that doesn't change what it is.

Define censorship if you'd like.

BentAxel ago

it's less censorship and more against the known end user license agreemen. Now the end user license agreement has been a shifting target that said It is published and they are adhearing to it, for same reason we like Trump keeping us promises. Go off and do it Better.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Don't they have just as much of a right to be paid as their leftist counterparts? Isn't that what this is about?

BentAxel ago

MUH Shekels! Oy I need Sheckles. This is like you asking to be paid for raping someone because you call yourself a gigolo. There has been Zero Censorship. These people have been booted, nothing more, nothing less. They broke the rules. If you don't meet (((Their))) EULA, why in fuck should they pay you?

You're pretty black aren't you? Can we see you if you don't smile?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

JIDF you fucks don't even try to hide it any more, do you?

BentAxel ago

Dude. Take a look at who I am. When you just go straight to making insults like that it proves that you're a fucking nigger. Not smart enough to even look at who you are addressing. Don't be mad because I'm right be mad because I'm outting you as a shill.

Voat can see it plain as day. You're everything that's wrong with Voat. Down to your username.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I must be over the target if I got such a triggered reaction. And the personal attack too. Jews always go personal when losing an argument. Shalom.

BentAxel ago

Not quite, I see you for who you are. Simple nigger.. you're crying about money not censorship. No one's been silenced. They HAVE been demoniytized.

Did Dice make a big deal out of it? No he adapted. Protesting YouTube is Jewish. You're mad because you're not collecting sheckles anymore.

Post Content on all the other sites and STFU. Want to beat the Jews? Don't give them any power.

DietCokehead1 ago

You forgot bitchute!

BentAxel ago

Thank you for adding it.

Ocelot ago

Yeah somehow I doubt putt wants to tack a video hosting service onto this site lol.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Poal is open... has a built in video and image server set up... just sayin...

gramman74 ago YouTube deleting thousands of channels