lanre ago

I don't agree with censorship and never will, but it's amazing how much the Christian conservatives were correct about.

TheSeer ago

How do you feel about taking the broadcast license of say... CNN?

lanre ago

I think anyone should be able to say whatever they want. I'm not a fan of libel laws either. CNN is clearly propaganda and about half the population sees that, while the other half wants to believe a delusion, and banning CNN won't change that

I think it's more productive to have the lies out in the open and criticized so you can get people to realize that blindly trusting someone else is a risk and just because someone says they're an authority doesn't make them honest.

Ken_bingo2 ago

One of the most important lessons of the 20th Century. Well done, OP.

TheSeer ago

Thx, it occurred to me while walking my dog (I know, I know, racist)

EnsignPossible ago

Turns out we DO need protection from evil. We CANNOT choose ourselves competently ESPECIALLY as young impressionable INEXPERIENCED youth. Evil is THAT sophisticated and THAT relentless.

syntaxaxe ago

True, to some extent.
But it is worth noting - there were plenty of normal people on the Left back then, for whom the issue really was about censorship. They're just on the Right, now.

calfahul ago

I wasn't alive or old enough at the time, but this basically describes me still. I was left of center for the longest time (I still am, arguably, it's tough to know what "right" and "left" even mean now), it's the left's turn to authoritarianism that pushed me away. "Anarchists" are now pushing for a world government with political homogeneity enforced through corporate censorship and surveillance, that's the point clown world has reached.

TheSeer ago

That is what is interesting. Those people, who protested against Christians, for wanting to censor subversive culture (MTV, violent films, gore in video games, vulgarity in The Simpsons) were just useful idiots as far as the left was concerned.

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NiggerGuy ago

Christians learned how to (((shut it down))) from their kosher gods.

syntaxaxe ago

No one acts more morally superior.

It's like you've never interacted with the Muslims. It's like you don't know anything about orthodox Jewish religious leaders. It's like you've never spoken to a teenage Marxist.

Delacourt ago

How the Left did it:

Stage 1: A healthy, happy society with strict morals and cultural norms.

Stage 2: The Left comes in and critiques the rigid traditional society, and pushes for more freedom and "tolerance". Freedom isn't a bad thing, so people agree. However the Left uses this new "freedom" to subvert morals and push their own culture. Traditional people are still allowed to exist but they are increasingly marginalized.

Stage 3: Once the Left has secured cultural power, they change the game. Freedom is now bad, and tolerance is only allowed for avowed leftists. Strict morals come back into fashion, but this time they are the polar opposite of the traditional morals in Stage 1.

Freedom was never an end goal for them, it was only a tool to be discarded once it was no longer useful.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

And phrasing things as "rights".

You have a right to say "fuck" a thousand times in your song... a woman has a right to abort her child.... etc...

Timothy Leary made this observation when promoting mass LSD use as part of MKUKTRA. People generally weren't all that interested in heavy psychotropic drugs until he started telling them it was their right to use LSD.

TheSeer ago

Change management 101

They 'melted' or 'thawed' our values, re-molded them, and now is trying to 're-freeze' our 'new norms'.

DontBeRacist ago

The new morality is based in believing in falsehood, that all races of people are the same and so are the genders, and they should therefore be getting all the same results.

Delacourt ago

That's the perfect analogy for it! We think alike.

TheSeer ago

They teach it to business students, on how to change 'corporate values'. So it makes sense they would just take it and apply it to entire nations.

Blompf ago

That was the satanic panic. I'm not sure what the current moral panic will be called, but they'll be ridiculed for generations and we might see real national socialist parties as a result just as we now see real satanic cults as a result of the satanic panic 30 years ago.

TheSeer ago

Maybe we can call it 'the real Satanic panic'?

Creggieb ago

So hatred of both is justified then. The only reason conservative religious types are upset, is due to power loss, not morality

TheSeer ago

LOL, you are hilarious. This is why we are losing, people, because of petty disputes people have with Christians, like this idiot.

Creggieb ago

One form of censorship is no better than the other. "We" lose by pretending that submitting to ANY religious dogma is better than submitting to SJW dogma

Dogma bad. Thinking good. Religion or lack thereof has nothing to do with it.

DontBeRacist ago

Most people are idiots and not capable of thinking or at least not any kind of thinking we would want them to be doing. If they think for themselves, they will think up a bunch of stupid shit. People need to be led and that requires narrowing of options to keep stupid and destructive shit out.

TheSeer ago

In the 80s Christian Conservatives warned us about what was coming. All they got for their troubles was being mocked.

In South Africa, there were white people warning the rest of the populace what black rule would be like. They were publicly shamed and shunned.

I don't agree with censorship, but I don't blame those who didn't know WHAT to do. And I have great respect for those who saw clearly what was coming, but were ignored.

alalzia ago

" The Left "

Professionals on NGO / Intelligence services / state payroll and youth with anger issues and no ideological background . Pawns in the grand game .

"The Right"

Idiots stuck in a world that no longer exists . Pawns in the grand game .

"The Center"

The idea behind the capitalist/socialist state is to protect the property of the rich and police the working class so they do not become dangerous. Sometimes gibs have to be employed .

"The Communists"

That raped the very idea of Marx and achieving communism through the end of the state , Why destroying a hierarchy when you are on top ?

"The Capitalists"

Remember when the factory owners had to make profit and pay their workers enough to buy the shit their factories produced ? ancient history , now all profit is to be made in the financial sector , you know buying and selling bullshit .

Fuck them all .

Phantom42 ago

"The National Socialists."

A small group, worthy of sainthood. Ready to tackle the world's problems, but villainized to the point they will never rise.

"The Hellfire Option."

The final solution. Everyone dies. The world cannot be saved. This is the only correct answer.