once, I bought (China town shop) this figurine of people having oral sex (young and STUPID) the Chines cashier (girl) and another one on stairs were EXCITEDLY chatting (in Chinese) about SOMETHING (my purchase?) while the transaction proceeded. Later (same trip) I encountered a WOMAN peeing in the MEN'S room at a restaurant. I played it cool, peed at the urinal like a MAN, like it was normal. I ended up forgetting to get my takeout order for some reason.
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Quite different to other races, and nationality’s, males.
My eyes do indeed change colour, without the need for image processing by the MSN, or contact lenses for online video hits. You probably just don’t know, as most races and nationality’s males don’t. They don’t have the genes.
If I stay in the dark for around six months my iris’s turn red.
If I go out into the light my iris’s turn blue.
Same as my hair, in the dark, it go’s dark grey and flat, and in the sun, blond and curly.
He couldn’t mimic me if he tried. He’s not even slightly made like me.
Demonise me all you want, the whole world does, and for good reason.
But why would the MSN start manipulating images to make them look like me and white? What’s that about?
I’d never make myself look like a coloured. So why would they make themselves look like a white? Bloody YouTube and it’s attention seekers. They’re just getting stupid now.
Watch his videos. He often wears blue colored contacts.
It may be the case that companies are specifically choosing images where he wears the blue contacts for their own social agenda, but it is certainly not the case that they need to alter his eye color to fo this.
Not necessarily. I dunno about videos but if you look at many of the stills available of him, his eyes have a blue tinge because they're reflecting his monitor. Once you view in full resolution you can see they're brown.
Snapchat goes pretty heavy on the propaganda. They’ve got a lot of garbage content on there, only some of which can be unsubscribed from. NBC and other propaganda outlets are impossible to remove. They push the most degenerate forms of black culture and push feminism prop too. If you see a white guy on there, it’s either a redneck or someone getting hurt in a foolish way.
forget-me-not ago
The source for the image is his own Facebook
EnsignPossible ago
once, I bought (China town shop) this figurine of people having oral sex (young and STUPID) the Chines cashier (girl) and another one on stairs were EXCITEDLY chatting (in Chinese) about SOMETHING (my purchase?) while the transaction proceeded. Later (same trip) I encountered a WOMAN peeing in the MEN'S room at a restaurant. I played it cool, peed at the urinal like a MAN, like it was normal. I ended up forgetting to get my takeout order for some reason.
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Delacourt.
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philmchawk ago
Why are those niggers doing the jew in the bottom right?
Chap ago
White English guy here..
Quite different to other races, and nationality’s, males.
My eyes do indeed change colour, without the need for image processing by the MSN, or contact lenses for online video hits. You probably just don’t know, as most races and nationality’s males don’t. They don’t have the genes.
If I stay in the dark for around six months my iris’s turn red.
If I go out into the light my iris’s turn blue.
Same as my hair, in the dark, it go’s dark grey and flat, and in the sun, blond and curly.
He couldn’t mimic me if he tried. He’s not even slightly made like me.
Demonise me all you want, the whole world does, and for good reason.
But why would the MSN start manipulating images to make them look like me and white? What’s that about?
I’d never make myself look like a coloured. So why would they make themselves look like a white? Bloody YouTube and it’s attention seekers. They’re just getting stupid now.
What a waste of perfectly good Oreo’s.
syntaxaxe ago
Watch his videos. He often wears blue colored contacts.
It may be the case that companies are specifically choosing images where he wears the blue contacts for their own social agenda, but it is certainly not the case that they need to alter his eye color to fo this.
Bastionof_freespeech ago
Yeah the dude apparently photoshopped himself to look white. Snapchat is still full of shit for this
Jewed ago
That's why we put it in the drinking water and have flouride dental treatments. Shaloms.
elphantasmo ago
in video he has a wierd shade of blue eye color. others he does not. ergo he wears colored contacts.
Splooge ago
Not necessarily. I dunno about videos but if you look at many of the stills available of him, his eyes have a blue tinge because they're reflecting his monitor. Once you view in full resolution you can see they're brown.
britt121 ago
That's infuriating!
Nscorpion ago
Snapchat is fully and literally propaganda for degeneracy and nothing more.
blackguard19 ago
Title gore
Womb_Raider ago
Snapchat goes pretty heavy on the propaganda. They’ve got a lot of garbage content on there, only some of which can be unsubscribed from. NBC and other propaganda outlets are impossible to remove. They push the most degenerate forms of black culture and push feminism prop too. If you see a white guy on there, it’s either a redneck or someone getting hurt in a foolish way.
DayOfThePillow ago
Snapchat was pushing pedo propaganda the other day for LGBTQYXPedophilia month.
Splooge ago
Isn't (((Snapchat))) owned by faceberg?
DontBeRacist ago
I think that's WhatsApp
Womb_Raider ago
I could be wrong but I don’t think so. I believe it’s a different owner with a similar agenda.
Ocelot ago
Everything is owned by the Jewish monolith in some way or another.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
drhitler ago
So that's why all his photos look so weird in the news stories, more white hate.
waucka ago
Maybe he wears colored contact lenses in his videos? He seems like enough of a faggot to do that.
Duchozz ago
It's not just LAD Bible. Its the entire front page of Google when you search "oreo toothpaste"
ex-feminist ago
That's just rude
Splooge ago
What the guy actually looks like: https://magaimg.net/img/84md.jpgJPG
toobaditworks ago
Even on fox news:
Derpfroot ago
Jesus fuck...even Fox describes him as a "A Spanish YouTube star."
TheDonaldTrump ago
Looking at this I'm assuming this guy put on lenses and stuff to larp as a white guy and those pics are being used.
Gopherurself ago
Skins ago
Whenever you all get off your asses and participate.
Gopherurself ago
Wherr are you fighting?
subscribetopewdiepie ago
Whatever happened to "beggers can't be choosers"?
ravensedgesom ago
what ever happened to basic human decency?
mudbear ago
wait... what the fuck? he got jailed for giving the guy oreos?
TendiesHitTheFloor ago
bubby963 ago
This happened in Spain
But Spain has a massively degenerate feminist gov so yeah
TendiesHitTheFloor ago
Thought it was China... Swear it was China, meh.
forget-me-not ago
He was born in China but grew up mainly in Spain. Seems like an extreme punishment fitting of China though!
ex-feminist ago
Filled with toothpaste as a prank. A Chinese guy with eyes they colored blue for the headline to blame it on whites
forget-me-not ago
Those are most likely his contact lenses as it came from his Facebook page
ex-feminist ago
Awe forgot that's a thing