RM-Goetbbels ago

Nope. Virge needs to be gassed.

ConcreteGaloshes ago

No. But I might trust people who DON'T try to rewrite history.

HaroldTheGhoul ago

So, here is my thoughts about all of this. I called out Virge because I thought he was copy pasta someone else's popular posts with a bitcoin donation code attached, it seemed fishy. Then, after being corrected, I saw it was Virge posting as OP with his BTC attached and actually someone else going through the work of copying his posts about it omitting it. With my brief dialog with both of them, V and the copy cat, I'm fairly certain He/They are a scammer. Just the wording/things he said either direct to a psychopathic mindset or, well, if its making him money, I guess weird flex but OK. I most def think it might be an organized initiative. But hey, a sucker and his money are soon parted. At the same time, fuck off.

MrPim ago

And lies. And makes a list of 'enemies'. virge is jewish reddit scum.

And remember, those posts are deleted to avoid the DVs. It isnt privacy related. That was admitted to by virge in a PV thread they started.

Themooninthesky ago

Technically it’s his account and can do whatever with it.

But again, it’s his choice. What are his consequences? I get it you have a problem with it but you know you can block users if it bothers you that much.


Morbo ago

Blocking users only collapses their comments in the thread. Their posts still show up and they can still ping you.

think- ago

To my knowledge, they can't ping you.

Themooninthesky ago

Well that sucks. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve got a few that bother me and I’ve blocked them. I don’t seem to see them around anymore. For example. Tallest_skil is my arch nemesis. Hey, voat is a big place.

Phantom42 ago

I don't have him blocked and he hasn't been around in awhile.

Maybe he's finally writing his book.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Far more than we can trust a reddit tier gay faggot who goes around trying to rally troops to brigade another user.

Chadsden ago

How’s it going Virge?

Morbo ago

Who's rally troops to brigade? That's Virge's jew tactics.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Do you know what a morning star is?

Get one and go sit in a bonfire and fuck yourself with it, reddit faggot.

Morbo ago

You seem angry. Did @Virge touch you in your no-no places? Big noses like to do that you know.

Morbo ago

@Virge is the enema of Voat, Putt and all goats who care about free speech.

(No I didn't make a typo.)