Octocopter ago

I dont see Niggervirus as a kike, he is just a shitty half baked troll. About the only time he is being subversive is when he is trying to build up a new alt so he can go "gotcha is just my faggot gaping asshole again".

If he spammed less I would like him more.

NiggerVirus ago

90% chance OP is @Virge

Morbo ago

That's an outright lie! I am @GishKnots. @GhostSkin will back me up on that. Now go fuck yourself in the ear with a container full of speaker wire coated in scrotie, scrotie oatmeal while listening to surround sound all over town brown.

GishKnots ago

I am we together all

Morbo ago

You're two weeks late on this. You need to switch accounts more often and give NiggerVirus a rest.

NiggerVirus ago

I will fight by your side until death

MrPim ago

Dont disparage NiggerVirus like that. He may be retarded but he isnt a subversive kike sent and bent on destroying voat like virge.

NiggerVirus ago

Thanks man! I'm just here to have fun and I don't hurt anyone

MrPim ago

Thats always been my read on it. You may irritate me at times, but I think virge is actively damaging(or trying).

NiggerVirus ago

If anything I try to help people at times. Or at the very least encourage people to do healthy things

virge ago

Morbo, you appear to be short circuiting.

P.S. It looks like Morbo might legitimately be NiggerVirus (he forgot to switch accounts before copy pasting all of NiggerVirus lines): https://voat.co/v/whatever/3255481/18968242

Morbo ago

I'm actually @Virge. I'm also @Mick.

parnellsUprising ago

So you’re outing yourself as a crypto jew then?

Morbo ago

I am @parnellsUprising. I am @Virge. It shut him up, right?

parnellsUprising ago

So you’re just projecting your own mental illness unto others than?

Morbo ago

Why are you talking to yourself? It's me, you.

Themooninthesky ago

I disagree actually. And that’s what’s great. I have my opinions and you have yours. Please ignore them. I won’t.

Morbo ago

That's how free speech works and I support it and your right to choose for yourself. Just be aware that there are always consequences to what we choose.

Themooninthesky ago

Agreed morbo

Mumbleberry ago

The moon in that user's sky is the ass of some obese faggot tea-bagging him.

Themooninthesky ago

Now as for you mumbleberry ITS ON NIGGERFAGGOT! Lol.

Mumbleberry ago

It was there man, I could not resist.

Themooninthesky ago

It’s all good man. I’d down the same.