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YourDumbWhat ago

Why doesn't Trump just pressure the UK to release him?

MtRussmore ago

It is Trump and his administration that has pressured the UK to arrest him. Pompeo had publicly stated when head of the CIA that Assange is a 'non-state intelligence agency' and should be treated as such. Now Trump has allowed this catastrophe to unfold. You can point the blame for what's happening to Assange directly at The Don.

RockmanRaiden ago

A percentage of Trump supporters think Assange is safe, comfortable, and happy thanks to Q. This is the case that snapped me out of it. Trump converting to Judaism months before the first Q post at the behest of Kushner and Ivanka had something to do with that as well. All of it was just another Jew trick.

Trump went to Epstein island.

The1stLantern ago

Citation on conversion please?

RockmanRaiden ago

To be completely honest, a follow up interview with the white house source never occured. The source I have is pretty week in my opinion. My standards are higher than Tru News. However, Trump's behavior and the influence Ivanka and Kushner have on him make complete sense with this in mind.

The1stLantern ago

Hmm. I do appreciate the follow up, though Im a bit dubious of a spurce called "Tru News"

RockmanRaiden ago

That was exactly my feeling. I had to dig for that article and still wasn't satisfied. The YouTube channel I found attached had some disinfo mixed with facts as well, considering the Jew's bias.