A_M_Swallow ago

Julian Assange is probably one of the most evil men on the planet. His life as a spy was pure evil. To stay alive he is betting on the British and American Government are good. Hypocritcy is an evil too.

Glipglup ago

What did he do that was evil?

A_M_Swallow ago

He was a spy. Traditionally carriers the death sentence when caught.

Glipglup ago

Oh let me guess, he was a Russian spy?

fuckyourownface ago

What brand of paint do you huff?

Chap ago

She’s another white woman pedophile. It’s just that it’s legal for white women to be pedophiles. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/2018/10/25/court-says-pedophilia-does-not-apply-because-perpetrator-is-a-woman.html

Just not her son. It she probably proud that he’s been raping children and stuff. White women are like that.

She probably gets kick watch the video of her son fuck little girls. Pedophiles raising pedophiles They know no difference

QPredictedThis ago



fuckthisshit12 ago

Just compare Libya before and after that cunt got involved

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Lesson learned, if you want to expose the corruption of those in power, don't be an fool thinking they won't go after you, make sure you are anonymous.

RockmanRaiden ago

I think it would have been pretty much the same, if not more peaceful, since the combination of MK Ultra and Mockingbird has radicalized a percentage of the population.

MtRussmore ago


Assange Tortured in UK with Drug Used in Skripal Poisoning

Held incommunicado in the UK’s “Gitmo”, a retired USAF Lt. Colonel reports Assange is being chemically tortured with the same drug used in the Skripal poisoning false flag. As Sweden brings back the rape charge, WikiLeaks reminds us this was the plan going back to 2010 as revealed in a Stratfor email.

MtRussmore ago

Karen Kwiatkowski writes that Julian Assange’s “current condition conforms with after-effects of enhanced interrogations. Thank you, Chemical Gina.”

Kwiatkowski believes interrogators were looking for “passphrases used in Wikileaks encryption and virtual private networking, along with times and dates, that can now be researched in massive NSA databases, in order to track down other people involved for more enhanced interrogation, and charges.”

Quasiman ago

Ok Mother .. despite yr son has been labeled a fraud and an Israeli agent, he is in prison as a bail absconder after failing to show up in court in London in 2012, and remaining in the Ecuadorian Embassy for seven yrs to avoid extradition to Sweden on charges of rape & sexual violence, whereas in the face of the recent publicity Swedish authorities say the arrest warrant is still valid and that he must face justice in that country.

YouAreASlave ago

Another zombiekike account awakens.

offender ago

100% a shill account. He's even doing that weird punctuation thing that they always do.

YourDumbWhat ago

Why doesn't Trump just pressure the UK to release him?

Broc_Lia ago

Probably because Trump was accused of colluding with him to "hack" the elections.

MtRussmore ago

It is Trump and his administration that has pressured the UK to arrest him. Pompeo had publicly stated when head of the CIA that Assange is a 'non-state intelligence agency' and should be treated as such. Now Trump has allowed this catastrophe to unfold. You can point the blame for what's happening to Assange directly at The Don.

RockmanRaiden ago

A percentage of Trump supporters think Assange is safe, comfortable, and happy thanks to Q. This is the case that snapped me out of it. Trump converting to Judaism months before the first Q post at the behest of Kushner and Ivanka had something to do with that as well. All of it was just another Jew trick.

Trump went to Epstein island.

The1stLantern ago

Citation on conversion please?

RockmanRaiden ago




To be completely honest, a follow up interview with the white house source never occured. The source I have is pretty week in my opinion. My standards are higher than Tru News. However, Trump's behavior and the influence Ivanka and Kushner have on him make complete sense with this in mind.

The1stLantern ago

Hmm. I do appreciate the follow up, though Im a bit dubious of a spurce called "Tru News"

RockmanRaiden ago

That was exactly my feeling. I had to dig for that article and still wasn't satisfied. The YouTube channel I found attached had some disinfo mixed with facts as well, considering the Jew's bias.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Kek at believing Zognald would ever do anything important

RockmanRaiden ago

Cmon guys. Who are we going to believe? The man's mother or an anonymous source on 8chan who may or may not be another Jew trick?

Broc_Lia ago

or an anonymous source on 8chan

What's this referring to?

RockmanRaiden ago

In it's most simple, technically sound definition, all the Q team really is is an anonymous source, to be looked into and confirmed. My theory is instead of the idol worship, we were all being trained to be journalists. General Flynn, Julian Assange, all these content creators and true journalists out there, that's where the fight is going on. We need citizen journalism. All of us working together.

Gopherurself ago

I will go out like Brenton

70times7 ago

Like a coward surrendering to the police?

Gopherurself ago

Zzz you pussy.

70times7 ago

Youre the one surrendering to the police mate.

Gopherurself ago

I wanna kill them too

70times7 ago

Then your not going out like Brenton.

Gopherurself ago

Then fuck Brenton

The1stLantern ago

Brenton was a fucking tool. If he had actually wanted to make a difference one globoscum is worth 10000 mosques.