wokeasfook ago

I think you need to post this over on Reddit. Goats are basking in the glory or our undeniable victories in our conservative revolution. The left are done and everyone here is happy. Thanks though.

NiggerVirus ago

I actually posted it specifically for you

wokeasfook ago

Right wing revolution. Degenerate kikes being exposed. Defender lefties losing all power and influence. It's like the first day of spring and I'm a spring lamb bouncing around the pasture.

I actually just wrote a new song and I only do that when I'm happy. It's called "all my likes (as in friends, people I like) now hate the Kikes".

NiggerVirus ago

Sing it loud and sing it proud

wokeasfook ago

I have a shut voice but my local church choir have agreed to sing it on repeat at next Sunday service.


Did you get your dog before or after you got through it?

NiggerVirus ago

Before. I actually got the dog Because my ex-girlfriend bugged me about getting one for two years and I finally had to give in because it was so important to her. Took me a full year to bond with the dog, up until that point I looked at it as nothing but a chore. I literally remember the day it happened I was walking him in from taking him to go to the bathroom, I looked at him and I was like holy shit I fucking love this dog. Anyway, we broke up and fate allowed me to keep the dog which I credit a great deal for helping me heal. I'm glad you mentioned it actually because everybody should get a dog even if you are the farthest thing from a dog person like I was.


That's a good story.

NiggerVirus ago

Do you have a dog?


Sadly, I don't.

NiggerVirus ago

Why dont you get one? If you think you're not interested you are I'm telling you dogs are awesome. Just feel me when I say you should get a dog. I'm sending you very strong Vibes to get a goddamn dog when I said that.


My current situation would not permit me to get a dog. I intend to when my circumstances change.

NiggerVirus ago

Well I hope you can in the near future. I think it would bring you some happiness.

bamex ago


NiggerVirus ago

What makes me an asshole. I'm actually pretty nice to everybody here and actually share a lot of personal stuff.

bamex ago

You know exactly what makes you an asshole, asshole.

NiggerVirus ago

For the more I do believe in you. You just need to have a more positive outlook and stop being so negative all the time. That requires work and practice just like any other skill, soon as you're willing to put in that work you will see Improvement in your life.

NiggerVirus ago

It's not a competition but if you think you're down and out I had you beat and I came back from it

bamex ago

Dude, Ill tell you upfront. Everynow and again you make a real post, most the time , hell all the the time its just shitposting with multiple accounts. Your pretty much a cancer most the time. I know your a real dude ( I think ) from some of our past convos. But you know your an asshole.

NiggerVirus ago

Why am I an asshole. I shared something really personal that I thought maybe would provide hope to someone else. Am I a ashhole because I threw it a little humor? When is the last time you shared something personal with no motivation other than trying to help someone else? Maybe you're the asshole.

bamex ago

Umm, look at your fuckin history, then read what I said again. Fuck Im being nice here.

NiggerVirus ago

Because I shit post I'm an asshole. Okay, in that case I'm 20 faggots bent over and ready rolled into one.

bamex ago

Yep, that about sums it up.

NiggerVirus ago

Chrissake man I'm not your enemy , I'm actually your friend.

NiggerVirus ago

Everything I said in this post is absolutely true

NiggerVirus ago

No. I really don't so why don't you stop acting like a woman and tell me upfront.